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Clean-Up Operation After Ganesh Visarjan at Juhu Beach

Date: 30 September 2023

Ganesh Visarjan is a significant cultural and religious event
celebrated with great enthusiasm in Mumbai, particularly at
Juhu Beach. While the festivities are a beautiful spectacle, they
often leave behind a considerable amount of waste and
pollution on the beach. As responsible citizens and students, it
is our duty to contribute to the cleanliness and preservation of
our environment. This report outlines a proposal for organizing
a clean-up operation after Ganesh Visarjan at Juhu Beach.

Executive summary :
cleaning Juhu Beach brings about a range of positive
achievements, including environmental preservation, enhanced
aesthetics, community engagement, and long-term
sustainability. These outcomes benefit both the local ecosystem
and the well-being of the community, making it a worthwhile
and rewarding endeavour.
The primary objective of this clean-up operation is to:
1. Remove all debris, waste, and pollutants left behind after
Ganesh Visarjan.
2. Restore the natural beauty and cleanliness of Juhu Beach.
3. Raise awareness among citizens and promote responsible
environmental behaviour.
4. Foster a sense of community and civic responsibility.
5. Contribute to the preservation of the marine ecosystem by
preventing the spread of pollution.

Key Strategies:
1. Collaborate with local authorities, NGOs, and volunteers.
2. Procure necessary cleaning supplies and resources.
3. Divide the beach into sections for efficient cleaning.
4. Promote waste segregation and recycling.
5. Conduct educational campaigns for beachgoers.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

 Regular assessments of beach cleanliness.
 Feedback collection from volunteers.
 Adaptation of strategies for improvement.
Cleaning Juhu Beach after Ganesh Visarjan is a commendable
initiative that not only contributes to the preservation of our
environment but also instills a sense of responsibility and civic
duty among students and the local community. By planning
and executing this clean-up operation efficiently, we can make
a positive impact and set an example for others to follow.
Remember that our collective efforts can help keep our beaches
clean and beautiful, ensuring a cleaner and healthier
environment for everyone.
"Keep Our Oceans Plastic-Free, One Beach at a Time."

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