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Stress Analysis Report

Analyzed File: Revisi BendingV2.iam

Autodesk Inventor Version: 2017 (Build 210142000, 142)
Creation Date: 07/06/2022, 2:05
Study Author: Lenovo

Project Info (iProperties)

Author Lenovo

Part Number Revisi BendingV2
Designer Lenovo

Design Status WorkInProgress

Mass 2,70376 kg
Area 2209410 mm^2
Volume 2481280 mm^3
x=-1136,09 mm
Center of Gravity y=-708,243 mm
z=50,0058 mm

Note: Physical values could be different from Physical values used by FEA reported below.

Static Analysis:1
General objective and settings:
Design Objective Single Point
Study Type Static Analysis
Last Modification Date 07/06/2022, 1:56
Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes No
Separate Stresses Across Contact Surfaces No
Motion Loads Analysis No

Mesh settings:
Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) 0,1
Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) 0,2
Grading Factor 1,5
Max. Turn Angle 60 deg
Create Curved Mesh Elements No
Use part based measure for Assembly mesh Yes

Name Aluminum 6061
Mass Density 2,7 g/cm^3
General Yield Strength 275 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength 310 MPa
Young's Modulus 68,9 GPa
Stress Poisson's Ratio 0,33 ul
Shear Modulus 25,9023 GPa
Hollow panjang BGT 2
Hollow panjang BGT
Hollow Depan Tengah
Hollow Tengah
Hollow Tengah
Hollow pendek BGT
Hollow pendek BGT
hollow seterr 40x20
hollow seterr 40x20
Penyangga Knuckle 40x20
Penyangga Knuckle 40x20
sterr 40x20
Part Name(s) sterr 40x20
penghubung ke ban 40x20
penghubung ke ban 40x20
Bushing Hollow Belakang 40x20
Bushing Hollow Belakang 40x20
Bushing Hollow Belakang 40x20
Bushing Hollow Belakang 40x20
Alas Arrm 40x20
Alas Arrm 40x20
Penghubung Hollow Depan 40x20
Hollow Depan Bolong 40x20
Arm Belakang Kanan
Arm Belakang kiri 40x20
rumah Bearing KANAN
rumah Bearing KANAN
besi knuckle
besi knuckle
Miring Arm Kanan
Miring Arm Kanan
Alas Rollbar Panjang
Alas Rollbar Panjang
Bushing Hollow Belakang 40x20
Bushing Hollow Belakang 40x20
Bushing Hollow Belakang 40x20
Bushing Hollow Belakang 40x20
Penahan Rollbar kecil
Penahan Rollbar kecil
Penahan Rollbar
Penahan Rollbar
roll bar analisis bending
Hollow Tengah Bolong
Hollow Tengah Bolong
Name Steel, Mild
Mass Density 7,85 g/cm^3
General Yield Strength 207 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength 345 MPa
Young's Modulus 220 GPa
Stress Poisson's Ratio 0,275 ul
Shear Modulus 86,2745 GPa
BS 290 SKF- with one low-friction seal SKF 6001-RZ
BS 290 SKF- with one low-friction seal SKF 6001-RZ
BS 290 SKF- with one low-friction seal SKF 6001-RZ
BS 290 SKF- with one low-friction seal SKF 6001-RZ
Rod End bearinng Male
Rod End bearinng Male
Rod End bearinng Male
Rod End bearinng Male
BS 290 SKF- with one low-friction seal SKF 6001-RZ
BS 290 SKF- with one low-friction seal SKF 6001-RZ
BS 290 SKF- with one low-friction seal SKF 6001-RZ
Part Name(s)
BS 290 SKF- with one low-friction seal SKF 6001-RZ
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M10 Type 5
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M10 Type 5
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M10 Type 5
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M10 Type 5
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M10 Type 5
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M10 Type 5
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M8 Type 5
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M8 Type 5
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M8 Type 5
AS 1112 (2) - Metric M8 Type 5
Name Steel AISI 4340 242 HR
Mass Density 7,85 g/cm^3
General Yield Strength 634 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength 826 MPa
Young's Modulus 207 GPa
Stress Poisson's Ratio 0,33 ul
Shear Modulus 77,8195 GPa
Flange pitung V3
as pitung 2
Part Name(s)
as pitung V3

Operating conditions

Load Type Force
Magnitude 260,000 N
Vector X -0,000 N
Vector Y -0,000 N
Vector Z -260,000 N

Selected Face(s)
Load Type Force
Magnitude 700,000 N
Vector X 0,000 N
Vector Y -0,000 N
Vector Z -700,000 N

Selected Face(s)
Load Type Force
Magnitude 300,000 N
Vector X 0,000 N
Vector Y -0,000 N
Vector Z -300,000 N

Selected Face(s)
Pin Constraint:1
Constraint Type Pin Constraint
Fix Radial Direction Yes
Fix Axial Direction Yes
Fix Tangential Direction No

Selected Face(s)
Pin Constraint:2
Constraint Type Pin Constraint
Fix Radial Direction No
Fix Axial Direction Yes
Fix Tangential Direction No

Selected Face(s)
Pin Constraint:3
Constraint Type Pin Constraint
Fix Radial Direction Yes
Fix Axial Direction Yes
Fix Tangential Direction No

Selected Face(s)
Frictionless Constraint:1
Constraint Type Frictionless Constraint

Selected Face(s)

Reaction Force and Moment on Constraints

Reaction Force Reaction Moment
Constraint Name
Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z)
-0,78751 N -0,00346423 N m
Pin Constraint:1 674,753 N -69,3531 N 0,406379 N m 0,169645 N m
671,179 N 0,36926 N m
0,00334649 N 0,00000421401 N m
Pin Constraint:2 0,00335468 N -0,000182335 N 0,000247736 N m 0,000243165 N m
-0,000147189 N 0,0000471827 N m
0,824272 N 0,00150543 N m
Pin Constraint:3 592,823 N 69,0518 N 0,377197 N m -0,232565 N m
588,787 N 0,296966 N m
-0,00133725 N -0,000169686 N m
Frictionless Constraint:1 0,423997 N 0,000171043 N m
0,000558961 N 0,000021278 N m
0,423995 N 0,00000309037 N m

Result Summary
Name Minimum Maximum
Volume 2481350 mm^3
Mass 7,33818 kg
Von Mises Stress 0,00000221873 MPa 1603,72 MPa
1st Principal Stress -539,865 MPa 1919,28 MPa
3rd Principal Stress -1412,29 MPa 666,058 MPa
Displacement 0,0000000359462 mm 2,00385 mm
Safety Factor 0,129075 ul 15 ul


Von Mises Stress

1st Principal Stress

3rd Principal Stress
Safety Factor
C:\CADD\Si Pitung Bending\Revisi BendingV2.iam

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