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Santino Zertuche

ENGL 1301-130

Dr. Sharity Nelson

18 October 2023

A Visual Analysis

This poster for the movie Troll’s World Tour produced on April 17, 2020, uses various

elements that work together to accomplish an affective visual to engage with potential viewers.
These elements include positioning, coloring, and composure.

An important element of this poster is the placement of the trolls, and the other

components. Even though we might not think something so small like placement is done

purposefully, it is. Placement can tell us many things about the movie and the characters. On the

poster there is a ring light in the middle surrounded by a wagon wheel of trolls with light beams

separating them. When the audience sees the poster, they are going to unintentionally look at

whatever is taking up more space. If they are giving a larger spot on the poster to one specific

troll this makes it the center of attention, foreshadowing it might be a main character. This shape

is not divided equally, for example the pink troll is on the top and is placed where it is seen more.

The main target audience of this poster is children, which is why they used a variety of

bright and contrasting colors to captivate them. The usage of these colors helps attract the

attention of younger kids since they are playful and exciting tones. The light beams are each a

different color which even includes some glitter. The color of the troll and light beams match

making this more visually pleasing. These colors are also used to show the trolls character since

the color matches the moods they are portraying. The excited happy looking trolls color palate

consist of pinks.

The composure of each troll and the things they are holding tell us about their
personalities deeply. Just by seeing how one of the trolls is grinning we can get to know them

more, for example the red troll with a rock guitar and a smile tells us it is daring and

mischievous. The gold troll that is singing and holding a baton seems kind and gentle compared

to the other trolls. The silver troll that is smiling seems to be ready and excited showing us he

might be a leader or fearless.

In this poster made to promote the new troll’s movie they use many different elements to

help their viewers be intrigued and interested in watching the movie. The usage of positioning,

coloring, and the characters composure are the tools they used to make it visually appealing for
their viewers.

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