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Name: Student C (Anonymous)

Age: 16
Strand: ABM

Interviewer: Hello, I am Johanna Beatriz P. Hernandez, a Grade 11 student from Batch 2,

HUMSS 12. and our team are conducting research for our Practical Research I. Thank you for
taking the time to talk with me today. The purpose of this interview is to learn about the learning
strategies that senior high school students at NCST are using towards effective learning. There
are no right or wrong answers. I would like you to feel comfortable saying what you really think
and how you really feel. If it’s okay with you, We will be recording our conversation. Is that okay
with you?

Interviewee: Of course.

Interviewer: Thank you. Everything you say will remain confidential, meaning that only myself
and my teammates and teachers will be aware of your answers. May I please get your name,
as well as your age, and section?

Interviewee: I am (Student C), 16 from ABM.

Interviewer: Thank you! Can I start the interview?

Student C: Sure.

Interviewer: Where do you prefer studying most of the time? In a quiet area or in a noisy area?

Student C: I prefer to study in a quite area because i can focus and i can understand a lesson
easily when there's no distraction and disturbances in my surrounding.

Interviewer: Do you use reference materials when studying or when you want to learn

Student C: Yes.

Interviewer: What reference materials do you often use?

Student C: Sometimes I have handouts about the topic that I am going to study, sometimes I
get data from the internet.

Interviewer: When you’re studying, do you verbally or mentally summarize your lesson?

Student C: Verbally. Because everytime I summarize a lesson, I ccan easily summarize it by

doing it verbally.

Interviewer: Can you understand a lesson or topic that you have read without someone
explaining it to you?

Student C: No.

Interviewer: How?

Student C: Sometimes I to ask my teachers about a certain topic if ever I didn’t understand it.
But I look for some sites that is connected to the topic for me to understand and find an
explanation to it.

Interviewer: Do you prefer studying with a friend or joining group studies before your

Student C: Yes.

Interviewer: Why?

Student C: Because if I am with them when studying, I can mae them explain for the things that
I don’t understand. And if not, I can help them.

Interviewer: What kind of group of people do you like to join with?

Student C: Sometimes I like to join in a funny group of people, sometimes, with my classmates.
But it depends on what the topic is discussed because sometimes, there is a difficult topic that I
need to learn and I like it better when the people surrounds me is quiet.

Interviewer: Do you often imagining scenes or draw pictures in your head when you try to
understand how one thing works?

Student C: Yes.
Interviewer: Can you give a recent situation when you try to imagine scenes or draw pictures in
your head?

Student C: When my teacher at Physical Science teaches about “how does the universe looks
like”, I can see what it looks like in my head.

Interviewer: Do you prefer listening to your teachers when she/he is discussing a lesson or do
you prefer learning by reading textbooks?

Student C: Reading textbooks.

Interviewer: Why?

Student C: I usually listen to my teachers but sometimes, I don’t understand what they are
talking about. So I need text books for me to understand more about a certain topic.

Interviewer: Do you consider yourself as an auditory learner or visual learner?

Student C: I’m a visual learner.

Interviewer: Why?

Student C: Because when I see reports, I can understand it. There are some cases that I don’t
unnderstand when they are talking because sometimes, the teacher is not clear when
explaining something.

Interviewer: When did you know that you’re a visual learner?

Student C: Eversince elementary days.

Interviewer: What techniques or habits are you doing while studying before your examination?

Student C: I love listening to music so I can say that, that is a habit. Sometimes, I eat what I
like. For example, eating candies and drinking regular drinks.

Interviewer: How well do you understand the lesson at school?

Student C: It depends whether the teacher is explaining properly, then I go research it for

Interviewer: Do you think you like learning at school rather than at home or somewhere else?
Student A: I prefer studying at school.

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