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Bài 1:

The line graph illustrates the main methods of communication to work in New Straford from 1970 to the
present day and the prediction to 2030.Overrall, all four modes of commuter transport witnessed a
upward trend from the past to the future.

In 1970, the bus was the highest in four modes,which reach about 8.5%.The private car and motorbike
were lower,at about 8% and 4%.Train was the lowest,which takes 2%.After 20 years,in present ,all four
methods has increased sharply except for bus ,private car and train at the moment are the first and
second while bus and motorbike follow behind.

In the future,it had been predicted that train,bus and motorbike will increased,while private car will
decline.Mortorbike and train are the least and the most common and private car and bus almost tie

Bài 2 :

The line graph shows the changing patterns of business communication in New Stratford between 1980
and 2005.Overall,All five methods fluctuated unstably throughout the years.

In letter,It witnessed a downward trend after ower 20 years.It had been drop tremendously.It reach the
peak at 21 million in 1985 and then go down to reach the lowest at 4% in 2005 which is 5 times lower
than the beginning of survey and become the lowest in four methods.

E-mail and cellphone had the same line.They both rocket rapidly to become the highest and second
highest in 2005.They both have a big change in number of business communications after over 20

Landline phone markes a downward trend in the survey.It saw a unstable changed through the years.
It reached the peak at 35% in 1990 while the lowest was in 2005 at 23%.

Other internet had increased slightly ,when in 1980 ,it didn’t have any user at all,but after that,it
become the second lowest in five methods, only higher than letter.

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