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A Research Study Presented to the Faculty of the College of Allied Medical Health

and Science-University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos


This study explores coping mechanisms used by nursing students to manage stress and

improve their well-being. Using a combination research method, it aims to understand the

diverse coping strategies used by students across various academic settings. Preliminary

findings suggest that nursing students often use problem-focused and emotion-focused

strategies, such as time management and academic support. The study also aims to

identify variations based on demographic factors. This research can inform the

development of targeted interventions and support systems to enhance the resilience and

well-being of nursing students.

Chapter 1


Coping mechanisms for students dealing with stress are essential for maintaining their

mental and emotional well-being while managing various stressors that come with

academic and clinical practice. Stress is a common experience among students, given

pressure of exams, assignments, and clinical exposure. As a student, we also experienced

struggles and challenges regarding academic performance including time management,

effective study techniques and financial problems. When utilized accurately, these

techniques can help nursing students develop personally and improve capacity to deliver

high-quality patient care. Through a thorough analysis of these coping strategies and their

effects, we aim to learn important things about the struggles and perseverance of nursing

students throughout their academic careers. In addition, as students, we manage the many

challenges and stresses of academic life, and coping methods serve a crucial role in our

lives. Stress can frequently be brought about due to the increased academic obligations,

social stress, and personal responsibilities in higher education. Students develop a variety

of coping mechanisms to deal with these challenges and reduce the negative effect on

general well-being.

This study focuses on the many coping strategies that students use, how effectively they

work to deal with stressors, and the effects they have on student well-being. We aim to

learn more about the coping mechanisms students utilize and how these strategies affect

their academic performance and emotional health. Coping has been viewed as a

stabilization viewpoint that could help a person in psychosocial adjustment over the span

of stressful occasions. Coping strategies utilized more than once by learners to minimize

levels of stress include effective time management, social help, constructive reassessment

and commitment in comfortable interests. (Ahmadi et al., 2018).

Main stressors identified included stress through the caring of patients, assignments and

workloads, and negative interactions with staff and faculty. (Labrague et al., 2018)
The act of adapting cognitively and behaviorally to external or internal stressors that an

individual views as threats to their well-being would come to be recognized as coping.

The level of how a stressor could affect an individual's physical, psychological, and

behavioral outcomes has been considered by coping mechanisms.

Statement of the problem

This research aims to determine the coping mechanisms of Nursing Students of

University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos, determining coping mechanisms among

nursing students, focusing on the specific strategies utilized and factors influencing their

decision. Nursing students have to deal with emotional stressors, clinical responsibilities,

and academic pressures.

1.What are some common coping mechanisms that students use to deal with academic


2. What is the level of impact of stress in the coping mechanisms?

3. How do nursing students balance their academic workload, clinical responsibilities,

and personal life while maintaining their mental and emotional well-being?

4.How do nursing students handle the emotional and ethical dilemmas that can arise in

healthcare settings, and what coping mechanisms do they employ in these situations?

Significance of the study

This research aims to determine the level of effectiveness of coping mechanisms of

academic performance of students from University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos is

deemed beneficial to each of the following:

Students. As students in the university, this study can help them to be aware if their

coping mechanisms are effective and has a good effect in their academic performance.

Faculty: Considering faculty members' methods of coping is essential to improving their

professional satisfaction and productivity. Effective coping mechanisms can help faculty

members avoid being consumed, be more satisfied with their position, and be more

productive in their teaching and research.

College:The academic performance of a college's students and the satisfaction and

effectiveness of its faculty are frequently associated with the college's goodwill. Good

results about coping strategies can enhance effect in their academic performance.

Other Researchers. This research can be a reference to another research if ever some

future researchers in the University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos decide to make a

study related to this research.

Scope and limitation

This research gather from nursing students of University of Negros Occidental Recoletos

Mental health problems are based on self-report to brief screens, and the sample is from a

single university.

Research instrument/ methodology

Quantitative methods such as questionnaires will be conducted comparing the coping

mechanisms used by nursing students from 4-year levels.

Definition of terms

Academic Performance. Conceptually. Academic performance is the knowledge gained

which is assessed by marks by a teacher and/or educational goals set by students and

teachers to be achieved over a specific period of time (Narad & Abdullah, 2016).

Operationally. It is composed of the grades of the students from written works, quizzes,

exams and related learning experience grades from duty on hospitals.

Coping Mechanisms. Conceptually. Coping mechanisms are cognitive and behavioral

approaches that we use to manage internal and external stressors (Algorani & Gupta,

2021). Operationally. Methods that students use to lessen stress and be able to cope up

with their academic and duty related stressors.

Clinical instructors. Conceptually. The clinical instructor (CI) is an important part of the

quality clinical experience for the student. They are charged with the task of aiding the

student in transferring the knowledge learned in the classroom to the practice setting.

(Niederriter, 2017) Operationally. Refers to clinical instructors of nursing students in the

University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos.

Impact. Conceptually. Impact is the action of one object coming forcibly into contact

with another and a marked effect or influence. (Oxford Dictionary, n.a) Operationally,

refers to effect of the coping mechanisms of the students in their academic performances.

Stress. Conceptually. can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a

difficult situation and is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges

and threats in our lives (World Health Organization, 2023)

Independent Variables
Students. Conceptually. A student is someone who is enrolled in a degree-granting
1. Students
2. University of
program (either undergraduate or graduate) at an institution of higher learning and
Negros - Occidental
registered full-time according to the definition of his/her respective academic institution,

and who is not employed full-time." (International Association for Energy Economics,

2023) Operationally. Refers to nursing students of the University of Negros Occidental -

Recoletos that is enrolled in school year 2023-2023.

UNO-R. Operationally. Refers to the University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos

wherein some selected students are the participants of this study.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

This phenomenological study was founded on Neuman’s theory.The primary concept of

this theory is based on the student’s relationship to stress, reaction to it, and

reconstruction factors that are dynamic. Neuman’s nursing theory consists of energy

resources that are surrounded by three thing several lines of resistance, which represent

the internal factors helping the patient fight against a stressor the normal line of defense,

which represents the patient’s equilibrium and the flexible line of defense, which

represents the dynamic nature that can rapidly change over a short time.

This Theory provides the framework for understanding the idea of adversity by

delineating the relationship between parts and whole, the effects of circumstances, and

the students contact with his or her environment.

Dependent variables

Neuman System model is an effective model which
1. Academic can be apply in Students
stress whoMechanisms
Coping are of
2. Simultaneous duty on students
academically challenged.Stress has multiple stressors.Nurses have a key reduction of
3. Financial problems
theses stressor by applying prevention as an intervention of Neuman system model.

Conceptual Framework

This study used Betty Neuman's Systems Model is a nursing theory that explores stress

responses and their impact on health. It consists of four components: client/patient,

environment, health/well-being, stress response, coping mechanisms, individual factors,

interpersonal factors, and institutional factors. The model suggests a positive correlation

between effective coping mechanisms and academic performance.

D. Review of Related Literature

D. C Rettew, E. W. McGinnis, W. Copeland et al. (2021) discovered that stress levels

were higher among students who had high levels of irritability, a personality trait marked

by anxiety and negativity.Environmental variables that are significant in explaining stress

among university students include specialization, living set up, social support, and
Level of effectiveness of coping mechanisms of nursing students in UNO-R
campus resources.A study of L. McLean, D. Gaul, and R. Penco,(2022) that stress levels

were higher in students who reported having less social support.Stress levels among
college students can also be significantly anticipated by coping strategies. Individuals'

coping mechanisms for stress and negative emotions are referred to as coping styles.

Stress and distress are not properly managed, they can have a significant negative impact

on students' lives by lowering their quality of life and increasing their level of

dissatisfaction with life in general.It also leads to mental health problems such as sleep

disturbances X. Deng, X. Liu, and R. Fang (2020) and depression N. Al Battashi, O. Al

Omari, M. Sawalha, S. Al Maktoumi, A. Alsuleitini, and M. Al Qadire (2021).


Leodoro J. Labrague, Denise M. McEnroe-Petitte, Donna Gloe, Loretta Thomas, Ioanna

V. Papathanasiou & Konstantinos Tsaras (2018) A literature review on stress and coping

strategies in nursing students, Journal of Mental Health, 26:5, 471-480, DOI:


Niederriter et al. (2017), Nursing Students’ Perceptions on Characteristics of an Effective

Clinical Instructor, Sage Journals, Retrieved from

Zandi, S., Khorrami-Markani, A., Ghobari-Bonab, B., Sabzevari, M., & Ahmadi, N.

(2018). Religion, culture and illness: A sociological study on religious coping in Iran.

Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 21(7), 721–736.

Zandi, S., Khorrami-Markani, A., Ghobari-Bonab, B., Sabzevari, M., &

Ahmadi, N. (2018). Religion, culture and illness: A sociological study on

religious coping in Iran. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 21(7), 721–736.

X. Deng, X. Liu, and R. Fang, “Evaluation of the correlation between job stress

and sleep quality in community nurses,” Medicine, vol. 99, no. 4, 2020.

N. Al Battashi, O. Al Omari, M. Sawalha, S. Al Maktoumi, A. Alsuleitini, and

M. Al Qadire, “The relationship between smartphone use, insomnia, stress, and

anxiety among university students: a cross-sectional study,” Clinical Nursing

Research, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 734–740, 2021.

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