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Bryan Martinez

Dr. Sharity Nelson

English 1301-102

28 September 2023

Genre Analysis Essay 1 Final Draft

In AIC at TAMIU, there are bulletin boards that keep students updated on events at the

university. On this bulletin board, at the beginning of Fall 2023 semester, there was a flier

advertising a summer boot camp. Get Phit uses the flyer to invite Tamiu students to join a

summer bootcamp to brush up their academic skills, by using these 5 conventions to achieve

their purpose. The 4 conventions are the title, the date and locations, the short paragraph excerpt,

and the qr code, and the demographic.

First of all, the title on the flier is on the very top with a big statement which of course

says “get phit summer bootcamp in person and online". The title may catch off guard because of

the way it's worded. Phit is not a very common word you see everyday. What Phit conveys is it

attracts the audience to want to know more about why it's worded and what Phit means, phit

means “Gaining Equity in Training for Public Health Informatics and Technology”. Right under

Get Phit a large text is shown that says “Summer Bootcamp”, right away that attracts the reader

to want to know more about what this bootcamp is about and what the activities they will brush

on during the summer, as in how summer is usually a break from academics.

To add on, on the right next to the title on the right is a colorful demographic that

exclaims “ Boot Camp”, which tells the audience right as they look at it that the flier is for a

“Boot Camp” and the author makes it known by putting it right next to the title in a different text

font and in a different text color, so the text pops out. Above the title in black with a white
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background it states “Texas A&M International University” the white background with a text

that says “Texas A&M International University” makes it very known who the fliers author is,

and who the intended audience is.

Furthermore, if you look on the right side of the flier the dates and locations are located

in columns. With the dates being in columns it organizes the information and it makes the

information more accessible to the reader. This text in columns is the only text on the flier which

is in a different color, this catches the reader's attention and draws them to the conclusion what's

so important about this information that it has to be in a different color. The dates on the flier go

in chronological order (up to down). The flier dates go from " Monday June 5 - Friday, June 16"

to "Monday, June 12 - Friday, June 23" as it states in the flier. With each in person date comes

the location of where its being held at. " Monday June 5 - Friday, June 16" is being held in “The

University of El Paso '' and the "Monday, June 12 - Friday, June 23 program is being held at

“The University of Arlington”. The eight week program is held at home as it is not in person it is

online but the dates consist of “Monday, June 26- Friday, August 18”. The columns of the

information on the dates and locations of the online and in person programs are separated, the

online dates and time are on the bottom with a heading that states “Online” in bright yellow, and

the inperson information is stated on the top with a heading that states “In Person”

Next, on the left side information is put into short excerpts, this is the last thing the reader

will read as in how the short excerpt is a good chunk of information of what the summer

bootcamp is about.

The heading of the body paragraphs are “In person 2 Weeks” and “Online 8 Weeks” ; these

headings bring attention to them as they are typed in bold. Each short excerpt explains what will

be happening in the time span of the summer bootcamp.

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To close it all up, the flier states 2 qr codes on the bottom. This convention makes it

easier and faster to find more information about the program, especially with class going on. You

can pass by and snap the qr code and the information is on your phone in an instant. The qr code

is located on the bottom in its own section so after the audience is done reading the flier it ends

with the qr code to either “sign up” or “more information” website to learn more about the

program. With the qr code being used it makes it easy to find more information as in how this

generation is all about technology.

In conclusion, this flier which was found in AIC at TAMIU on a bulletin board keeps

students refreshed on their academic skills by inviting them to a summer boot camp during the

summer after spring 2023 semester. It attracts them to join the summer program, by using the 5

conventions which are the qr code, the short paragraph excerpts, the date and location, the title,

and the demographic.

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Work Cited

Texas A&M International University. GETPHIT Summer Bootcamp In Person & Online. AIC

Building Bulletin Board, 2023.

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