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The “Pursuit of Happiness” Movie Assignment

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main storyline of "The Pursuit of Happiness"?

2. Describe Chris Gardner's character and his initial life situation.
3. How does Chris Gardner's character evolve throughout the movie?
4. Analyze the relationship between Chris Gardner and his son, Christopher. How
does it impact the story?
5. Outline some of the major challenges that Chris Gardner faces on his journey.
6. Discuss the impact of Chris Gardner's pursuit of happiness on his personal and
professional life.
7. How does the pursuit of one's dreams relate to the broader themes of the movie?
8. In what ways does "The Pursuit of Happiness" inspire viewers, and what messages
does it convey?
9. Identify a memorable scene and state the reasons of your choice.
10. How did "The Pursuit of Happiness" make you feel, and what aspects of the story
resonated with you personally?
11. Do you think the movie effectively communicates its message about the pursuit
of happiness? Why or why not?
12. What is your definition of happiness? Is there one?

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