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Task 1:

The given graph illustrates the percentage of population in Europe going to the
gym in the month in different age group from 1990 to 2010.
It will be noticed that there was an upward trend among 4 age groups. The
highest date experienced in people from 18 to 24 years old while the lowest
proportion contributed to people who 45 and over during the 20-year period.

As can be seen from the graph, 18-24 and 25-34 age groups stood at the same
point in 1990, which was about 9%, whereas, 35-44 and over showed the same
figure at 5%. The percentage of people who aged 18 to 24 increase significantly
between 1990 and 2010, reaching a peak at around 60%, at this time it was the
highest amount between 4 groups.

The second figure experienced in people who 25-34 years old, which was a half,
recorded in 2010, followed by 35-44 age group at 40%. In the last place was
people who 45 years old and over, which had a slightly rise to one fifth in 2010.
Task 2: The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among
many people in society. Do you think the advantages outweigh the
Dis: lose communication, shy, scare of meet people
Ad: convenient, easy meet people around the world, save money.
With the advent of technology, social media is becoming a prevalent tool
to connect people in society. In my opinion, I think the merits of this statement
is outweighed its dismerits.

The primary effect of the technology have on people is convenient. The

technological breakthroughs make the world become a close-knit
communication. People can easily contact with their friends, relatives and family
wherever they are. For example, people can easily make a video with their
parents when they feel homesick despite the far distance between their house
and their parents’house. Moreover, you can easily contact face to face with the
callers because of modern phones.

Saving money is another reason of the benefits of technology. Instead of

making an appointment in the café, restaurant and even peaceful atmosphere to
sign contracts, chat with friends, people can easily do this at home by smart
devices, especially, during the COVID-19 pandemic, social media become the
most useful tools to get in touch with each other without touching and

However, it is true that technology has some delibating effects on human

life. People are get use of connect with everyone through a screen. As a result,
they become shy, less motivate and get difficult in starting a new conservation
with strangers. Therefore, the availability of new communication technologies
may also have the result of isolating people and discouraging real interaction.

In conclusion, although social media have some negative effect on people,

the widespread use of technology make everyone in the world come closer and it
is also more convenient and cost-savings than before. However, we should use
technology wiser and try not to be addicted social media.

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