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Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Task: Bloom’s Taxonomy

Grade Level CAP Domain

Bloom’s Taxonomy Lesson (Cognitive,
Domain Curriculum Guide Code Affective, Technology-Driven Activity
Objectives Psychomotor)

1. EN9RC-IIh-11.1.1 Match diagrams Cognitive 2. The teacher sends the link to a

with their corresponding write-ups. Kahoot! game lobby then presents
Remembering their screen to begin the activity. The
2. EN7LT-II-a-4.1: Identify the Psychomotor students will identify the features by
distinguishing features of literature during clicking on their mouse or screens.
the Period of Apprenticeship

3. EN7WC-I-i-2.2: Retell a chosen myth or Cognitive

legend in a series of simple paragraph

1. EN10RC-IIa-11: Transcode Psychomotor 2. Group the students and ask them to

information from linear to non-linear create an unedited and blind reaction
Understanding texts and vice-versa to the musical work of Edward Elgar
entitled “Salut d’Amour”
2. EN10VC-Ie25: Express insights based Affective
on the ideas presented in the material

3. EN10LC-Ih-14.3: Show appreciation Affective

for songs, poems, and other
listening texts

1. EN8RC-IVd-14.1: Interpret and Psychomotor 1. In a synchronous class, the students

follow instructions, directions, will act out the various instructions,
Applying notices, rules and regulations directions, notices, and rules and
2. EN8WC-IIe-2.2: Develop Cognitive regulations of the teacher. The
paragraphs that illustrate each text students will open their cam and
they may use hand gestures or any
3. EN9VC-IIa-1.4: Establish Cognitive material to aid their interpretations.
connections of events and how
these lead to the ending of a

1. EN9LC-IIIh-12.1 Analyze the Cognitive 3. The students will grouped, then they will be
content and feeling levels of redirected to a Jam Board where they will
Analyzing utterances in persuasive texts analyze and differentiate literary writing
from academic writing.
2. EN10RC-If-21: Compare new Cognitive
insights with previous learnings

3. EN7WC-I-b-4.2: Differentiate literary Cognitive

writing from academic writing

1. EN8VC-IIIf-19: Judge the relevance Cognitive 1. Watch a beauty pageant on the question-
and worth of ideas presented in the and-answer portion on YouTube. Then, ask
Evaluating material viewed the students to make a thesis statement about
a chosen candidate’s answer.
2. EN10VC-IVe-30: Assess one’s Cognitive
viewing behavior

3. EN10LC-IVd-3.14: Summarize Cognitive

important points discussed in the
text listened to

1. EN7V-IV-h-23.2: Create or expand Cognitive 2. Assign the students to create a monthly

word clines budget plan on Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets
Creating Software. Afterwards, task the students to
2. EN7LC-III-i-2.5: Formulate Cognitive make a prediction of their financial status in
predictions about the contents of a span of 5 years.
the text
3. N10OL-IVd3.11: Produce the Cognitive
sounds of English correctly and

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