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LTDE 6300 | Learning, Technology, and Design Capstone Course

Project Title (5 points):

- Google's Future-Ready Learning Ecosystem: Transformative Instructional Design

Topic (and Subject Area, if applicable) (5 points):

- Advanced Learning and Development Strategies for High-Tech Multinational


Organization Involved (5 points):

- Google Inc.

Stakeholders (including project supervisors/collaborators) (5 points):

- Project Lead and Instructional Designer: Kennedy Wilson

- Director of Learning and Development: Suzanne Martin
- Head of Talent Acquisition: Kyle Ewing

Intended Audience (5 points):

- All Google employees across diverse departments, including new hires, experienced
professionals, and leadership teams.

Timeframe (5 points):

24 months (Start Date: January 2024 - End Date: December 2025)

Brief Description of the Purpose of the Project (10 points):

- The purpose of this ambitious project is to reshape Google's learning and development
landscape by introducing a transformative approach to instructional design. The project
aims to prepare Google's workforce for the dynamic, high-tech future by providing
innovative, personalized, and adaptive learning experiences that align with Google's
culture and values. It seeks to position Google as a leader in talent development within
the tech industry.

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Bulleted Overarching Goals (10 points):

- Goal 1: Conduct a comprehensive audit of Google's current learning ecosystem to

identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
- Goal 2 : Develop a multi-year strategic roadmap for the evolution of Google's learning
and development initiatives, aligned with the organization's strategic objectives.
- Goal 3: Establish a collaborative platform for employees to connect, share knowledge,
and work on cross-functional projects.
- Goal 4 : Implement robust data analytics to measure the impact of learning initiatives on
individual and organizational performance.
- Goal 5 : Continuously innovate and adapt the learning ecosystem to stay ahead of the
ever-evolving tech landscape.

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