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Researcher (R): Good afternoon, miss. Nice to meet you!

I'm conducting a speech perception study

and I was wondering if you'd be interested in participating?

Participant (P): Yes, I'm happy to learn more about the study.

R: Great! The purpose of this study is to investigate the difficulty in perceiving Malay consonants for
Japanese learners, particularly at an early stage of learning the Malay language. We aim to
understand the challenges faced by Japanese learners and improve language education practices.

P: I see. So, what exactly do I need to do if I participate?

R: If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete perception identification tasks. We will
play Malay consonant sounds for you, and your task will be to listen and identify the corresponding
sound by selecting the appropriate option on a computer screen. The tasks will be conducted in a
controlled environment at the resource room. We estimate the session will take place on July 6 at

P: Okay, I think I understand. So, I'll be listening to sounds and selecting the corresponding options on
the computer screen, right?

R: That's correct. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time without
any penalty or loss of benefits. Your privacy is important to us, and all data collected during the study
will be treated with strict confidentiality. Your responses will be anonymized, and only aggregated
data will be reported in research publications. Your personal information will be securely stored and
accessed only by authorized researchers involved in the study.

P: I appreciate the reassurance regarding privacy. I don't anticipate any risks, but could you clarify if
there are any potential physical risks involved?

R: Absolutely. There are no anticipated physical risks associated with this study. However, you may
experience minimal discomfort or fatigue during the task. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, you
can let us know, and we will take appropriate measures.

P: That's good to know. I don't have any further questions at the moment, and I'm ready to sign the
consent form.

R: Thank you for your understanding. Here is the consent form. Please take your time to read it
carefully. Once you've read and understood it, please sign and date the form. By doing so, you
indicate that you have freely consented to participate in the study.

P: I've read the form, and I understand the information provided. I agree to participate.

R: Excellent! Thank you for your willingness to participate and for signing the consent form. Your
contribution to this study is valuable, and we appreciate your involvement. If you have any questions
or concerns during the study, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

P: Thank you. I'm looking forward to being part of the study and contributing to the research.

R: We're glad to have you on board. If you need any further assistance or information, please feel free
to contact us.

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