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Properties of r – rays:

1) r – rays are energetic photons with no charge.

2) There rest mass is zero.

3) They travel with speed of light.

4) They are similar to electronagetic ray but more energetic

5) They produce fluorescence and affect photographic plate.

6) Their penetrating power is very high.

Nuclear Fission:
That type of Nuclear Reaction in which heavy nucleus breaks down into two lighter nuclei with evolution
of huge amount of Energy called as nuclear fission.

When 92U 235 is bombarded with neutrons it splits in to Comparitively lighter nuclei as a result hight amount
of Energy is released as Shown below
92U + 0n1 _____> U
-- Ba + Kr 3n


Q is energy realeased in reaction (92U 235) excited componds barium and krypton are not only intermediate
nuclear but other nuclear may be produced this general change is given as;

Fission Chain Reaction:

If conditions are facoraties then three neutrons produced in fission reaction, produced fission in other
uranium atoms in this way a fission chain reaction is produced as shown in figure belwo. It’s not passible to
start chain reaction in any mass of uranium, the mass required to produce smooth reaction is called critical
mass and volume occupied by their mass is called critical volume. If mass is less than critical mass then
fission chain reaction dies. On the order hand if the mass of uranium is more than it’s critical mass the
reaction will be uncontrolled one and due to it’s faste rate explosion will occur in few seconds. This is
machanism used in atomic bomb.

It two neutron out of three are captured which can be done by cadmium or boron or graphite rods in
nuclear reactors then chain reaction takes btained place at uniform rate and fixed amount fenergy.

Nuclear Fission:
A process in which two light nuclear fuse to together to form heavy nuclear and energy is released is called
nuclear fission. Energy released is called “Ther monuclear fission energy”


When nuclear of hydrogen are combined to form heavier nuclear of helium, energy is liberated. In fission
final mass is smaller than initial mass and defect of mass comparatively greater in fusiom, so energy is
liverated in fusion. It’s very difficult to produce fusiom reaction because two poseitively charged particels
are throught closer to fuse together work has to be done against the electrostatic force of repalsition. This
requires larger amount of energy fuision reactions are under centrolled condition the most promissing
reaction are .

Fusion reaction (3) can produce great amount of energy the row material for reaction is deutrium which is
found in world oceans as heavy water. Fusion reaction is possible in sun and stars because of very high
temperature fusion reactions are basic source of energy of stars.

This process is called proton – proton cycle. In fusion process amount of energy relased is 25 MEV. Another
fusion process is suggested by betha it’s called carbon – nitrogen or simply carbon cycle. This process is
assumed to occur in sun. In this process four proton converts into alpha – particle with carbon acting as
catalyst in reaction. The sequence of reactions taking place carbon cycle are.

Carbon reappeors such that it acts as a catalyst. The energy released in complete cycle is n=more than 26.7

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