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7th Doctor Story - Harvest of the Sycorax, by James

A Big Finish Productions Classic Doctors New Monsters Audio Drama, released 28 July 2016

( A scream.)
PAD: Attention, Zanzibar. You're currently experiencing severe pain.
ZANZIBAR: (a woman) I know!
PAD: You're also experiencing fear. I diagnose two doses of Aganol and Tranquilla. Do not take
medicines while driving. Do not exceed recommended dose.
ZANZIBAR: What's happening? I can't. It hurts. I can't go on.
PAD: Blood oxygen levels are rising. I recommend you report this medical emergency immediately.
ZANZIBAR: Make it stop!
PAD: In the meantime, I advise three doses of Comarol. Do not take if you wish to remain conscious.
ZANZIBAR: There's no medicine pack. There's no one to help!
PAD: Attention. I have a message from the non-benevolent occupying visitors.
ZANZIBAR: The invaders?
PAD: They wish to announce that the next hostage has died. Message ends.
ZANZIBAR: But I was the next hostage.
PAD: Attention. Your pain levels are extreme. If Comarol is not available, I recommend twelve doses
of Aganol.
PAD: Shall I repeat warnings and side-effects?
ZANZIBAR: No! There's no point, I can't get any medication. Why is it taking me so long to die?
PAD: Unknown.
ZANZIBAR: All this technology and not even an aspirin. Everyone else died so quickly. Oh, it can't go
PAD: You're experiencing severe internal trauma. There are no end of life medical options available.
(The Tardis is materialising nearby.)
PAD: I am sorry.
ZANZIBAR: Come on, help!
(Tardis door opens.)
DOCTOR: Hello! I'm the Doctor.
(Tardis door closes.)
ZANZIBAR: You're kidding.
DOCTOR: Hmm. What seems to be the trouble?
ZANZIBAR: Pad, I'm hallucinating.
PAD: No sensory perceptions detected.
ZANZIBAR: A blue box just appeared out of thin air and a doctor jumped out.
DOCTOR: Put like that I do sound odd.
ZANZIBAR: Please shut up. I'm trying to die here.
DOCTOR: Maybe I can help. Rather conveniently we appear to be in a laboratory.
ZANZIBAR: That was the idea. I need something. Please.
PAD: Attention. Blood embolism increasing.
DOCTOR: You're fascinating. Your wristwatch, it talks.
ZANZIBAR: I'm dying, and you're interested in the app on my Pad?
DOCTOR: Apps and pads, is it? Sounds like one of those self-centred eras of human history. Hmm.
Now then, Pad. What are you doing?
PAD: Health-metric is running.
DOCTOR: Is it? Then diagnose what's wrong with your owner.
PAD: Dangerously high levels of blood oxygen causing multiple embolisms. Elevated pain levels.
Cascading organ failure.
DOCTOR: I'll need a blood sample. Do you mind?
ZANZIBAR: Not really. Think I'm passing out.
PAD: Attention. You are unconscious. I will administer shock treatment.
DOCTOR: Perhaps not, Pad. Let her rest in peace.
DOCTOR: How are you feeling?
DOCTOR: Well, you'll be pleased to hear I stopped it. Very nasty.
ZANZIBAR: What? Pad?
PAD: Attention. Your blood is no longer oxygenating. You are approaching acceptable health levels.
You have, however, experienced elevated levels of stress. I recommend two doses of Mindease and
one of Tranquavita.
DOCTOR: Does that thing shut up?
PAD: Do not consume with alcohol.
DOCTOR: In case you're wondering, I did something remarkable using charcoal. But I have bad
ZANZIBAR: I've had a day of bad news.
DOCTOR: I'm afraid, well, you probably know, but in case you don't, I really should tell you. I'm sorry,
there was an unusual trace in your blood. An infection.
ZANZIBAR: Oh, I know. That's RV37.
ZANZIBAR: Retrovirus 37, the very best money can buy. Did you like it?
DOCTOR: I'm sorry?
ZANZIBAR: It's high executive level, a little above my pay grade, but worth saving up for.
DOCTOR: Now let me get this clear. You deliberately infected yourself with a virus that's shredding
your immune system?
ZANZIBAR: You sound so old-fashioned. It's designer.
DOCTOR: No wonder your blood was boiling when I found you. Humans are ridiculous.
ZANZIBAR: Oh no, that had nothing to do with RV37. That was the invaders.
DOCTOR: The invaders?
ZANZIBAR: They're executing us.

(Mutterings, growls and stomping.)

SYCORAX: Sogod zyla. So grata jalvan me kodrakon kas.
COMPUTER: Translation. We have executed the hostage. If you wish to live, surrender your Vault to
us now.
WOMAN: No, we can't.
MAN: What can we do?
SHADRAK: (a woman) Can you understand me, you monsters? We can't open the Vault. It doesn't
matter how many of us you kill.
SYCORAX: Soka so kondra pantag. Kodsila gralta jodlan kojadjifa.
COMPUTER: Translation. You are our property. Choose. Surrender the Vault or die.
(Multiple Pads diagnosing their wearers.)
SHADRAK: Hear that? You can't keep us here. We need our medication.
SYCORAX: Vas plentisa. So drada sinon jak. Heh, heh, heh.
COMPUTER: Translation. What is wrong with your species? Your blood is weak.

ZANZIBAR: Would you kindly stop shouting? You 're giving me a headache.
PAD: If you have a headache, I recommend two doses of
DOCTOR: Oh, shut up. At the risk of repeating myself, where am I, what's going on, and why are you
humans being so foolish? I should just get all that printed on a card.
ZANZIBAR: I said please, stop shouting. We don't shout. Have you no anger management
DOCTOR: Certainly not. You say this space station has been invaded?
ZANZIBAR: Yes. And there's no sense getting worked up about it. Please, you need to be mindful. I
find your behaviour upsetting.
PAD: Attention. I'm detecting raised levels of anxiety. Can I recommend a single dose of
ZANZIBAR: I don't have any Tranquillapam.
DOCTOR: You don't need any. Really, I mean, listen to me. You're in a hostage situation. Fear is a
healthy reaction.
ZANZIBAR: Is it? I don't like it.
PAD: Attention. You are beginning to experience withdrawal symptoms. I recommend
DOCTOR: Shut up! What you are experiencing is fear. It's a self-preservation mechanism.
ZANZIBAR: But, it's not good. I've never felt this before.
DOCTOR: You've never felt fear before?
ZANZIBAR: Not before today. Oh, Pad.
PAD: I recommend
PAD: Two doses of
DOCTOR: Thank you. Now, take a deep breath, and hold it.
(Inhales and exhales noisily.)
DOCTOR: No, no, hold it for longer. As long as you can. Can you do that?
ZANZIBAR: And this will help me calm down?
DOCTOR: I hope so.
DOCTOR: Mostly I need the silence so I can think. You're painting a terrifying picture. Now carry on
holding that breath. Now, let me see. Humanity is controlled through medication, yes?
DOCTOR: Emotions, appetites and the need for sleep, hyposprays for everything.
ZANZIBAR: Mmm mmm.
DOCTOR: And now you even infect yourself with designer diseases.
DOCTOR: I see.
ZANZIBAR: Can I breathe now?
DOCTOR: Oh, yes. I'm done thinking. And breathe out. Calmer?
ZANZIBAR: Not really.
DOCTOR: Doesn't matter.
ZANZIBAR: Are you going to start shouting at me again?
DOCTOR: No. There's a bigger picture here. Humanity is in a pickle. What's your name?
ZANZIBAR: Zanzibar Hashtag.
DOCTOR: Oh, delighted to meet you. (sotto) Ridiculous. Certainly is one of those time.
ZANZIBAR: What about you, Doctor? Do you just pop out of nowhere and be rude?
DOCTOR: Mostly.
PAD: Attention. I have an announcement from the invaders.
SYCORAX [OC]: Subakta eltarelta kalvara kolgatsak chaksif.
PAD: Translation. Unless the Vaults are opened
DOCTOR: Another cattle dies.
ZANZIBAR: You speak their language?
DOCTOR: Oh, yes. They're the Sycorax. You humans may be ridiculous, you may be cruel, but you're
capable of great charm. The Sycorax have never done anything charming in their lives.

SHADRAK: You've kept us in here for hours. We need access to our medication.
SYCORAX: Gralta jalpan? Gralta rastaka.
COMPUTER: Translation. You must give us access to your Vault.
SHADRAK: The only person who had a passkey was Zanzibar, and you've already killed her. Let me
go and find her body, and I'll bring the pass back to you.
COMPUTER: Translation. No.
SHADRAK: Listen to me. Under the Geneva 3 Charter
SYCORAX: Dabata kastrik. Padska belvash kalprak finis esak.
COMPUTER: Translation. Our final offer. Welcome the wasteland. Summon the slave called Eshak.
ESHAK: What? Me? Why?
PAD: Attention, Eshak. You're experiencing intense fear. I recommend you take two doses of
ESHAK: What, what's happening to me?
PAD: Attention. Your haemoglobin has de-oxygenated.
ESHAK: Argh! Help me! Help me.
PAD: I regret there is no known cure. Would you like to hear available palliative care options?
(Eshak screams. Thud. Consternation.)
SYCORAX: Vel forseebatak.
COMPUTER: Translation. And who is next?
ZANZIBAR: You know about the Sycorax?
DOCTOR: Snarling space gangsters who smell like herrings. And that's on a good day. What would
they want with a space station?
DOCTOR: They're fierce, they're frightening, but a lot of it's just magic tricks. They can take over half
a planet's population like that. (clicks fingers) but it's not voodoo. Do you know how they do it?
DOCTOR: Blood control. Stupid dead-end of science, but one they've mastered to bully whole worlds.
Give them a single blood sample and they can work wonders, horrible wonders.
PAD: Attention Zanzibar. You are experiencing extreme anxiety.
ZANZIBAR: Yes. Yes, I am. Doctor?
DOCTOR: Deep breath.
DOCTOR: So weird. I have to ask myself, why hold up a space station?
DOCTOR: Feeling better, Zanzibar?
ZANZIBAR: Not really, Doctor. Listen, this is important. Decades ago, Pharma Corps decided that it
made sound financial sense if the medical samples of everyone in the Human Empire were
outsourced to an off-site facility.
ZANZIBAR: You could opt out, of course, but you wouldn't have access to treatment.
DOCTOR: Biodata for every human stored here?
ZANZIBAR: Yes. This station is called the Blood Bank.
DOCTOR: One single sample gives them crude control. Blood from everyone? That would give them
total power over the entire human race!

SHADRAK: Why can't you listen to us? We can't let you into the Vault.
SYCORAX: Kodra free non pasik.
COMPUTER: Translation. We don't care.
SHADRAK: Listen, can any of you open the Vault?
MAN: I don't feel well.
MAN 2: I don't know anything.
SHADRAK: Look, I don't fancy dying, especially not for a pile of worthless tissue samples, so if you've
got a key.
WOMAN: No, no one has a key.
MAN 2: Only Zanzibar.
MAN: I'd give you a key if it would help.
WOMAN 2: Let me go, please.
SHADRAK: There you are. None of us have a key. We're not lying. That Vault is worthless. There's no
gold. If we could
SYCORAX: Jaldan pel casaval deera. Rasteg da pegra kodra.
COMPUTER: Translation. Surrender the key. Unlock our valuable property.
SHADRAK: Oh, what's the use?
CAPTAIN [OC]: (a woman) Calling Blood Bank. This is Earth Security Fleet Deccan. You missed your
last two check-ins. Are you okay?
SHADRAK: Oh ho, ho, now you're for it.
SYCORAX: Sukan praktil venis. (laughter)
COMPUTER: Translation. You are a very funny slave.

CAPTAIN: I say again, are you okay? Over. It's bound to be a slip-up. Missing a routine check-in
always is. Like, who cares?
CADWALLADER: Pharma Corps cares.
CAPTAIN: Give the slogans a rest, Cadwallader.
CADWALLADER: We at Pharma Corps take employee health and well-being very seriously, so
naturally when we heard you were launching this mission
CAPTAIN: You had to come along and snoop.
CADWALLADER: I'm sensing a certain amount of cynicism, Captain. Have you tried PosiPlus? It
works jolly well.
CAPTAIN: Sure, if you want a crew of mindless zombies.
CADWALLADER: All our products have been extensively tested. I would remind you that I am a
member of the senior executive level.
CAPTAIN: Yes, you are. Also, we may be flying into a combat zone. They can be dangerous places.
CADWALLADER: Was that a threat?
CAPTAIN: (yawns) Well, sort of. I'd better give them another call. Calling the Blood Bank. I say again,
(sigh) bet you're all asleep. If I had to sit out on the edge of the Solar System nursing a lot of used
tissues, I wouldn't bother calling in. Can one of you tell us you're fine?
COMPUTER [OC]: Attention. I speak on behalf of the Sycorax. We have occupied your station. Know
that you are unwanted.
CAPTAIN: Is that for real?
CADWALLADER: Who was that?
CAPTAIN: Who are you? Is this a hostage situation? What are your demands?
COMPUTER [OC]: Know that you are unwanted.
CAPTAIN: What does that mean? I demand
COMPUTER [OC]: You are unwanted. Sycorax strong. Sycorax mighty. Sycorax rock.
CADWALLADER: What's happening?
CAPTAIN: I don't know. They've cut the signal. Pilot, take us in for an attack sweep.
PILOT: Sure thing. I oh! (thud)
CAPTAIN: Pilot? Damn it, what's wrong with you?
PILOT PAD: You are in a catatonic state. Recommend a dose of A-Lert. Do not take before bed time.
CADWALLADER: Is he all right?
CAPTAIN: What does it look like?
CADWALLADER: What's happened? Why isn't he answering?
CAPTAIN PAD: Attention. You are experiencing panic.
CAPTAIN: Don't you start. Oh, we've changed course. That's what's happened. Look at the screen,
Cadwallader. My whole fleet's changed course. We're heading for each other!

CADWALLADER [OC]: Oh, crikey.

CAPTAIN [OC]: I can't stop it.
CAPTAIN PAD [OC]: Attention. You are experiencing fear. I recommend a double dose of
CADWALLADER [OC]: We're going to die. We're all going to die.
CAPTAIN [OC]: Yes, it rather looks that way. Where are you going?
(Static. Gasps. Sycorax chant happily.)
SHADRAK: You killed them all.
SYCORAX: Sopadska. Fel sak so kacheef.
COMPUTER: Translation. You are welcome. And now you die.
SYCORAX: Kal plek?
MAN: I have a key.
MAN: It's not really mine. It's only valid for today. I just, well, thought someone more important would
have one.
SYCORAX: Hold up the key.
MAN: All right.
(Sizzle of electricity, scream.)
MAN 2: It killed him. It just killed him.
MAN 3: We're going to die, aren't we?
SYCORAX: Pick up the key. He wasted time.
SHADRAK: You killed him.
SYCORAX: He wasted time.
SHADRAK: And you're speaking English.
SYCORAX: Incorrect. You are speaking Sycorax.
DOCTOR: Hello! That would be me. Up here, on the balcony. I like to make an entrance. Languages
are a Time Lord gift, along with sorting out messes like this.
SYCORAX: Time Lord? (hiss)
DOCTOR: Oh, I do love it when they hiss like that. Yes, Time Lord (hiss) Ooo, very imposing.
SYCORAX: Seize the Time Lord.
DOCTOR: Really? I'm just a nice little man in a silly jumper. Not important at all.
SYCORAX: We shall rule your blood.
DOCTOR: I'm flattered, but while you've been paying attention to me you've overlooked my friend.
DOCTOR: The lock of the Vault, she's just scrambled it.
DOCTOR: Like an egg.
SYCORAX: Kill them all!
DOCTOR: I've been in your life thirty seconds and already I've made it miserable. Stop now.
SYCORAX: Destroy them.
DOCTOR: Before you do, I have a message for the hostages. (clears throat) Run!
COMPUTER: Auto-destruct engaged. Auto-destruct engaged.
ZANZIBAR: I've opened the doors. Run, everyone, run!
SYCORAX: Kill them!
(Panic, electric sizzles, screams.)

COMPUTER: Auto-destruct engaged. Auto-destruct engaged. (continues ad infinitum)

(People puffing and panting while running.)
ZANZIBAR: Shadrak! You're safe. I'm pleased.
SHADRAK: But we're all going to die.
DOCTOR: Well done, Zanzibar.
SHADRAK: This station's going to blow.
(Silence. People stop running.)
DOCTOR: There is no auto-destruct. Computers will say anything. So, er, is this everyone? Where
are the other hostages?
ZANZIBAR: They just stood still. They didn't move.
DOCTOR: That is why the emotional suppressants you take are harmful. Their fight or flight instincts
weren't triggered.
ZANZIBAR: You're using their deaths to lecture me?
PAD: Attention Zanzibar. You are experiencing heightened levels of rage.
ZANZIBAR: Yes! Yes, I am! Why did the Sycorax kill them?
DOCTOR: That's what they're like. Petty. Now, we've got to get these others away. Which way to the
escape pods?
ZANZIBAR: Along there.
DOCTOR: Excellent. And you?
SHADRAK: Shadrak.
DOCTOR: Take everyone to the pods.
SHADRAK: You heard him. Come on!
MAN: Come on, this way.
WOMAN: Hurry.
(Running and chattering.)
ZANZIBAR: Won't the Sycorax shoot them down?
DOCTOR: No. Their space ship's just a rock with menaces. It looks worse than it is.
ZANZIBAR: Oh, that's something. Phew.
PAD: Attention. You're experiencing raised blood pressure. An adrenaline release causing nervous
exhaustion. I recommend two doses of Exertron. Do not operate heavy machinery.
DOCTOR: You did very well in there.
ZANZIBAR: It's just a temporary solution. Those creatures are monsters.
DOCTOR: They're not. They're a complex alien race who er. No, you're right. They are monsters.
Let's stop them.
(Metal clanging in distance.)
ZANZIBAR: Shadrak!
SHADRAK: Escape pods launched. I brought you some firearms.
ZANZIBAR: Aren't you going with them?
SHADRAK: No, I'm not leaving you behind, Zanzibar. If that's okay.
PADS: Attention. You're experiencing heightened pulse rate and emotional sensitivity.
ZANZIBAR: What was that?
DOCTOR: Something docking with the pod bay.
ZANZIBAR: Docking?
SHADRAK: You mean undocking.
DOCTOR: I know what I mean.
ZANZIBAR: Another pod?
DOCTOR: Let's find out, shall we?

COMPUTER: Attention. There is a fault.

ZANZIBAR: The pod door's jammed. Doctor, can you do anything?
DOCTOR: Let's see. Ah, yes. Is it one of yours, the pod?
SHADRAK: According to the docking computer it's from the Earth Security fleet the Sycorax
DOCTOR: Oh, that explains the impact damage. Not to worry. Escape pods are like jam jars. You
think they're sealed shut. but really you just need (effort) a really big tea towel.
(Pod door opens.)
CADWALLADER: Very grateful, to be sure. Thank you. I'm Cadwallader Cadwallader, Pharma Corps,
middle lower middle executive level. And you are?
SHADRAK: Shadrak, lab maintenance.
ZANZIBAR: Zanzibar, executive control team.
DOCTOR: The Doctor. Just the Doctor.
CADWALLADER: Right. Are you one of the invaders?
DOCTOR: No, just a friendly passing alien.
CADWALLADER: Has he signed an NDA?
CADWALLADER: Then I really must protest.
DOCTOR: Must you?
C'S PAD: Attention Mister Cadwallader. You are experiencing heightened levels of stress and
uncertainty. I recommend one dose of Calmuvax.
(Hypospray. Sigh.)
CADWALLADER: That's better. So, tell me, what's the situation and how are you going to regain
control? What's the plan?
DOCTOR: Plan? What makes you think we've got a plan?
C'S PAD: Attention. You are experiencing alarm and fear.

SHADRAK: So, the er, Doctor and the executive. They're not talking, are they?
ZANZIBAR: No. They seem a bit frosty.
SHADRAK: Thank you for saving me.
ZANZIBAR: Thank you for staying behind.
SHADRAK: Don't mention it.
ZANZIBAR: Yeah. Wretched pad. Keeps going off.
SHADRAK: Mine too.
(Pads powered down.)
ZANZIBAR: Silenced it. Getting a bit chatty.
SHADRAK: I shut mine off too.
ZANZIBAR: Did yours er say anything?
ZANZIBAR: Me neither. I'm just. I overdo so many doses of medication.
SHADRAK: Yeah, funny really.
ZANZIBAR: We could stop off at the pharmacy to recharge them.
SHADRAK: I'm actually getting on fine without.
ZANZIBAR: Yeah. It's probably more important we get to the control room, warn Earth.
ZANZIBAR: It's just er, no, well,
ZANZIBAR: Sorry. Look, when this is all over, do you mind if I check our compatibility on my dating
SHADRAK: No. Not at all. You've never come up before.
ZANZIBAR: Neither have you. It just seems silly that hasn't happened.
ZANZIBAR: Actually, let's not bother.
SHADRAK: Oh, you're right, obviously. If the app hasn't matched us then it's not worth it.
ZANZIBAR: No, I meant ignore the app. Let's just go on a date.
CADWALLADER: Did I hear correctly? Are you planning on overriding the Company's LoveFinder?
DOCTOR: Quite right too.
CADWALLADER: Outrageous.
DOCTOR: Human nature.
CADWALLADER: You might find out you don't like each other. I mean, anything could happen.
DOCTOR: Couldn't it just. Fancy.
ZANZIBAR: The communications room is through here.

(Door opens.)
CADWALLADER: Me first, I think, Doctor. After all, I should be the one to contact Earth.
DOCTOR: Oh, really?
CADWALLADER: You're an alien. Certainly shouldn't be you. What's needed is a calm voice of
authority. You, girl. Open a channel.
C'S PAD: Attention Cadwallader. You are experiencing high levels of aggression. Also you are still
CADWALLADER: Shut up! Shut up!
(Zanzibar laughs.)
DOCTOR: Yes, you should absolutely be the one to talk to Earth.
ZANZIBAR: Oh, sorry. What was that?
DOCTOR: Hysteria. Now, you two keep watch on the corridor. I'll get the comms working.
ZANZIBAR: Sure thing.
CADWALLADER: I'll help you, Doctor.
DOCTOR: I didn't imagine you'd be much use on the blockade. Now then.
CADWALLADER: But you're not making the announcement. For all we know, you're in league with
them. If Pharma Corps hear from anyone, they'll hear from me.
DOCTOR: I don't have time for office politics. The radio's on. I'll be outside.

DOCTOR: How's it going?

SHADRAK: Shh. We think one of them's coming this way.
CADWALLADER [OC]: Blood Bank calling Earth. Blood Bank calling Earth. Come in.
SHADRAK: Keep your voice down, idiot. Now it's definitely coming this way. Get back. I'll hold it off.
ZANZIBAR: What with? Have you ever fired that gun before?
SHADRAK: No. But it doesn't matter. I think I'm experiencing what they used to call bravery. Now, you
two get back.
DOCTOR: No, listen.
ZANZIBAR: This is crazy.
SHADRAK: Zanzibar, Doctor, leave this to me.
DOCTOR: Foolish human.
SYCORAX: Cattle, end the transmission or you die.
SHADRAK: If you want to get to them, you have to come through me.
SYCORAX: Happily.
SHADRAK: Oh, it doesn't seem to be charged.
SYCORAX: My turn.
SHADRAK: Zanzibar, I'm sorry!
(Shadrak screams.)
ZANZIBAR: I, I don't know what I'm feeling.
SYCORAX: Cattle have no feelings. They merely argh!
(Rattle of gunfire, thud.)
ZANZIBAR: That helped. That was anger, I understand that.
DOCTOR: Zanzibar.
ZANZIBAR: Don't lecture me. Not now.
DOCTOR: I just want to say how sorry I am.
CADWALLADER: What happened?
ZANZIBAR: Shadrak's dead.
CADWALLADER: Regrettable. But it goes to show how dangerous some emotions are.
ZANZIBAR: Shut up! Could you both, er, please, I need a second. I need to
PAD: Attention. You're experiencing high levels of adrenaline. Also anger, grief, and the loss of a
loved one. Can I recommend doses of Numbrox and Erozniks. Please (powered off)
ZANZIBAR: Yes. Yes, you can. Emergency medical locker, here I come.
DOCTOR: This isn't the answer.
ZANZIBAR: Right now it is.
ZANZIBAR: Doctor, check the Sycorax's body.
DOCTOR: Whatever you say.
ZANZIBAR: Cadwallader, any news from Earth?
CADWALLADER: No reply yet, I'm afraid.
ZANZIBAR: Fine. Doctor, find anything?
DOCTOR: Some kind of fried rodent, a whip, necklace made from teeth. Oh, charming. Ah. Ship to
ship transporter.
CADWALLADER: You could go to the Sycorax' ship, take the battle to them.
ZANZIBAR: We may have to. There's more Sycorax coming. We're out of time.
DOCTOR: Zanzibar!
ZANZIBAR: What are you? Let go of my wrist.
DOCTOR: I'm giving your Pad a short shopping list. It's important. Use the ship to ship transporter. Go
over there, get what's on the list, come back. I'll be waiting. Take him too.
CADWALLADER: I don't want to go.
DOCTOR: You'll be safer than here.
SYCORAX: Unwelcome invader.
DOCTOR: Go now. Use the transporter.
ZANZIBAR: With me, Cadwallader.
CADWALLADER: Really, no, no, leave me here, no, no, no, no, no, no, argh!
(Transporter sound. Sycorax roar.)
DOCTOR: We were out of milk. They'll be back in a tick. Now, where were we? Hello, I'm the Do
(Smack, thud.)
SYCORAX: Funny slave.

(Teleporter sound. Gasps.)

PAD: Attention.
ZANZIBAR: Quieter.
PAD: You are now experiencing nausea. Also high levels of anxiety.
(Powered down. Hypospray.)
CADWALLADER: What are you doing? Is that the entire medicine cabinet?
ZANZIBAR: Yes. And let's have six more Erosnix for grief.
CADWALLADER: You shouldn't exceed the recommended dose.
ZANZIBAR: You don't know how I feel. I just want it to stop.
CADWALLADER: Numblax is good for that.
ZANZIBAR: Yep. Want one?
CADWALLADER: Please. Ah, thank you. Where are we? Smells like a meat locker.
ZANZIBAR: The Sycorax ship. The Doctor said it's a hollowed out asteroid.
CADWALLADER: Yes, how much do you know about this Doctor?
ZANZIBAR: Not much, except that without him we'd all be dead, and the Sycorax would have emptied
the Blood Bank.
CADWALLADER: What's his agenda?
ZANZIBAR: I don't think he has one.
CADWALLADER: Everyone has an agenda, my girl. That's what you learn at Pharma Corps.
ZANZIBAR: Mmm hmm? What do you think this chamber is? It's huge.
(Walking on a crunchy surface.)
CADWALLADER: Sleeping quarters, perhaps? Piles of clothes and bones. How odd. They all sleep
ZANZIBAR: They may think it's odd that we all sleep alone.
CADWALLADER: It would never have worked, you know.
CADWALLADER: A lab technician going out with someone from executive class. I mean, the very
ZANZIBAR: Is that why the Company's dating app never matched us? Because we were at different
CADWALLADER: Well, of course. It would never do.
CADWALLADER: You should ease up on the Erosnix, my girl. It makes you cynical.
ZANZIBAR: (sotto) Something's coming. (running) Come on. Through here.
(Metal scraping open then closed.)
CADWALLADER: What is that?
CADWALLADER: What is it? It's huge.
ZANZIBAR: What does it look like. Some sort of statue. Maybe it's their god. Well, their devil.
CADWALLADER: But what's it made of?
ZANZIBAR: Skulls. Hundreds of skulls. So many different species. It's weirdly beautiful.
CADWALLADER: No, it's horrid.
ZANZIBAR: Yes, but there's an artistry. The Sycorax are hideous, but they do have art. I think this is a
(Metal scraping.)
ZANZIBAR: Behind the statue.
(Metal scraping.)
SYCORAX: I am your servant. May the wasteland armada be carried through the sweet darkness.
CADWALLADER: (sotto) What's it doing?
ZANZIBAR: (sotto) Praying.
SYCORAX: There is no use hiding. I smell you.
ZANZIBAR: Oh. Right.
SYCORAX: You commit sacrilege to hide among the Wish of Bones.
CADWALLADER: It's going to kill us.
ZANZIBAR: It is if you panic. Take something. Listen.
SYCORAX: I do not listen to cattle.
ZANZIBAR: Well, I'm speaking anyway. I'm afraid of you, and you've done terrible things to my
people, but I want to understand you.
CADWALLADER: Really? It's going to kill us.
SYCORAX: Your man is wise. I shall kill you.
ZANZIBAR: Well, you're pretty old. I don't think the fight's quite even.
CADWALLADER: You've got the gun, haven't you? Shoot it!
SYCORAX: Ha! Again, your man is wise.
ZANZIBAR: What is this statue?
SYCORAX: The Wish of Bones. We make our image out of those we conquer. I shall add your skulls
to it myself.
CADWALLADER: Please, stop it.
SYCORAX: Sycorax strong. Sycorax mighty. Sycorax Argh!
(Gunfire, thud.)
CADWALLADER: You did it. Look at you, girl, you did it.
ZANZIBAR: I didn't have a choice. I didn't want to.
CADWALLADER: It would have alerted the whole nest.
ZANZIBAR: Excuse me.
CADWALLADER: Nest? Is that the right word? Cluster? Hive? What are you doing? Leave the body
ZANZIBAR: I'm paying it last respects.
CADWALLADER: It's a monster! Your emotions are getting the better of you. You have no idea how
to handle them.
PAD: Attention. You're experiencing guilt. Can I prescribe one dose of Remorsyclin?
ZANZIBAR: No! That's not going to make me feel any better.
PAD: Also, I have a message from the Doctor. He tells you not to give up hope.

(The Doctor groans.)

SYCORAX: What kind of cattle are you?
DOCTOR: Oh, placid. Good morning to you, too.
SYCORAX: You smell different.
DOCTOR: Like Earl Grey tea.
SYCORAX: I cannot smell fear.
DOCTOR: No. Because you amuse me. Behind the cloaks, the masks, the magic tricks, you're just
bullies. I've a message for you from the Time Lords of Gallifrey. Grow up.
SYCORAX: I have a message for you. We have your blood.
SYCORAX: We took a sample while you slept. Let us see what it tells us about you.
DOCTOR: That I'm quite hard work.
SYCORAX: We will hurt you. You will obey us. You will open the Vault.
DOCTOR: No. I cannot.
SYCORAX: Give us the secrets of the humans.
DOCTOR: I'll give you one secret. You may be able to control humans, but you will never understand

ZANZIBAR: Whoa! This must be their engine room. It looks like a volcano.
CADWALLADER: Very nice, I'm sure. We should be going.
ZANZIBAR: Aren't you curious? Don't you want to learn about them?
CADWALLADER: I know all I need to know.
ZANZIBAR: Look at this propulsion system. It's fantastic. Surely learning things is worth the risk?
CADWALLADER: Oh, you're talking nonsense.
PAD: Attention Zanzibar. You are experiencing bravery.
ZANZIBAR: Oh, what are we like?
CADWALLADER: I think you may be experiencing side-effects. You've taken too much medication.
ZANZIBAR: I think you're right.
PAD: I recommend a dose of Tranquillapam.
PAD: Do not operate heavy machinery.
ZANZIBAR: Let the Sycorax find my hyposprays. I don't need them. I've been feeling so muzzy-
headed, but now it's all so sharp, I can really feel.
CADWALLADER: What about your girl, what's-her-name? How does that feel?
ZANZIBAR: Her name was Shadrak, and it feels awful, but it feels. I don't want to forget her. You
know, I could take a dose and never think about her again, but I won't,
CADWALLADER: Is that so? Well, look where we are, you idiot. It's horrifying. Awful. We're not
getting out of here alive. We may as well enjoy our last moments. If you don't want your hyposprays.
Tranquilla, oh you gorgeous thing.
C'S PAD: Attention. You have exceeded the recommended dose.
CADWALLADER: Then I won't feel it when they shoot me. It's all hopeless. Hopeless! It's a
nightmare! (hypospray) Ah. That's better. I almost don't feel anything.
ZANZIBAR: Hope, Cadwallader? You wouldn't know what hope means. The Doctor's taught me all
about it.

DOCTOR: Peculiar sensation, you running around in my mind.

SYCORAX: You are under our control. Mindless, that is how we like our cattle.
DOCTOR: Cattle have lots of stomachs. Perhaps I have lots of minds. Oh dear, I am babbling rather.
And my left leg really isn't working. You little traitor.
SYCORAX: Let us into the Vault.
DOCTOR: You really are voodooing the wrong person.
SYCORAX: Increase power.
DOCTOR: Oh dear, I do love it when you say that. Not going well?
SYCORAX: Tell us what we want to know. We are mighty. We are powerful. We rock!
DOCTOR: We pull the wings off flies and laugh at stray dogs. Boo hoo! I'm really not the person you
should be asking.
SYCORAX: Who is?
DOCTOR: The only person who can get you into the Vault is Zanzibar Hashtag. Oh. Oh dear. Oh,
shouldn't have told you that. Oh please, get out of my mind. You might not like what you find.
SYCORAX: Where is she?
DOCTOR: On your craft. Oh (laughs) done it again. Now, if you don't mind, I'm just going to pull down
the blinds and lock the cat flap. My mind is closed for business. Good day.

ZANZIBAR: Maybe we can blow up the engines?

CADWALLADER: How do you blow up a fountain of lava?
ZANZIBAR: Good point.
CADWALLADER: Hope running out?
ZANZIBAR: More like that last dose of Erosnix. God, I feel miserable.
PAD: Attention. You're showing signs of depression and heightened spirituality. I recommend
(powered down)
ZANZIBAR: Here. I kept one just in case. Have the last of my Tranquilla.
CADWALLADER: Thank you. They don't really cut it, do they? The hyposprays, I mean. Today I've
been in a space battle, I've been chased by monsters, am about to die in a flying coffin. We only make
medicines for the normal things in life. We don't make medicine for any of that. I wish we did. I want to
go home.
PAD: Attention Zanzibar. I have a message for you from the Doctor. The Sycorax have left me. Come
back. You must protect the Vault.
ZANZIBAR: Well, it looks like you're going to get your wish. Come on, Cadwallader. We're getting off
this rock. We'll be using that transporter. Oh, er, take some Nausease if you've got some.

ZANZIBAR: I don't like it. Something's wrong.

CADWALLADER: Wrong. You find the entrance to the Blood Bank deserted and you think that's a
bad thing.
ZANZIBAR: Where are the Sycorax? Even the hostages' bodies have gone.
CADWALLADER: Those monsters are probably back on their moon rock, building another statue out
of them.
CADWALLADER: I thought you liked their art.
ZANZIBAR: Not liked, but there was something about it. A feeling I can't put into words, and if I could,
you'd make a drug to stop it. What oh! (stumbles)
CADWALLADER: You all right?
(Deep slow breath.)
ZANZIBAR: The Doctor taught me this. Calms me a bit. Gets my thoughts in order.
CADWALLADER: Not as effective as Tranquilla, I bet.
ZANZIBAR: So many thoughts, happy one minute, sad the next, brain racing faster than I can think.
The Doctor claimed it was withdrawal symptoms, but I don't know, it's like being a child again. All
these things rushing past. Fear, chased by hope. It's, it's exciting.
PAD: Attention. I have a message from the Doctor. They have taken the blood and locked me in the
Vault. Come quickly..
CADWALLADER: Well then, that's it, isn't it?
ZANZIBAR: I'm going to get him out.
CADWALLADER: Well, of course you are, and then marry him. This morning it was Shadrak and now
it's the Doctor. Goodness me, you are a fast mover. (slap!) Ow! What was that for? It was just a joke.
You lost your sense of humour?
ZANZIBAR: I did not find it funny. I'm going to the Vault.

(Heavy door opens, footsteps.)

ZANZIBAR: They must have disabled the lights. Doctor? Doctor?
CADWALLADER: Is this the Vault? I've never been in it before.
ZANZIBAR: This is just the chamber. The actual Vault's behind this big door. We need some light.
Pad, screen on. Let's have a look.
CADWALLADER: It still looks sealed. How did they get him in? I thought you scrambled the code.
ZANZIBAR: Yes and no. As a station executive, I simply ordered it to reset itself. All passkeys would
need to be re-keyed in order to
CADWALLADER: Lots of words. Can you open it?
ZANZIBAR: Yeah. (pushes buttons, Vault opens) Doctor? Oh, I hope he's all right. He'll sort
everything out.
CADWALLADER: He's not there. Your Doctor's not there.
(Lights come on. Sycorax laugh.)
CADWALLADER: They're everywhere.
SYCORAX: I sent the message, not your Doctor, stupid female cattle. Your blood is now ours. Thank
ZANZIBAR: What have I done? What have I done?

ZANZIBAR: I got everything wrong. Everything. I wish I could stop feeling like this. Pad, what have
you got?
PAD: Attention. We are not alone.
ZANZIBAR: What? Doctor? What have they done to him? Pad, scan him!
PAD: There is nothing to scan. No relevant functions.
ZANZIBAR: Oh, Doctor. (cries) Pad, what's happening to my eyes? They're leaking.
PAD: Attention. You're crying, which indicates a high level of negative emotions.
ZANZIBAR: Right. Right, yeah.
PAD: You're currently experiencing grief, guilt, anger and panic. I recommend a combined course
ZANZIBAR: Hold on a moment. That's how many emotions?
PAD: Diagnosis paused.
ZANZIBAR: Right, okay. I'm all alone, I'm going to die, and I've given the Sycorax the human race.
Crying, yes, seems an appropriate reaction.
PAD: Can I also recommend the following treatments?
ZANZIBAR: I said pause. Listen, Pad, I know how you can help.
(Velcro sound, then bashing the Pad against the floor.)
PAD: Attention. This behaviour may invalidate warranty.
ZANZIBAR: There. That's better. Though I bet the first thing I do if I live is buy an new one.
DOCTOR: Zanzibar!
ZANZIBAR: Doctor! You're alive!
DOCTOR: Oh yes. I switched myself off. They were using blood control on me. It's bad enough
watching zombie films, let alone being in one.
ZANZIBAR: But you're clear of it now?
DOCTOR: For now. It's creeping back. Now quickly, before things get sticky, did you get what I asked
DOCTOR: Excellent. Then it's time for you to get out of here. I'm losing control again.
ZANZIBAR: Is there anything I can do to help?
DOCTOR: Not really. Blood control, being taken over by it is rather annoying.
ZANZIBAR: Annoying?
DOCTOR: Yes, I normally like pulling the strings.
(Door opens.)
CADWALLADER: There you are.
DOCTOR: Yes. And there you are on the other side of the door. Why am I not surprised?
CADWALLADER: I surrendered. You've seen what they are. And they value new blood on the team.
DOCTOR: Hmm. Understandable, I suppose.
CADWALLADER: Well, I'm glad you see why I've offered them my help.
DOCTOR: I wasn't talking about your treachery, I was talking about making a joke when you're
frightened. It doesn't even have to be funny. It's just a way of trying to come to terms with a bad
situation, by showing that we are prepared to laugh at it.
CADWALLADER: I'm afraid I don't understand you.
DOCTOR: No, no you don't, do you. The worst people in this universe are the ones with no sense of
humour. Oh, you're not even afraid. There's nothing to you.
CADWALLADER: Come, Zanzibar. I need your help.
ZANZIBAR: What about the Doctor?
CADWALLADER: Oh, they're not finished with him. He stays.

ZANZIBAR: I've given them the whole human race. What more do they want from us?
CADWALLADER: Ah, well, they want help. Manual labour unloading the samples ready for transport.
(laughs) They wanted me to do it, can you believe it?
CADWALLADER: I know! A middle lower middle exec level doing manual labour?
ZANZIBAR: No, I mean I won't betray the entire Human Empire.
CADWALLADER: You already have. Look, there's no point resisting, so
ZANZIBAR: We can still escape, maybe find a way to stop the blood control, help the Doctor. What's
CADWALLADER: It might not be so bad.
ZANZIBAR: You're kidding! They tried to kill me earlier. It didn't work, but they killed everyone else.
CADWALLADER: Well, there you are, you see? Maybe some of us are lucky. I mean, look at me.
They've not been able to control me, and their blood control didn't work fully on you either. Lucky us.
ZANZIBAR: Maybe. What retrovirus are you infected with?
ZANZIBAR: I've got RV37. It's an executive level, touch above my pay grade, but I saved up so I
could afford it.
ZANZIBAR: Have you got that too?
CADWALLADER: Er, I believe so. It's very last year.
ZANZIBAR: But it's worth investigating. If it works, if it provides immunity from blood control, we could
give it to everyone, and then whoa!
ZANZIBAR: You knew all along, didn't you? That's why you developed RV37. This isn't some random
invasion. Pharma Corps sold humanity out to the Sycorax, and then gave themselves the cure.
CADWALLADER: There really are too many humans. We're just changing the boundaries of what it
means to be human. And you're lucky. You get to join the one percent. Turns out we still need people
to do the fetching and carrying.

(Lots of Sycorax talking and snarling.)

SYCORAX: Unload the blood controllers. You have returned, female cattle.
ZANZIBAR: Yes. This is all impressive.
SYCORAX: We think so.
ZANZIBAR: That crane's unloading a lot of blood controllers.
SYCORAX: We shall have a lot of slaves.
ZANZIBAR: I found out from Cadwallader. He sold us off to you.
SYCORAX: There is always someone who will. Smell the blood. It is a good trade.
CADWALLADER: I like to think so.
SYCORAX: Ninety nine percent of the human race. We would have been happy with less, but you
slaves hate yourselves.
ZANZIBAR: These people, Pharma Corps, they don't, they don't own the human race.
SYCORAX: They control your emotions, they own your blood, so they do.
ZANZIBAR: I'm like them. I'm immune. That must mean I get a say.
SYCORAX: You would fight for the human race?
ZANZIBAR: Argue for them.
SYCORAX: That is the same word. You hear her, my Sycorax? This cattle would fight for her race!
(Sycorax laughter.)
ZANZIBAR: Hang on, hang on, wait!
SYCORAX: Do you yield? If you yield, then your side is forfeit. Those are the rules of combat.
ZANZIBAR: I (pause) will fight.
(Sycorax laughter.)

(Sycorax laughing and thumping.)

SYCORAX: Stop unloading. This female slave will fight for her world. The Champion of the Earth!
ZANZIBAR: I will fight you, Sycorax.
SYCORAX: Me? You will not fight me. Behold our Champion!
(Door opens.)
DOCTOR: Hello, Zanzibar.
DOCTOR: I don't appear to be in control of my movements.
ZANZIBAR: That's okay.
SYCORAX: This is our Champion. You will fight your friend to the death.
DOCTOR: Evidently they have a ritualised system of combat. Fascinating.
SYCORAX: Pass the Champion of Earth a sword. (clang)
DOCTOR: You get a sword? I have an umbrella.
ZANZIBAR: I don't know what to do.
DOCTOR: There should be another way.
SYCORAX: If you do not fight, we will kill you both.
DOCTOR: That simplifies matters.
SYCORAX: Use the blood control machine. Make the Time Lord slave fight.
SYCORAX 2: Yes, leader.
ZANZIBAR: I don't want to do this.
(Machine powered up.)
DOCTOR: And neither do I. Curious thing, blood control. You shouldn't be able to make a species to
go against its own nature, but if you've got a specific sample argh! you can really go to town argh!
Making me feel very aggressive. Ow. Oh dear, I really do want to kill you very much. I'm so sorry.
(Sycorax laughter.)
ZANZIBAR: That's okay, Doctor. I'll try, I dunno.
DOCTOR: For once, neither do I.
ZANZIBAR: Here goes.
DOCTOR: En garde.
(Swishing of umbrella and sword, sounds of effort and pain.)
ZANZIBAR: Look out! No, I'm trying not to hit you. What should I do?
DOCTOR: Sorry about that. Forgive me, was that your arm?
ZANZIBAR: Doctor, I'm the one with the sword.
DOCTOR: I used to be very good at martial arts.
DOCTOR: Sorry. See what I mean?
ZANZIBAR: Doctor, I can't fight you like this.
DOCTOR: Do you have a plan?
SYCORAX: Finish it. You bore us.
ZANZIBAR: Only too happy to. (swish, swish, close quarters) (sotto) Doctor.
ZANZIBAR: The Vault over there.
ZANZIBAR: I'd like you to not think of it.
DOCTOR: Of course.
ZANZIBAR: As I back you into it.
(Effort and swishing. Beeps, Vault door closes.)
SYCORAX: What is this clever game? Finish the combat!
ZANZIBAR: Oh, I will. First, I'm going to ignore medical advice and operate heavy machinery.
(Crane moves. Crash.)
SYCORAX 2: Leader, she has destroyed the Time Lord's blood controller with our own crane
SYCORAX: I see that, you fool! Female cattle, what is this?
ZANZIBAR: If I'm going to fight the Doctor, I'm doing it properly.
SYCORAX: You are brave and silly, and now you kill him.
ZANZIBAR: Doctor? (hammers on door) Come out and die!
DOCTOR [OC]: Actually, hello, instead I'd just like to formally surrender.
(Sycorax laugh.)

(Clink of vials.)
DOCTOR: Orders of sanctified trial by combat, yes?
DOCTOR: Then, and I'm just guessing, I can probably yield.
DOCTOR: Jolly good. I surrender.
ZANZIBAR [OC]: And I accept your surrender.
DOCTOR: I surrender

DOCTOR [OC]: On behalf of the entire Sycorax race.

ZANZIBAR: On behalf of the entire Human race, I accept.
DOCTOR [OC]: Can I come out now?
ZANZIBAR: Hold on.
(Vault door unlocked, opens.)
DOCTOR: I think we fought rather well. I say, do we get to sort out the peace treaty now? I'm very
good at those.
DOCTOR: I'm just pointing out an opportunity. Peace. And a Time Lord on your side.
SYCORAX: This pantomime counts for nothing.
DOCTOR: I rather fear you're right. Pity.
SYCORAX: Into the Vault, unload the cattle's blood, or I will kill two Champions myself.

ZANZIBAR: Are you all right?

DOCTOR: Yes, I am. You did very well.
ZANZIBAR: Especially in not killing you.
DOCTOR: Exactly. This is a sad moment.
ZANZIBAR: Because we've lost?
DOCTOR: No, because we've won.
ZANZIBAR: I'm not sure I understand emotions.
DOCTOR: You'll get used to them.
CADWALLADER: They er want you to bring out a sample, get started.
DOCTOR: What are you, the middle manager?
CADWALLADER: I am pleased to do what I can to increase efficiency.
DOCTOR: They're not going to come in themselves. Do you know why?
DOCTOR: Look around you. The whole human race, rack upon rack, ripe for the taking. No one's
ever offered them such a prize. I think, I think they may feel guilty.
CADWALLADER: That doesn't matter. They want to start loading up their blood controllers.
DOCTOR: Some of these, eh? (chink of glass) Giving them direct access to the human race. Unleash
the army of zombies! Oh, how boring.
CADWALLADER: There is nothing boring about money.
DOCTOR: Just the people who possess large quantities of it. So, what about you? Are you happy?
CADWALLADER: It is a sound business decision.
DOCTOR: Of course it is. Come on, Zanzibar. Bring the blood.

SYCORAX: Load samples into the machine. I want to watch these cattle dance.
ALL SYCORAX: Sycorax strong. Sycorax mighty. Sycorax rock! (repeat.)
ZANZIBAR: Here, Doctor. The first samples.
DOCTOR: All loaded. The entire population of the Ice Colonies.
CADWALLADER: It should prove an effective demonstration of the product we're bringing to market.
With this precise blood typing, you can control any human in the galaxy. You can design armies. You
can assign whole slave races.
SYCORAX: This will do.
CADWALLADER: On behalf of Pharma Corps, I want to congratulate you on your purchase. You
won't regret it.
DOCTOR: One last time. Don't do this. Reconsider.
SYCORAX: Release our curse.
(Machine powers up.)
ALL SYCORAX: Sycorax:strong. Sycorax mighty. Sycorax rock! (repeat behind dialogue)
DOCTOR: I did warn you.
SYCORAX: Your warnings mean nothing, little Time Lord slave. Sycorax have power. You have
nothing. Sycorax will rule over (pain) every
(Chanting stops.)
CADWALLADER: What, what, what just happened? What happened to the Sycorax?
(Zanzibar laughs.)
CADWALLADER: What have you done? What have you (collapses)
DOCTOR: Oh dear.

DOCTOR: Not one of my better plans, but you carried it out beautifully. Actually, give me a moment,
ZANZIBAR: Are you all right?
DOCTOR: I've never really cared for teleports. Make me feel travel sick.
ZANZIBAR: We have a medicine for that.
DOCTOR: I'm sure you do.
ZANZIBAR: Hang on. You don't like teleports? I saw you appear out of mid-air.
DOCTOR: But I did it in a blue box. That makes all the difference.
ZANZIBAR: Where are you from? Who are you?
DOCTOR: Questions are a good thing, but enjoy the moment. We're standing in a vast alien
spaceship, and we have it all to ourselves. I think.
ZANZIBAR: (whispers) It's very quiet.
DOCTOR: Have you ever explored a spaceship before?
ZANZIBAR: This one, earlier today.
DOCTOR: Oh yes. And how did it make you feel?
ZANZIBAR: It was brutal, but beautiful. Confusing.
DOCTOR: Yes. Most things aren't black and white. Complexity should be celebrated. Do you know,
I've never looked round one of these things.
ZANZIBAR: Care for a tour? They've a giant statue of themselves made of skulls.
DOCTOR: Ooo, very Tate Modern. Thank you.
ZANZIBAR: For what?
DOCTOR: For trusting me. It's been a difficult day.
(Scraping metal.)
ZANZIBAR: I didn't think it could ever work, your plan.
DOCTOR: That's how people tend to feel about my plans.
ZANZIBAR: There. The statue.
DOCTOR: Hmm. On the whole, I prefer paintings. Come on, Zanzibar. We've got work to do.

ZANZIBAR: So, while you were worrying whether the Sycorax live in a nest, a cluster or a hive, I was
taking a sample of the Sycorax Priest's blood.
CADWALLADER: That's how you did it.
DOCTOR: She then passed it to me during our fight to the death, and locked me in the Vault where I
made a fresh set of samples for the blood controller.
ZANZIBAR: Sycorax samples. So when they switched on the controller, they only controlled
themselves, and ended up
DOCTOR: Frozen in a feedback loop, which is why they were nice and quiet while I beamed them all
back over to their ship.
ZANZIBAR: And now it's your turn, Cadwallader Cadwallader.
CADWALLADER: You can't do this to me. You can't!
ZANZIBAR: I think we can, can't we?
DOCTOR: Oh yes, we definitely can.
CADWALLADER: But Pharma Corps, when they hear what you've done to me
DOCTOR: Ha, I think when the human race find out you sold them into slavery
ZANZIBAR: No one will be listening to Pharma Corps ever again.
CADWALLADER: You need us! You depend on us!
ZANZIBAR: That's the problem. We depend on you too much. You're no better than the Sycorax.
DOCTOR: Medicine's important, used sparingly. You shouldn't let it wipe out all human feelings. Trust
me, I'm a Doctor.
ZANZIBAR: Ready to beam Cadwallader over, Doctor.
CADWALLADER: You can't do this to me! They'll kill me!
DOCTOR: Not at all. They're comatose, and will remain so until the blood control wears off, when the
samples boil dry, like leaving a pan on the stove. Who's for cocoa?
CADWALLADER: Then what? What do I do when they wake up?
DOCTOR: You've time to think of something. Who knows, maybe you'll pass a nice deserted planet?
C'S PAD: Attention. You are experiencing high levels of stress.
CADWALLADER: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
ZANZIBAR: Goodbye, Cadwallader.
CADWALLADER: Nooo! (whoosh)
DOCTOR: How are you feeling?
ZANZIBAR: So many emotions. They're all crowding in. It's quite overwhelming. Is this how it feels all
the time?
DOCTOR: No, but it's exactly how it should feel when you've saved the entire human race. Make the
most of it. It doesn't happen often. Well, not that often.
ZANZIBAR: You've still not told me who you are.
DOCTOR: It doesn't matter.
ZANZIBAR: You're impossible, Doctor. Of course it matters.
DOCTOR: All right. But you should prepare yourself for a shock. Close your eyes, hold your breath,
and stay as calm as you can.
(Footsteps recede.)
ZANZIBAR: Doctor? Where are you off to? Doctor? Hey!
(The Tardis dematerialises.)
ZANZIBAR: Impossible. That's what you are, Doctor. Impossible.

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