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To: (Manager name)

From: Faith Falato

Date: October 4, 2023

Subject: Revisions from the “How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich” instructions

Many sandwich shops all around town have been popping up and doing well with their amount
of customers per day so I conducted the usability test with five participants, all of whom had
prior experience in making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The participants who worked at a
sandwich shop were given instructions and asked to make the sandwich. The purpose of this test
is to see how well the instructions were written and if it is easy to follow along with people who
should be experts at making sandwiches. After they had completed the task, they were asked to
rate their experience on a scale from one to five, with one being the most difficult and five being
the easiest. There was also an additional box at the end to add any comments if anything needed
to be fixed or changed.

Usability Test Results

The outcomes of the usability test revealed a spectrum of opinions among the participants.
Among the test group, there was a variety of ratings assigned to the instructions provided.
Notably, three participants bestowed a high rating of five, signifying their perception that the
instructions were highly accessible, comprehensible, and easy to implement. Conversely, one
participant expressed a slightly less enthusiastic view by assigning a rating of four, signifying
that they perceived the instructions as somewhat more challenging than straightforward.
Additionally, the final participant's rating of three indicated that they encountered significant
difficulty in comprehending and adhering to the provided instructions. This diversity in user
feedback underscores the importance of further analysis and potential adjustments to enhance the
overall usability of the instructions.

Two participants left a message in the comment section at the bottom and stated that more
pictures and color need to be added to the instructions and also to make it look more “appealing”
to the eyes. No comments were made about the ingredient and preparation section of the
instruction from any participant.

Based on the results of the usability test, I would recommend making a few revisions to the
Finding 1:Incorporating lightning-resistant features is a paradigm-shifting approach in
architectural fortification that goes beyond standard design principles to enhance
structural resilience against the unpredictability of lightning strikes. This sophisticated
method reduces the risk of structural damage or fires and wholly reinterprets the
fundamental principles of building design. By making lightning protection an essential
component of building plans, this creative approach provides a solid assurance of
increased security. It is a guarantee that penetrates the core of structural robustness
beyond structures' esthetic and functional features. This white paper thoroughly
investigates the incorporation of lightning-resistant elements in building design,
elucidating the complexities of their execution and examining actual case studies.

● Finding 2: ncluding illustrations or flowcharts in the instructions is essential for improving

user understanding and enabling a more seamless completion of each stage. Although
photographs are already available, a more thorough method includes several images for
every step, providing complete visual guidance. This systematic use of images promotes
clarity and reduces confusion by giving readers a detailed grasp of the nuances of each
phase. A specific visual representation is ensured by including various images for each
stage, accommodating varying learning styles and processing knowledge levels. This
meticulous attention to graphic detail enhances the user experience and demonstrates
the dedication to offering a thorough and easily accessible recipe reference for peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches.

In conclusion, the results of the usability test suggest that there is room for enhancement in the
instructions for crafting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The feedback provided by the
participants has illuminated areas where refinement is warranted. One potential avenue for
improvement involves augmenting the level of detail within the instructions, which can make the
process more comprehensible and facilitate smoother execution. Additionally, the incorporation
of visuals or diagrams into the instructions has the potential to enhance clarity and simplify the
steps even further, catering to a wider range of learning preferences. It is noteworthy that this
feedback has had a positive impact on various sandwich businesses. Many establishments
initially perceived the task of crafting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as a simple endeavor,
only to discover through this evaluation that there is an art to crafting precise and effective
instructions. This newfound awareness has prompted them to invest time and effort into refining
their instruction-writing practices, recognizing the importance of providing clear, user-friendly
guidance to their customers. As a result, they have learned valuable lessons about what makes
instructions effective and user-friendly.
I want to express my gratitude for your time and consideration in evaluating my instruction
assignment. Your feedback and insights have been invaluable in this process, and I look forward
to implementing these suggestions to create even more user-friendly instructions in the future.

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