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Rachel Zavala-Salazar

Professor Bustamante

English 1301-106

29 September 2023

Analyzing Professional Etiquette Opportunity Flyer for First and

Second-Generation Hispanic Student

The genre analyzed is an informational flyer by the College of Art and Sciences. In TAMIU,

most students are Hispanic first and second generations, which correlates to most of the student's

parents not having more than a high school diploma or even a middle school education. Because

of this, the professional and academic world is a new experience for not only the students but the

families as a whole. Therefore, the students need to learn what to expect from the professional

world, which is why these classes would be beneficial to these students. While the flyer is a way

to present learning opportunities to learn more about the professional world to students around

campus, what it is truly revealing is the need for this sort of education when it comes to the

Hispanic community in Laredo, Texas, where the families of students immigrated from Mexico

usually without having continued education; these students may benefit in professional etiquette

and what to do in these professional settings. This genre intends to reach the audience of TAMIU

students. Specifically, for those interested in continuing their career within their education,

presenting the information in a way that allows readers to see an overview of the information

provided in the heading, information like the date and times, and a brief description of each

session, all within the textboxes.

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To begin with, The features in this flyer meet the audience's expectations for what is

found in this type of genre. Considering the placement of this type of genre is located on a wall

or a pole, it calls for a way to stand out against the other flyers. The genre's author considered

this by providing bold, colorful headings like its title. The context that this feature, in this case,

the header, can be found in is at the very top of the flyer. This part of the text is essentially an

introduction to what kind of information the rest of the booklet provides, allowing the audience

to decide whether or not it is something that would interest them. The author makes their header,

“From Campus To Career”(The College Of Arts and Sciences), more recognizable than the rest

of the text and stands out the way it does by making the font much larger than the rest, placing it

at the very top of the flyer in maroon, bold font. This characteristic allows the audience to

understand the information before reading the flyer. It also allows the author to convey the

message of informing specific types of persons, generally, students who are first or

second-generation and novices in the professional world, continuing a professional career. This

characteristic confirms that the author wants people interested in attending the sessions, and they

can find more information about it if they continue reading once they see the header has

something that interests them. Overall, the characteristic of the heading allows the audience to

get a taste of what kind of information is provided in the rest of the flyer. In this specific

example, the heading pops out because of the color and size in comparison to the rest of the text

and communicates to individuals who want to take advantage of the sessions provided
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Additionally, The author of the genre also provides the characteristic of text boxes to make

the organization for the entirety of the flyer easier to comprehend and less of an info dump. This

organization allows for an easier read and compilation of the details to persuade people to attend.

This characteristic is often found within flyers such as this one to shorten the information to

make the reading of the flyer easier and more efficient. While it is not commonly found in this

kind of genre, if it is, it is a plethora of information, and in this case, each session has its date and

time. Essentially, the flyer provides information about the different sessions available to take all

based on performing better within a career, so because there is an excellent amount of detail that

goes into describing what each session is about, the author makes sure to organize each session

in textboxes that provided the information, date and the time. The flyer has three parts: it is

separated into the top with the heading and the middle, containing each session's textboxes.

Under the time of each textbox, we are provided with a short description of the classes, for

example, the session from 10 00 a.m. to 12 a.m., "walk the walk and talk the talk." (The College

of Arts and Sciences) we are provided with two main categories, the topic of the class, in this

case, professional workplace etiquette and attire, and a description of the session. Using

textboxes, the author organizes the information to make it all put together, making it easier for

the reader to find information about each session. This helps the author convey their message in

getting people to attend the courses and works into the purpose of informing the audience of the

date, time, and course description within each textbox. The textbox format of organization

reveals the author's understanding to make the information presentable so that it won't be

difficult for the reader to understand if they wish to learn more and attend the session.

Essentially, the purpose of these textboxes is for the information of each session to be arranged

in a manner that is easier to read and comprehend

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Moreover, The author uses condensed summaries to compile the information about the

sessions in the text boxes at the bottom of the flyer to get their message across. Summaries of the

presented information are often found in this genre because this type of flyer is often found on a

bulletin board. Hence, it benefits the audience and author by being more convenient to read and

understand the information, especially when the target audience isn't specialized in terms often

used in a professional sphere. In the flyer, at the bottom of the page where the text boxes are,

there are descriptions or summaries of what each session entails. Under the subheading is a

course description; this overview of the session and others allows readers to decide which

courses they feel would benefit them and what to expect when they attend. (. Under the

subheading "Financial fitness; a crash course on budgeting for students and beyond"(The College

of Arts and Sciences), there is a description that states, "Tips for creating a budget tracking

expenses, managing debt, saving money, building credit, and achieving financial goals." (The

college of arts and science)The descriptions of the courses meet the need for the audience to

understand what they will partake in if they decide to attend a session, as well as help the author

convey the message that valuable information is provided in each of these sessions that could

benefit a student. The brevity of the information in the flyers shows the author's understanding of

meeting the needs of their demographic since the audience that the author is targeting would

benefit from a summary of the classes. This characteristic also works in persuading the reader to

attend the session because when the author keeps the descriptions short, it makes it easier for the

reader to understand. Descriptions provided within the genre of each session not only allow the

audience to know what each session entails but it reassure them that no matter how lost they may

feel when entering a professional career, these sessions could help put them at ease by

showcasing that there is information they are looking for available for them.
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Overall, characteristics found are when genre analysis is being explored; it’s essential to

analyze genres to find out the author’s purpose, what message they are trying to communicate,

and to what audience. This genre’s importance lies in its ability to aid students whose families,

unfortunately, haven't experienced the professional world firsthand and could benefit from

having guidance. Because of this, The flyer opts to share opportunities for students who want to

take advantage of them and persuade them to attend by tailoring the information to the target

audience. By having a heading, textboxes for organization, and summarized data, the author

appeals to students at TAMIU, who commonly come from families who have not experienced a

world of exploring careers beyond high school education. The appeal to this community is the

opportunity to learn about the professional world they will experience for themselves and their

families, allowing them to be prepared and confident for it.

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Work Cited

The College of Arts and Sciences, From Campus to Career, TAMIU

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