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Assessing Learning

Activity 10

Name: Raven F. Gose Student Number: GTC 2022-00329

Facilitator: Rachel Nabong Year. & Section: BS BIO 1B .

I. Identify the approach involved in each statement.

Structural Change Approach 1. The society consists of small communities, and it is nothing but "a web
of relationships.
System Change Approach 2. It aims at developing strategies to either restructure or modify the
Structural Change Approach 3. It aims to bring a new social order.
Community Development Approach 4. This is seen in the form of civic associations.
Structural Change Approach 5. The worker tries to mobilize the public opinion to radically change the
The Social Work Approach 6. The society is viewed as a social organism and therefore the efforts are
oriented towards building a sense of community.
System Change Approach 7. The fundamental aspect in this model is that the due to various reasons the
systems become dysfunctional.
Community Development Approach 8. This approach has emerged out of both the previous approaches namely
within the same neighborhood movements.
The Political Activist Approach 9. The basic philosophy of this approach is based on his thinking that " more
representative the organization the stronger the organization.
The Social Work Approach 10. This method is more consensual.

1. What are the principles governing ethics and attitudes in community service?
Careful planning and preparation: Ensure that the design, organization, and convening of the process satisfy both a
clearly stated objective and the requirements of the participants through proper and inclusive planning.
Inclusion and demographic diversity: Fairly integrating diverse individuals, perspectives, ideas, and information to
establish the foundation for high-quality results and democratic legitimacy.
Collaboration and shared purpose: Encourage and support participants, governmental and community organizations,
and others to cooperate for the greater good.
Openness and learning: Encourage everyone involved to listen to one another, explore novel concepts without regard to
how they will turn out, learn from experience and apply it to create new possibilities, and rigorously assess the success of
public engagement initiatives.
Transparency and trust: Be up front and honest about the procedure, and give the public a record of the event's
sponsors, organizers, results, and diversity of opinions and ideas presented.
Impact and action: Ensure that every participatory endeavor has the capacity to significantly alter the world and that
participants are aware of this capacity.
Sustained engagement and participatory culture that support ongoing, high-quality public engagement all work to
advance this culture.

2. In a separate sheet of paper make a project plan of yourself community service.

If I am going to start my own project plan for a community service the first thing I am going to do is to have
a partnership with the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Volunteering not only helps humans live more
satisfying lives, but it also helps animals live happy lives. Animal volunteers have the opportunity to explore
potential career paths, acquire useful skills, and advance to paid employment in animal welfare organizations.
Making friends and having fun when volunteering with animals are two more benefits. Additionally, studies
demonstrate that interacting with animals reduces stress and improves your sense of security and purpose in life.

Volunteering makes one feel good about helping those who are in need. Being near animals while
volunteering at a shelter has been proved to reduce stress and blood pressure. Your levels of serotonin and
dopamine are increased by caressing and cuddling animals, which in turn promotes relaxation and happiness. In
order for the animals to maintain a healthy weight, they must be fed, bathed, and groomed, and abused or stray
animals must be helped to get acclimated to interacting with people. All of these tasks aid in the animal's search for
a contented home and a better, more loving life. Animal shelters are unable to operate without the assistance of
volunteers. Numerous animals are continually being brought in, and there are numerous jobs that need to be
completed. Giving animals a second chance can be accomplished by donating a few hours of your time each week.
The likelihood is that the volunteers will also share your passion of animals if you are an animal lover. You will
have the opportunity to interact with others who share your enthusiasm for animal rescue. Additionally,
volunteering will educate you how to function as a team to complete challenging jobs. One of the key duties at
shelters is walking dogs. You may get some fresh air and burn calories by walking the dog. Other activities could
require you to do a lot of cleaning, which can also provide a little exercise.

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