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JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Marbel University

College of Arts and Sciences – Nursing Department
Koronadal City, South Cotabato

Student’s Name: Date: ___________

Year & Section: Area of Exposure: ______________
Patient’s Diagnosis:____________________________________________________________


Sophisticated 4 Competent Partly Competent 2 Not Yet Competent SCORE
3 1
Reader displays Reader displays a Reader displays a partial Reader displays a
sophisticated solid understanding understanding of the text superficial
understanding of the text of the text with clear with some understanding of the
Content with substantial evidence evidence of evidence of constructing text with limited
of constructing meaning. constructing meaning. meaning. evidence of
constructing meaning.

Multiple connections are Connections are A connection maybe No connections are

made between the text made between the made between the text made between the text
Relevance and the reader’s ideas/ text and the reader’s and the reader’s and the reader’s
experiences. ideas/experiences. ideas/ experiences, but ideas/experiences.
is not developed.
Interpretations are Interpretations are Interpretations are not Reader provides no
sophisticated and directly made and generally made and/or supported interpretations or
supported by appropriate supported by by appropriate text evidence of critical
text references. Reader appropriate text references. Reader stance.
takes a critical stance ( references. Reader shows no evidence of
Insights e.g. analyses the may reveal critical critical stance towards
author’s style, questions stance toward the the text.
the text, provides text.
alternative interpretations
and views the text from
multiple perspectives).
Highly effective use of Generally effective Use of language not Major grammatical
language to enhance the use of language always aligned with the errors make the
message; Few if any supports the message; grammatical message very difficult
Language message; minor errors may interfere with
grammatical mistakes. or impossible to follow.
Convention grammatical errors message.
do not interfere with
the message.
Submits on time Submits 1-15 minutes Submits 15 minutes- 1 Reminded to submit
after the due time Hour after due time output. Submits after
without a valid without a valid reason. due time without a valid
reason. reason.

Clinical Instructor:

Signature over printed name/ Date
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
College of Arts and Sciences – Nursing Department
Koronadal City, South Cotabato




Date of


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
College of Arts and Sciences – Nursing Department
Koronadal City, South Cotabato

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
College of Arts and Sciences – Nursing Department
Koronadal City, South Cotabato


2 1
Drug Literature Presented all Presented Presented some Minimal Little or no
● generic, brand drug literature most drug drug literature medication necessary
name,classification, contents. literature contents with information content
dosage, route, Highly contents. some data gaps presented with
frequency and timing, organized. General and some many data gaps.
mechanism, organization. disorganization.
adverse reactions,
side effects and
special precautions
Nursing Interventions All nursing Most nursing Nursing Minimal nursing Little or no
and Health Teachings interventions interventions interventions and interventions necessary
● nursing and health and health health teachings and health content.
considerations, teachings teachings provided are teachings
management and provided are provided are general and less provided.
health teachings in specific to the specific to likely Many data
administering the drug client's the client's clientspecific.
condition. condition. Relevance not
Thorough, Mostly always clear,
concise, relevant, disorganized,
relevant, organized, minimal citation.
organized. concise,Reflection
Critical fairly
thinking thorough.
evident. Some
Citations. citations.
Spelling and Grammar Perfect Mostly correct Several spelling Numerous Little or
● Correct spelling and spelling and spelling and and grammar spelling and no
composition of words, grammar. grammar mistakes. Below grammar errors. attempt at
phrases and sentences. Grammar and with only a college level Well below correct
spelling few writing college level spelling
appropriate to mistakes. expectations. 6- writing and
college level Meets 10 errors. expectations. grammar.
writing college level > 10 errors.
expectations. writing
0 errors. expectations.
1-5 errors.
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
College of Arts and Sciences – Nursing Department
Koronadal City, South Cotabato

Timeliness of Submits Submits 1-15 Submits 15 Reminded to Reminded

Submission ahead or on minutes after minutes- 1 Hour submit output. 2 or more
● The timeframe when the due time. the due time after due time Submits after times to
the student submits without a without a valid due time without submit
his/her output. valid reason. reason. a valid reason. output.


Clinical Instructor:

Signature over printed name/ Date



JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
College of Arts and Sciences – Nursing Department
Koronadal City, South Cotabato

Patient’s Diagnosis:____________________________________________________________
Doctor’s Order:___________________________________

Mechanism of Adverse
Name of Drug Indication Nursing Responsibilities
Action Reactions






Classification Contraindications Side Effects



JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
College of Arts and Sciences – Nursing Department
Koronadal City, South Cotabato


CRITERIA 5 3 2 1 Score
ASSESSMENT All subjective and objective Most subjective and Some subjective and Some subjective and
data is collected and recorded objective data is collected objective data is objective data is
using appropriate and recorded using collected. collected.
terminologies. appropriate terminologies. There is incomplete There is an absence
Additional data is collected Additional data is collected use of inquiry to collect of the use of inquiry
through the use of inquiry through the use of inquiry information to collect information
flawlessly, applying knowledge most of the time, applying relevant to the
about the individual's disease basic knowledge about the individual's disease
and the patient's circumstances individual's disease and and circumstances.
the patient's
DIAGNOSIS It is the accurate interpretation Reflects the adequate Reflects the Reflects that no effort
of the subjective and objective interpretation of the inadequate to interpret
data analyzed. subjective and objective interpretation of the information was
Uses NANDA terminology. data analyzed but is not subjective and applied resulting in a
Uses 2-part statement (PES always the best choice objective data analyzed flawed plan of care.
from the possible and result in a flawed PES format is usually
diagnoses that could be plan of care. PES not complete or used
interpreted from the data. format is not always correctly.
PES format is used complete or used
correctly. correctly.
OUTCOME Measurable criteria are Most of the outcome Some of the outcome Some of the outcome
CRITERIA identified all of the time and criteria are measurable criteria are measurable criteria identified to
contain verbs and time and are identified to and are identified to achieve goals will
elements. The criteria identified achieve goals will lead to achieve goals will lead lead to the resolution
generally are individualized to the resolution or control of to the resolution or or control of the
the patient and will lead to the the related factors that control of the related related factors that
control of the related factors contribute to the nursing factors that contribute contribute to the
that contribute to the nursing diagnosis to the nursing diagnosis nursing diagnosis
diagnosis but are poorly purely by
developed coincidence
INTERVENTIONS Specific interventions can Specific interventions can Interventions Interventions
easily be linked to specific be linked to specific developed can be developed are
outcomes. The interventions outcomes. The linked to specific incomplete.
are realistic and appropriate to interventions are realistic outcomes but may be Inappropriate
the patient's current status and usually appropriate to independent. The interventions may be
the patient's current status. interventions may not included in the plan
be realistic and of care.
appropriate to the
patient's current status
RATIONALE Rationales for each intervention Rationales for each Rationales for each Rationales for each
contain comprehensive intervention usually intervention do not intervention when
scientific reasoning that explain the intervention explain the intervention included do not
succinctly identifies why the adequately and justify its adequately and attempt to explain the
intervention was selected inclusion consequently its intervention and
inclusion can not be
consequently its
inclusion can not be
EVALUATION The appropriate subjective and The appropriate subjective The appropriate Subjective and
objective data is selected and objective data is subjective and objective data is
through review of the selected most of the time, objective data is selected to reflect
interventions related to through review of the selected some of the evaluation without
ongoing assessment. The interventions related to time, perhaps through consideration of the
subjective and objective data ongoing assessment that review of the outcome criteria.
that measures the outcome is reflects adequate analysis interventions related to Subjective and
collected and analyzed ongoing assessment objective data may or
correctly. or perhaps the data may not be collected.
was collected Data collection is not
coincidentally. subjected to analysis
Subjective and
objective data is
collected most of the
time, but there appears
to be no pattern to the
data collection and it is
rarely with
consideration of the
outcomes that are
required to be
JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
College of Arts and Sciences – Nursing Department
Koronadal City, South Cotabato

Clinical Instructor:

Signature over printed name/ Date

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