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Physical Education is an essential element of the educational plan created to foster the best possible

development of the individual in all aspects, including physical, social, mental and emotional, through
comprehensive body movement when participating in carefully chosen physical activities. However, in some
educational institutions, non-PE educators may be asked to teach PE courses, possibly due to a lack of qualified
PE teachers or for different reasons. Instructing a subject that is away from one’s area of expertise can be a
tough challenge and can have an effect on the teacher’s assurance, enthusiasm, and feeling of effectiveness.

Physical Education (PE) is a subject that is traditionally taught by teachers with specialized training in the

field. However, in some schools, non-PE teachers may be asked to teach PE classes, either due to a shortage of qualified

PE teachers or other reasons. The experience of teaching a subject outside of one’s area of expertise can be a challenging

and may affect the teacher’s confidence, motivation, and sense of effectiveness.

Arendain and Limpot (2022) of the University of Mindanao shows that teachers who teach non -specialized subjects

find it difficult to use appropriate teaching strategies. They concluded that teaching is both a challenging and rewarding

career. They discussed that teaching unmastered subject is difficult undertaking for a teacher. However, teaching a subject

that you do not understand does not make teacher incompetent. Instead, it's an opportunity to improve your knowledge of

a specific subject as well as your pedagogical skills as a teacher.

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