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Sienna Le

Mrs. Zehentner

ISM 5th Period

6 October 2023

Project Introduction and Purpose Paper

The project revolves around the field of aesthetic medicine, aiming to explain the

understanding of the various minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. My passion in healthcare

and my desire in boost people’s confidence drew me into aesthetic medicine. To immerse myself

in this field, I fortunately found Mrs. Blair Chandler, a certified aesthetic nurse practitioner who

works at Grace Full Aesthetics, as my mentor. Her expertise in aesthetic medicine continuously

inspires me to research my desired career. I am drawn to the work-life balance, flexibility, and

the gratification that Mrs. Chandler gets when working with clients. This mentorship has helped

me in choosing to major for nursing due to how it provided me with firsthand insight into the

healthcare field. I am exposed to the day-to-day realities of nursing, and it allows me to assess

whether it aligns with my passions, career goals, and interests, which in this case, it did.

I’ve chosen to focus my ISM final project on providing educational resources related to

minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. To go in depth, the project would consist of having a

binder or notebook that shows different kinds of injections, along with its side effects, how to do

the procedure, before-and-after photos, and the benefits of it. This would allow individuals who

read into the binder to visually understand these procedures. Along with this, a video of showing

the injections in motion would play with the project. The video will feature Botox, dermal fillers,

and skinny shots.


The primary purpose of my project is to demystify the world of aesthetic medicine and to

offer insights into these minimally invasive procedures. My project would empower individuals

with knowledge and allow them to create informed decisions about their aesthetic treatments and

to engage in more meaningful discussions with their healthcare providers.

To ensure the successful completion of my project, I will follow a systematic approach.

First, I will conduct in-depth research on each of the injection types, collecting data on

procedures, expected outcomes, potential risks, and the benefits. Next, I will speak to Mrs. Blair

Chandler to look at the different procedures in person to visually understand the injections better.

This will inform the content and accuracy of my data and to debunk any confusions I had.

Subsequently, I will create a video presentation of the different injections being in motion and a

binder that consists of before-and-after visuals along with detailed procedure information.

By completing this project, I aspire to empower individuals to make informed decisions

about their aesthetic treatments and to foster a sense of confidence and well-being. Additionally,

I aim to contribute to the broader discourse on aesthetic medicine, promoting safety and

education within the field, while still being able to facilitate a deeper understanding of aesthetic


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