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#1 Variable - Teacher’s Instructional Competence

From the observation of Danielson (2014), teachers became
passive when they are depending on teacher-centered lecture
method compared to student centered learning. They also more
focused on student understanding compared to encourage
students with other elements such as classroom environment and
two-way communication.

Research conducted by the Programmer for International

Student Assessment (2014) found that the practices of good
teacher competency have a direct relationship with the parental
involvement and enable to help students to excel in their

Johnetta, Storey, and Zhang (2011) also stated that when

teachers are considered as partners to the parents, it gives
beneficial development to the students.


Passion is defined as personality characteristic related to
being a compassionate person, particularly with learners.
Teacher dispositions are strongly related to student learning and
development (Peterson-DeLuca, 2016).
Showing the students the teacher cares about them helps create a
positive, supportive relationship and helps build an environment
where learning can flourish.

Passion is a strong desire for a specific activity that people

prefer, love, and find important, and through it they occupy their
efforts, energies and time on a regular basis (Vallerand, 2012).

Passion is the interest in learning new things, and it is the

tendency that a person shows toward an activity in which they
invest time and energy. It is an important factor in education
since it not only drives teachers to teach, but also pushes
students to learn efficiently (George, 2016).

Passionate teachers are distinguished by their commitment for

achievement of their students. Teachers with passionate, work
with enthusiasm, their dedication and commitment increase, and
they believe in the importance of their job. establish a good
teacher-student relationship (Mart, 2013).

At whatever educational level, the main goal of instruction is
to fundamentally alter the learner (Tebabal & Kahssay, 2011).

Teachers should use the teaching strategies that are most

effective for their particular objectives and level exit outcomes
in order to speed up the transmission of knowledge. Compared
to student-centered approaches, many teaching professionals in
the conventional era frequently used teacher-centered methods
to convey knowledge to learners. A significant amount of
attention has been generated in the thematic area of educational
research up until this point by concerns regarding the impact of
teaching strategies on student learning stated by; (Hightower et
al., 2011).

Additionally, studies on teaching and learning always look at

how much various teaching strategies might help students learn
more. Surprisingly, teachers' use of inefficient teaching
strategies to impart knowledge to students is substantially linked
to the majority of students' routinely poor academic achievement
(Adunola, 2011). According to extensive studies on the
effectiveness of teaching strategies, student accomplishments
frequently reflect the caliber of the teacher's instruction.

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