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Examen final pour

de la licence professionnelle
Business Modeling for Optimization

I/Definitions: in English (4 points)

- Modeling :

- Optimiza tion:

- Business:

- Rate :

II ITraduction (8 points) :
1) Traduire en franais avec un seulsynonyme les mots suivants:(4

points) Gradients :

Function :

Constraints :

Binary :

2) Traduire en Anglais avec un seulsynonyme les mots suivants :(4

points) Magasin :

Valeur :

Zone :

coot :
Examen final pour
de la licence professionnelle

111/ Writing :(8 points)

1) Explain in English on few lines,how the business modeling help to

optimize the strategy of the company (hotel)...:{4 points)

2) Expl quez en quelques lignes (en Franais), comme nt I'optimisation selon des
modeles,peut aider I'evolution de l'entreprise surtout en hotelleric :(4

Examen final pour l'obte ntion de la licence

High Impact Communication

Replace these commonly used

negative phrases perceived as

• Don't forget...
• I'll try ...
• lwon't fail nex t time ...
• N ever give up...
• Iam overcomi ng my problems::.
• Don't be so hard on yourself...
• lcan face my fear...
• Don't worry ...
• It is what it is...
• Iam completely stress free...
Examen final pour l'obtention de la licence

High Impact Communication

Exerc ise: SCAMS

The purpose of this exercise is to build your fluency or

thought and expression. At first,you might find that you
can think of only a few sentences but, if you persist,
ma ny more will occur to you.
Write five word-sentences from the five given
letters,one letter for each word: SCAMS
·nior c itizens arrange maximum security.

Examen final pour l'obtention de la licence
High Impact

Exerc ise : Joined Together

- _J

Most of people rush in to tackle a problem without

considering the alternatives and without attempting to
understand what is involved. A s result, they waste a lot of
To illustrate the importance of a rialysis,copy the design
and keep trac k of how long it ta kes to you.


Examen final pour l'obtention de la licence
High Impact Communication

Exe rcise: More tha n meets the eye

----- --------
To improve your powers of visualization, concentrate on the
following illustration.
Try to see as many items on the picture as you can. Use your j
imagination freely.

Exa men final pour l'obtention de la licence
Hospitality Facilities Management & Design
1. Give definition to the following Words ?
;.. ADA ?
;.. Replacement reserves ?
,. Managen1ent contract ?
2. Computerized facilities/maintenance management system
Computerized maintenance scl1cduling, rccordkccping, and archiving systems
that streamline tho "paperwork and dispatch" of maintenance and repair . Refer
to :
;.. TAB
;. POM

3. What is a Contract maintenance?

4. What is a :
;.. POM?
;.. FF&E?
;.. HAVC?

5. What are the roles fulfilled by facilities in the ttospitalty industry?

6. Which of the followings arc Roles of the Facilities in the hospitality industry ?
,. Allow ing operations to function.
;.. Disturbing the guests.
> Hide your property.
}.- Safety.
;.. Manufacturing plant.
,Raising tl1e unwanted sounds.

7. What are some advantages of gathering utility and POM data on a per-room basis? What
are some disadvantages?

8. What are Facilities management companies?

9. How might knowledge of equipment lifetimes affect maintenance decisions?

10. How does property size affect the maintenance function's role in capitalprojects
and renovations?
11. In 200 words, describe the role of facilities in hospitality industry,use your own style.
Exa men final pour l'obtention de la licence

l} Citer 5 avantage du lt..vaU en quipe et expllquez.

2) Expliqu ez les S et.apes de la construction d'unc quipe.

3) Expliqucr lcs 1el.atio-ns hu1naines suiv;:int les methode5 de Herzberg pour enric.hir le Travail ??

4) Expliquez la motivation scion VROOM .

Exa men final pour I'obtention de la licence professionnelle
Fillere:Mono&.F&B DATE: / /
Formateur :BEND
2021 DUREE :
ABATE Classe : licence H30
prof. NOTE•../20

MODULE:Management of Food & Beverage

Opera tions
Test d'Evaluation

1_ Donner la definition des termes Sll vants : I 4 Points

L'hOtellerie_ le tourisme_ besoin lmplicite_ un brunch_ le

management_ Le marehe de la clientele _ I'off re touristique_ la

demande touristique.

2_ Dansle domaine de la restauratlon,iiexiste differentes formes d'exploitation.

Citer et /ou definir quelques exemples ? I 4 Points

3_ a- Commenter brievementl'historique de departemen t F&B ?

b- Ou reside !'importance de ce departement (Quelle est sonimportance) ? / 4Points

4_ Le but fondamentaldes entreprises de restauration se tradu1t en deux objectifs

concrets. a_ Clter ces deux objectlfs ?

b_ Diles ou montrer comment les atteindre ? I 4Points

5 a- Nommer les quatre (4) types de repas qui repondent aux exigences de la clientele ?
Exa men final pour I'obtention de la licence professionnelle
b- Coterles differents types de segments quo composent le marche de la clientele ? /
Examen final pour l'obtention de la licence professionnelle

Managing Front Office Operations


I , \'>'hlth of 1he followlng lre!.t desrnbes a n1lss!on statement?

0a description of 3 company's target ma,kct5 and how to reach thtm

0a five vrar oPtr:it.onaJ an for inc.reaing rN<!nties
0a Sl<ltent ot th(': Org.anizabon's unKaW purpiosc
0an expl.anat1on of tht- act.(Y)ties an organi att0n must perform to achlitw- •tsf!
2. ActJv!bc!.and standnrds that an organlz3llon must successfully perform or achieve to
effcctlvcly carry out Its miss onafc called:

D t.XtlCS.
O <>a1s.
s0respons1b1htle .
3. Ona hotel org<1nl atlonch3rt,so id Hnas Indicate refationshlps th:1t invo ve:

0<IJrC<t accountbllity
0a high decree of communiQtion nd cooratlo.n.
0an ind rctt reportirc relationship.
4. I n loi rgc fu ll scrv1c.e hotel, the front offlco m:11,3gar reports to the:

0general m anage', 0chief engineer. 0rooms d1vi.s;onmanager. 0ff(ur1ty d1tffior,

S In a large fu11.service hotel. the catering dirNtOr Is most tikefy to report to

0general m;intiger.
0 food and bcvcr.Jgc director. 0dir«to,. of mark llng and sales. 0front off1c.e m;,tugt"r
6. \Vhlch or th followIng <tf{'3S of J hotel s a support center?

0hot<'I oper&1tC!d girt shop

0food and beveraged
partment 0 houseeeng
0lront offire clepart,,,.,nt
7, Judy works 1n thr roomsdivtslon of a large hotcl. Htt Pf1mary rspom1bilities areto
stll guestrOOf'l"ls, register guests.and mainUin guest account . Judy works an
_ dC'panft\'Cnt.
• •

0 lront office
vnlformcd <;rvlces

8. Which olthe ro11 owlngdepatttl'cnts en1ploys the largct staffInlh<" rooms- divisonr

0the front office 0rc1tMtions 0un1fonncd wrvkcs 0ho""'k«>pnc

9. \Vhich of the folkJw1ng hoteJ dMsions or departments would bt pctmanly responsible

for m.l1ntaining the grounds surrounding a hotel?

01ooms d1v1si0n
uniform services department
houckceplng department
0 engineering division
10. Which of thP following (lllows emptoyeesto v.J rv the th11os they start and end \VOrki'

0comptessed work sctledute

0lob sharing
0reasonable accommodi,tion
- - 2
.. .. Final Questions •••

O&A (15 minutes)

1) Generalwar'm up qucstJon - Well done for w inning in your own Hotel. Toll
us about how it wont and what arc '!JOU hoping to gain from this ex per ence?
l{('.rn:ul..s: ( I Sp<>iJ11s)

2) What contributes to a good reception Department and what is the

first improvement you would suggestIn you r own Reception and

!{ mark:.:(7.S p<>U11s)

3) What various tools does the hoteluse to increase business and what
part do you play in n1aximize overall revenue?

4) Most guest will say that they dernand "Good service" when staying in
your Hotel.Wh<tt does good service means to you and can you give me
an example of when you achieved this?

5) Occastonally we all encounter difficult guests that can be demanding,

upset or even rude - How do you cope irn thoso situat ons? - Can
you give me an example of an experience you had personally and how
you handles it?
Remarks:(7.5 poin1s)
1 warm-up question and 4 olher Questions.Total point able to be scored hereis 45 in total

Ex.amen final pour l'obtention de la licence
J\la n agin g Housek eepi ng opera t ions

I / Key,fordsSeccion :

£x1>l:lin t he'''ordsbelo'v : (5 Poi n ls)

Frontof the house:
Back of the hou se:
Room rack:
Occupancy report:
Room status di$<repancy:.

II/ Quc11es sont cs l!tapcs chronologlqucs pour faire ou refilrc unc chambreclient :(S po nts)

Ill/ Quelle est a dittl!rence entre les termes suivants c( Chambre dCpnn. » et u chambrcrccouchc »(2 points)

· La chambrc recouchc :

·la chambre dl!patt :

IV/ Quel est e bonprofil d'une gouvernante << house keeper »dans un h6tel:(3 points)

V/ Queues sont tes attributions ct les t3chcs quotfdlcnnc d'unc gouvcrnantc :{Spoint.s)
Examen final pour l'obtention de la licence
Managing Technologies in Hospitality Industry
I/ Definitions : in English (3 points}

P.M.S :
C.R.M :
N.F.C :
H.T.M :

II/ Traduction "Translation" (9 points} :

1) Troduire en fronfois les mots suivonts : (6 points}
Company :
Secure Technology
: Green
Technology :
Wireless :
Assets :
Data base:

2) EKpliquez en Fronf ois le terme suivont : (3 points)

- Yield Management

: Ill/ Writing:(8 points}

1) Explain in English on few lines,how the Management of Technology into the

hotel helps to increase and enhance the revenue :(4 points}

2) Expliquez en quelques lignes (en Franais), comment le Management

de la technologie a !'hotel peut aider le chiffr,e d'a ffaires :(4 points)
Examen final pour l'obtention de la licence
Personal Development
1) Pourquoi appelle t'on le leadership indfviducl egalement developpement personnel l? Expliquez avec
vos mots.

2) Que veut dire • e MOICOHERENT • l?

3) Qu'est ce la creativite en developpemen t personel t.??? ExpliquC'Z

4} Qut?llcs sont les carac-teristiqves d'u ne personn e assertive l??

S) Qu'est ce que 1.E U

6) Comment renforc:er et malntenfrla conflance et le respec t de son equipe ?? Expliquez avec vos mots
Examen final pour l'obtention de la.licence professionnelle

Revenue Management

1- Ecrivez u ne definiti on pour Chagu e mot :


management; Yield

management: Rate


Vellle concurtentieUe:


2- Quelles sont les taches du Reven ue Ma ?

3- Un h otel dispose d e 100 cha mbres sont taux d'occupation est de 30 % et ii souhaite
remplir son plan ning avec des reservations doe dernieres min utes et des reservations pour les
prochains jours.
Quelies seront les typesde promotions qui'! l'hote1va utiliser ?

4- Check liste pour u n seul Hotel :

Tarif Comm lssionable :20%
Type de oh•mbre•: DBl./SGL

Oisponfbilite :O chambre
Release :5 jours

NRF :0 pourcen t de discount

Supplement enfant :500 Euros par pe?rsonn .

O'apres-vous quelles seront les element:; .lrectifier pour votre hotel puissevend re et etre visible.
Examen final pour l'obtention de la licence professionnelle

Security and Loss Prevention

I/ Expliquer les ter-mes suivants :{10 points)

H.A.C.C.P :

Hyg Cnc :

M3rche en aviint :

conditionnemcnt :

Plat temoin :

U.H.T :

Evacuation :

tssus de secovrs

: Extincteu( :

2/ dtez s mesu(es de scurit 5 suivrc avant la construction d'un H6tel :( Spoints)

3/ Qucls sont C'S crltCres sur e.squelles on se base pour d terminer es dam-ogcs risk management of business case
{cJtez et expllquc.t} (S points) :
Examen final pour l'obtention de la licenc e
Specialization in SME Management
1. Tho owner receives allof the prorlts of the businoss and can act quicklyin making
business decisions when the form or businoss ownership is a :

jotnt wntu.r.
4 SOit' propr lO(Ship

2. Which of the followings are skills that must existinan entrepreneur :{chooso 2 )

Problem-solving skflls
), Otmonlotratcs.empathy
3. Strong inlt'grity
4 1hcy must be prorly man.agt<I.

3. Which of the followingis a marketing funclion that can be performed by channelintermediaries:

1 Promoting p1oducts
2 Monttoring union activitK""S
3 Tr•1n1ng employees
4 Recruiting workers

4. What typo orinformatjon does a well -writtenproposalincludt:??

1 Vague goal
2. Specific: benents
3. Previous trends
4, ContJngcncv data

S.T hcro aro severalauto repair shopsIn town,but Patricia's stands out. Her auto repair shop
does great work,but what really sets her shop apartis the customer service.Evory customeris
greeted by a friendly employee,and slhe is givensnacks and drinks while slhe waits for the
repairs to be completed.The great customer servico that pe:ople can expect from Patricia's
businessis considered her.
1. vl)ron.
2. t stine.
3. brand p101nle.
4. mls\ion taternenL

6. Which of the followingis a ch"'ractcr1stlc of a se f.confident leader:

1 $/He h the bthty to sNre., V1S1on.

2. $/He Is ttuly •Mflt in 1hewOfk 1eJm.
3 S/He Is dl!C1 .tven in uncertn circumstM'ICes.
4 S/Hc demonstrates en'lpathy.
Examen final pour l'obtention de la licence
7. Juliois starting a new business,and he has formed relationships with several successful
local business owners. w·hich of the following is the best W:Jy to leverage these relat
onships to help his own business succeed:
1. Gaining inside ma1kctfn.g inforrnation
2. Persistently asking those business owners to Invest in his compJny
3. Attend ng trade shows and conferences to make nc'.\I connect ons
4. Sharing those businesses' content on social media

8. An cnttcprcncurialbusiness O\Yner must :

1. dislike business planning.

2. be independently \\lealthy.
3. des reregular <10..hour work weeks.
4. h;,ive an advenlurous spirit.




2. Antonyms
3. Untrustworthy
4. Relable

11 .What deos it take to become anentrepreneurs? (indicate 3 conditions )

12- indicate advantages & disadvantages of an entrepreneurship ?

13- indic::itcs Pr mary Reasons for New Businesses to Close ?

Examen final pour l'obtention de la licence

Superv ision i n t he H ospit al i ty I n d ust ry

I / Ke)"''ordsSect ion :
Epla in t he'''or1lsl> clo'v :(5 puints)

i\ 1A 11flee f"'.

l :tbo1·-i nt<'n$i\'(";

- Suhordi11:tll' .

I I / l xplic1ul" ton101entt?-. le dingrn.n1111e sui\'anl : (S poi11t.s)

E;nlJy Level Employees

111/ Quelle CSt )tl d irff rence entre rorn1:il :1U l horitv Cl inrorn1:i1 :111l horil Y (4 poin ts) :

·1\1/ O'aprfs le diagra n1n1c suivanl el selon itussi vos con (1u cl est le proccssus (lu 111:tn :1 erne111
d :1ns Pndrnin i.s1n1ti()11 d'nne t n l rl"Jlrisc : (611oi111s)
Exhibit 3 The Ma nagement Process

EJ- 01gani>ilg

t Cl>Mge In Fl<ocedures

Revision InPlans

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