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LAGRO, S.Y 2018-2019

A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
Senior High School
Lagro, Quezon City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in Practical Research II
For the Strand of


Abanes, Leonalyn G.
Britanico Valery T.
Jardiolen, Aileen B.
Marin, Ma. Angelica E.
Palisoc, Robelyn G.
Robles, Lorie Jane M.
Sofocado, Joenard M.
Valderrama, Arvin
Valmores, Ailyn B.

September 28, 2018

Chapter I



Today, education has been assigned as an industry for human resource

development for different walks of life. The students constitute the heart of the

education system and they are the most affected ones by the strengths and

weaknesses of the education system. The students form an identical subgroup

compared to others in the society. Some of the most common risks faced by a student

during his/her senior high school days are psychological, emotional, social, academic,

and career risks.

Stress is a very familiar condition faced by the students when they are unable to

bear the risks involved in higher education. The main sources of stress are academic

and time concerns, fear of failure, classroom interactions, and economic issues. Apart

from this, the parental system also affects a lot to these students. The parents have

unlimited expectation from their children and therefore they impose their own desires on

them. The impact of these influences results in a number of students reporting

emotional problems, anxiety, stress, and other neurotic problems. They are often found

in frightening, abusive, depressing, threatening, competitive, unpredictable, and

confusing situations. The percentage of suicides is more among the students compared

to the other ones and these suicides are mostly associated with academic failure or

under achievement.
A coping style can be effective at one age but may be totally unsuitable at

another age. In the similar way, a particular coping style may be totally appropriate in

one situation while inappropriate in another. The flexibility and situation appropriateness

of effective coping should be explored further. This may be determined to a large part of

cultural expectations on the other hand, individual vulnerabilities set limits to ones

coping. Therefore, it is mandatory to understand that how coping ways adopted by

college students differ from other students who experience the significant stress; their

perception of handling the psycho-social problems effectively might help in the planning

of intervention services.

Thus, the present study is made to understand the ways in which students differ

in coping with significant stress experienced by the students and to examine the

different ways of coping strategies adopted by them.Stress itself has the effects to

trigger someone’s capability of taking care of themselves by simply having lack of

motivation to continue their life. This study would like to know the effects of stress to the

students of SASN Lagro and how they cope with it in a day to day basis.

Background of the Study

The very mention of the word ‘stress' brings thoughts such as increased rate of

depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, and other potentially life-threatening issues

to one's mind. Oftentimes, a student rushes to pass all the school works and also

having household chores. Everyone, students included, experience stress at one

moment or another and in a variety of ways. Studies conducted to establish how stress
affect performance of students have convincingly shown that, while low levels of stress

can improve concentration for short periods of time, too much stress affects students


It affects your ability to concentrate, causes sleep disorders and leads to

depression. Stress is bad. In fact, many of the responses to stress such as quickened

heartbeat, increased breath intake, and heightened brain function are all responses

aimed to help a person survive a dangerous situation. And also support by study of

Shankar, N., & Park, C. (2016) studies demonstrate high levels of psychological

problems due to students' stress overload. These issues include anxiety, panic

attacks, and depression (Eisenberg, Hunt, Speer, & Zivin, 2011). Mental health service

utilization among college students in the United States.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The study proposes the concept that students’ affected in stress to their health

must be specified for a deep understanding as reasonable individual as properly guided

by their teacher and parents to teach and apply the learning concept about stress

coping mechanism to help the students learn to have effective ways to be more

confidence and productive.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study


 Effects of Stress  Survey  To know the

to the Health of questionnaire effects of stress
the Student to the health

 How the stress  To know the

coping effectiveness of

mechanism stress coping
help the mechanism
students who
experienced  To help the
stress students who

In figure 1, it shows the problem that will be determined by the researchers; the

effect of stress to the health of the student and how the stress coping mechanism may

help the students, this problem identified by survey questionnaire to know the effect of

stress and what will be the effect of stress coping mechanism.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profiles of the students in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender

1.3 Strand

2. What are the effects of stress to the health of G12 students of SASN Lagro?

3. What are the coping mechanisms of students in SASN Lagro in handling stress?

Assumption of the Study

The following are the assumption of the study:

1. The demographic profile of the students in SASN Lagro in terms of age, gender, and

strand of students has significant effects to their health.

2. Stress has significant effects to the health of G12 students from SASN Lagro.

3. The students in SASN Lagrouses different strategies to cope with stress.

Significance of the Study

This study beneficial to the following:

School administrator. The study will serve as a basis to the administrator on how they

should communicate and encourage students by supporting them and school activities

that will develop within themselves.

Teacher. This study will be given intervention program through the support of the

school management in order to cope with whatever stress they have towards school.
Parents. This study will make them aware about the well-being of their children, and in

doing so they may be able to give them a satisfactory treatment or approach necessary

to cope with stress their children experiences.

Students. This study will enable to determine the level of stress and develop personal

strategies to reduce stress. They will have enough knowledge about stress and will

have an idea on how to overcome it.

Future researcher. This study will serve as a reference to a similar study in the future.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focus on the topic of stress and its effects to the health of the students

also, this study focus primarily to the G12 students of SASN Lagro due to the reason

that it much convenient for the researchers to gather data easier. Respondents are of

different strand with usual life. This study focuses in identifying the stress coping

mechanism that every student used to overcome the stress that they encountered.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance - is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

achieved their short or long-term educational goals. May be affected by the stress
Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event

or something with an uncertain outcome. The feelings of tension cause by academic


Coping mechanisms - are ways to which external or internal stress is managed,

adapted to or acted upon. Possible strategies of Grade 12 students in SASN Lagro to

cope with stress.

Depression - is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of

interest. Possible effect of stress to the Grade 12 students.

Effects - something that is produced by an agency or cause. The result or consequence

of one specific action.

Health - the state of being free from illness or injury. Can be affected by the stress.

Students - a person who takes an interest in a particular subject who is studying at a

school or college. The one who experience stress.

Stress - is when you feel under pressure to do something and think you will fail. The

condition experience by the Grade 12 students.


Academic achievement. (2018, August 14). Retrieved from

Department of Health & Human Services. (2014, September 30). Stress. Retrieved from

Depression (major depressive disorder). (2018, February 03). Retrieved from


(n.d.). Retrieved from

ph&biw=360&bih=249&ei=62KoW8_VIIWdhwP98ZrIDw&ins=false&q=definition of

student&oq=definition of student&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-



(n.d.). Retrieved from

ph&hl=en-PH&authuser=0&ei=h12oW6T_CMKwaaSymogN&ins=false&q=meaning of

anxiety&oq=meaning of anxiety&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-



(n.d.). Retrieved from of

health&rlz=1C1AOHY_enPH811PH811&oq=meaning of

Stress and Coping Mechanisms - How the body responds to Stressors. (n.d.). Retrieved

Chapter II


This chapter shows the related literature and study of this study. Especially this

chapter contains foreign literature, local literature, foreign study and local study will

improve the research study.

Foreign Literature

Stress defines as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from

adverse or very demanding circumstances. And also in medical term stress is a

physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. There are

cause or influence the course of many medical conditions such as depression and

anxiety. According to the study of Waghachavare, V., (2008) stress could lead to

psychological problem like depression and anxiety, and there are objective of his study

to assess stress among students of various professional colleges and his study shows

that, along with academic factors, and health problems an important role in the

development of stress. But not all stress cause a negative factor in study of Goldberg,

J., (2018) stress is actually a normal part of life, at times if serves a useful purpose. But

half of Americans say they fight with friends and loved ones because of stress, and

more than 70% say they experience real physical and emotional symptoms from it.

Labrague (2016) signifies that the main cause of stress to the students were through the

assignments and negative interactions with classmates and teachers. But there are

strategies to resolve the stress one of the common coping strategies utilized by
students are developing strategies to resolve problems, adopting various strategies to

solve problems and finding the meaning of stressful events. Folkman, S., & Lazarus, R.,

they defines coping as “constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage

specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing.” And according

to the study of Scott, E., (2017) there are two main types of coping strategies and

solution-focused coping strategies. Like maintaining a sense of humor and cultivating

optimism, where the situation does not change, but your perception of it does. The

study “Humor and Mental Health using Humor to cope with stress”. Frued pointed out

that humor offers us a healthy means of coping with life stress. And in the book of

Vaillant, G., humor was a very effective coping mechanism used by many professional

under stress. According to the study of Scott, E., (2017) she supported her study (2017)

about types of coping strategies that being optimism, always seethe brighter side of

things, you may feel that experience more positive events in your life than others, find

yourself less stressed, and even greater health benefits. According to the of Healy, C.&

McFay, M.,(2008) using humor in coping stress is effective on the stress-mood

relationship and it is significant.

Local Literature

Stress is usually problem of people most specially students according to the

study of Dy, M., (2017) all students, regardless of their academic classification pointed

out that academics, workload due to subjects, and time management were their main

stressors. They all reacted to stress with affective stress responses. These patterns can

be monitored to maintain the psychological and physical well-being of adolescent

students. And according to Mazo, N..(2015) school requirements and project is the most
common cause of stress the sleepness rights are the common effect of stress and they

affect to their health it support by the study of Ashley, (2018) that  homework is one

factor that causes students to stress, but some local school officials have found a way

around that. Teens need about eight to 10 hours of sleep each night, according to the

National Sleep Foundation, but only about 15 percent are getting that amount. During

the school week, most teens will get about six hours of sleep a night, according to

the U.S. News. But not only schoolwork that cause stress according to the study ofBulo,

J.,& Sanchez, M., (2014), students are exposed to many problems from family,

financial, peers, and school environment. As he proceeded, continued and finally ended

his courses enrolled in college, various stressors hamper the successful attainment of

his primary and secondary goals. There are common stressors that affect students:

intrapersonal, interpersonal, academic and environmental stressors. It also affect of

there lifestyle according to Tamanal, J.,(2017) stress related problems associated with

lifestyle are increasing among Filipino adolescents in middle school and high school.

Students have been identified as the most vulnerable groups being linked to the high

risk of engagement to negative behavior between male and female it is significant

relationship of perceive stress to lifestyle.

There are many way to cope up to the stress according to (Mazo G., 2015)

“listening to the music is the common stress coping mechanism” and added by study of

Martin, B., (2008) Exercise was identified as the most effective coping mechanism for

both genders; however male utilized getting away more frequently, while woman used

exercise most frequently.

Foreign Studies

Academic Stress Broadly speaking, “a student’s life is subjected to different kinds

of stressors, such as the pressure of academics with an obligation of success, uncertain

future and difficulties envisaged for integration into the system” (Shaikh et al., 2004, p.

347) but exactly, what is meant by academic stress? According to MacGeorge, Samter

and Gillihan (2005), it is a mental and emotional pressure, tension, or stress that occurs

due to the demands of college life (as cited in DeDeyn, 2008). Similarly, Wilks (2008)

believes that “academic stress is the product of a combination of academic-related

demands that exceed the adaptive resources available to an individual” (p. 107).

Hussain, Kumar and Husain (2008) made a conclusion that “academic stress not only

impedes academic performance but also adjustment to a greater extent” (p. 72) and as

early as 1985, Whitman already believed that even personal growth requires some form

of stress, the ability to cope by a student can still be affected by the amount of stress

especially when it is overwhelming. But as concluded by Malik and Balda (2006), it is a

requirement to fight stress to survive and for Agolla and Ongori (2009), since students

are regarded as future leaders, the society is being denied of future leaders when there

is something that interferes with their well-being.

Brown, L., (2008) signifies to the stress related to the academic task is caused by

academic cultural differences, particularly in regard to critical evaluation and

participation in discussion in class, and by language ability but in the study of Leonard,

M., (2015) the academic, athletic, social, and personal challenges have been regarded

as domains of "good stress" for high school aged youth. However, there is growing

awareness that many subgroups of youth experience high levels of chronic stress, to
the extent that it impedes their abilities to succeed academically, compromises their

mental health functioning, and fosters risk behavior. In study of McEwen, B., (2008)

Chronic stress can promote and exacerbate pathophysiology through the same systems

that are dysregulated. The burden of chronic stress and accompanying changes in

personal behaviors (smoking ,eating too much, drinking , poor quality sleep, otherwise

referred to as a lifestyle) is called allostatic overload.

There are main cause of stress among health of the students according to the

study of Othman, C., Farooqui, M., Yusoff, M., & Adawiyah, R., (2014) about stress

among Health science students, showed satisfactory level of psychometric property in

the health science studies. The main source of stress was the academic related

stressor conclusion Academic requirement is the major stressor for the students.

Local Studies

Stress is very serious problem in our life they lead to depression and if is not

resolve immediately it may cause suicidal. According to the study of Mills, H., (2010)

stressmay show relatively mild outward signs of anxiety, such as fidgeting, biting their

fingernails, tapping their feet, etc. In other people, chronic activation of stress hormones

can contribute to severe feelings of anxiety (e.g., racing heartbeat, nausea, sweaty

palms, etc.), feelings of helplessness and a sense of impending doom. Thought patterns

that lead to stress (and depression, as described above) can also leave people

vulnerable to intense anxiety feelings. According to (Aldwin, 2014) "There are a number

of ways chronic stress can kill you,". That includes increased levels of cortisol, often

referred to as the stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels interfere with learning and

memory, lower immune function and bone density, and increase blood pressure,

cholesterol and heart disease. But don’t be hopeless there are solution to the stress

according to the study of Scholle, A., (2015) stress was a survival skill during brief, life

threatening situations. Once the danger passed, their stress levels lowered. However, in

today’s world, we are constantly bombarded by stressors, such as work deadlines,

traffic, and family obligations. We rarely get a break long enough to relax and relieve the

stress. The over-activation of our stress hormones have been linked to high blood

pressure, heart attacks, lower immunity, depression, anxiety, and more. There are five

(5) ways to relieve your stress 1) Eat well according to Dr. Mark Hyman  eating whole,

real foods restores balance and reduces the effects of stress on your body. Replacing

harmful substances such as caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugars, with clean proteins,

fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats helps regulate your hormone levels, including stress

hormones. 2) Shanking and Dancing  quickest way to relieve stress is to

release endorphins through exercise. An easy way to do this is through shaking and

dancing, a form of expressive meditation that loosens your joints as well as clears the

mind. 3) Get a good night’s sleep- sleep and stress tend to cause a vicious cycle – if

you’re stressed, then you can’t sleep, which makes you ill-prepared to handle the

stressors of the next day, leading to more stress 4)Guided Imagery the body responds

in essentially the same way to made-up imagery as it does to real experiences. Positive,

relaxing images can be an effective tool for relieving stress and last 5) B R E A T H

EWe do it all day, every day, and yet we often forget the healing powers of deep

breathing. By slowing down your heart rate and lowering blood pressure, breathing

deeply relieves stress


Foreign Literature

Adewuyi, T. (2011). Stress and on-line registration among fresh students in Lagos


Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw.

(Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: E7720. (n.d.). doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f

Know more. Live brighter. (n.d.). Retrieved from

National Center for Biotechnology Information. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Scott, E. (n.d.). Coping Strategies to Manage Stress Levels. Retrieved from

Waghachavare, V. B., Dhumale, G. B., Kadam, Y. R., & Gore, A. D. (2013, August).

Retrieved from

Local Literature

5WaystoRelieveStress. (2017, June 22). Retrieved from

Figure 3a from: Wa Maina C, Muchiri D, Njoroge P (2016) A Bioacoustic Record of a

Conservancy in the Mount Kenya Ecosystem. Biodiversity Data Journal 4: E9906. (n.d.). doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e9906.figure3a


Foreign Studies

Central effects of stress hormones in health and disease: Understanding the protective

and damaging effects of stress and stress mediators. (2008, January 30).Retrievedfrom

Healy, C. M., & McKay, M. F. (2008, October 09). Nursing stress: The effects of coping

strategies and job satisfaction in a sample of Australian nurses. Retrieved from




Local Studies


(n.d.). Retrieved from Profile Among





(n.d.). Retrieved from Stress Factors





Stress Coping Mechanism and Its Impact to their ... - IJIRMF. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The relationship of perceived stress and lifestyle choices ... (n.d.). Retrieved from
Chapter III


This chapter contains the research design and methodology. It includes the

sources of data to be used, sample of the study, instrument or tools for data collection,

validation of the instrument, and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study uses the descriptive research design in order to determine the effects

of stress to the health of Grade12 students in SASN Lagro. It describes data and

characteristics about the phenomenon being studied. This research method will use

frequency, weighted mean, and percentage as statistical calculations, to present using

tabular and textual forms.

Population of the Study

The total populations of the Grade 12 students in SASN Lagro is 319, upon the

computation of SLOVIN'S FORMULA the researchers arrived at 177 sample size of


Sampling Technique

This study uses stratified random sampling because it involves the division of a

population into smaller groups known as strata. The strata is formed based on members

shared attributes or characteristics (



2CG1 31 17

2CG2 16 9

2AB1 27 15

2AB2 29 16

2AB3 36 20

2AB4 32 32

2HT1 25 14

2HT2 33 18

2HT3 30 17

2HT4 29 16

2HT5 31 17

TOTAL: 319 177

Research Instrument

The Instrument to be used is a researcher made checklist to gather data. It is

constructed with the assistance of the research advisor and the subject teacher. The

constructed questionnaire is composed of three (3) parts.

Part1-the personal information of the grade 12 students in SASN Lagro. Part 2-

the possible effects of stress to the health of respondents. And Part 3- the possible

strategies that they made to cope with stress.

Validation of Research Instrument

The survey questionnaire will be given to the research instructor for evaluation.

Concerns and suggestions are taken into consideration in revising the instrument. The

questionnaire will be further validated by that ten(10) students who are not included as

the final respondents of the study. As they are ask to answer the samples survey form,

their response, are test for reliability.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following are the gathering procedure:

Step I: Creating a survey form subjected to pilot testing.

Step II: Conduct a survey to the target respondents.

Step III: Compute the data gathered from the respondents

Step V: Analyze and present the data using tabular forms

Sources of Data

This study, utilizes both primary and secondary sources. For the primary source

of data, grade 12 students of different strand in SASN Lagro randomly chosen as the

respondents for the subject of this study.

For the secondary data, the information coming from the internet such as articles,

online periodical, and thesis are obtained to support this study.

Statistical Treatment

To interpret the data effectively. The researchers have employed the following

statistical treatment. The percentage weighted mean and frequency are the tools to be

used to interpret data.

1. Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.

2. Percentage is employ to determine the frequency counts and percentage distribution

of personal related variables of the respondents.

Formula: Percentage (%)= F/Nx100-P

Where: % is the percentage

F is the frequency

N is the total number of respondents

100 is a constant value

3. Average weighted mean is used to determine the assessment of the respondents

with regards to their personal profile; possible effects of stress and possible strategies

to cope with stress.

Formula: x= FX/ N-A

Where: x is the weighted mean

F is the frequency

X is the weight of each item

N is the number of cases


Frequency. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.merriam-

Stratified Sampling Method. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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