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Vasudha – Science & Technology and Planet Earth

Planet earth is the “infrastructure” that supports life on our planet: the air we breathe, the food we eat
and the water we drink are only possible as long as we have healthy biodiversity – rich species and
ecosystem diversity. Yet, this essential human lifeline is severely threatened.
The latest data shows that we are on the brink of crossing ecological boundaries and reaching tipping
points in climate and ecosystems that might lead to an acceleration of planetary destabilization.
This is not just doom and gloom, the risk is real!

We question that can we sustain life on this planet any longer?

Sustainable development is widely recognized as an existential challenge. To address it, humanity needs to
change its ways. However, people seem slow to act, not always understanding and often denying
environmental imperatives, creating barriers. The paper examines the main differences between
environmental science and technology, reviews how the wider science-technology convergence has
affected them and evaluates potential implications for sustainability challenges.
It is time to focus on the solutions which we know exist or have the potential to be developed and this is
where technology, along with behavioural change, can help us reboot the health of our nature and planet.
From the high seas to the depths of the world’s most dense forests, technology can transform how we
identify, measure, track and value the many services and resources nature provides us with. Some of the
ways in which technology can help us is through using

Green cars -Electric Cars and biofuels play a special role. The term “Green Cars” is not only restricted to electric
type but also includes the cars that consume less fuel to travel the same distance, hybrid vehicles and many others.
Some Examples are – Tesla and Tata

Swarna rice-The technology applied in agriculture is one great example. The development of improvised crops
boosted in recent decades by sufficient scientific evidence to support its usefulness and safety, shows how
biotechnology can produce crops which are resistant to climate change

Biomass-In order to reduce consumption of oil and fossil fuels, renewable energy is appearing on the horizon as
a key pillar of our development. This includes biofuels, an alternative to traditional fuels generated from the biomass
of their metabolic waste.
Smog towers-Smog towers are structures designed to work as large- scale air purifiers. They are fitted with
multiple layers of air filters and fans at the base to suck the air. After the polluted air enters the smog tower, it is
purified by the multiple Layers before being re- circulated into the atmosphere. Afterward, it converts the carbon
collected into jewellery.

Why does this matter? It matters because we will not build a stable, prosperous and equitable future on a
depleted planet. The failing of natural systems is not without consequences for us as without the nature
humans won’t be able to get basic thing like oxygen and water and eventually die.
By Shiven Taparia

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