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From its early days the Internet has come a long way in a short period of time, the internet

has removed all

communication barriers, creating an open world with easy, instant and endless communication practices and
possibilities. However, it has a dark side too, which is bad buzz,

This graph shows the evolution of bad buzz in the world between 2004 et 2022, carried out by a French press.

This blue line, demonstrate the numbers of bad buzz, shown in the graph, has known a quick fluctuation
exemplified by an increase and decrease from 2004 to 2009, followed by a significant growth and reaching 2 until
5 buzzes in 2011, they kept rising gradually until reaching the peak in 2015, this evolution can be justified by the
blazing rise in internet use. Nevertheless, the number of buzzes decreased suddenly during the whole period
coming after a slight climb that lasts only one year. The buzzes underwent a considerable sink until reaching the
lowest point by the end of 2020, followed by a steady recover between 2020 and 2022.

To sum up. We can see that the evolution of bad buzz related to the increase of using internet.

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