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Binalonan, Pangasinan

College of Teacher Education

Learning Task #6: Assisting and Participating in School Programs and Activities

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this learning task, I should be able to:
1. Identify the relevant and responsive learning programs and activities in my Cooperating
2. Prepare materials needed in the school activities
3. Assist and participate in school programs and activities
4. Join my Cooperating Teacher and my class in school programs and activities
5. Use professional reflection and learning to improve practice

Performing My Teaching-Learning Activities

Performance Task 1
List down the relevant school programs celebrated by your Cooperating School. Complete the
matrix below.
School Programs/Activities Learning Outcomes

ASES Foundation Day They provide opportunity to the students to

show their talent

Teacher’s Day Understanding the role of teachers,expressing

gratitude, building positive teacher-student
relationships, and promoting respect for
education. Teacher'sDay celebrations aim to
contribute to building a positive school
community and spark interest in education as
a potential career path and recognizes and
appreciates the in valuable contribution of

Performance Task 2
What are the other learning programs designed by the school to assist students in their
academic success?
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education

Academic Programs Desired Learning Outcomes

Buwan Wika To promote and appreciate the Filipino

language and culture.

Intramurals It compass a holistic approach to education

and personal development, to promote
physical fitness and well-being,
sportsmanship, teamwork and cooperation,
developing leadership and responsibility

How do these programs impact student learning?

Participating in extracurricular activities in school enables students to cultivate their
interpersonal and social skills by engaging in various school events. Buwan ng wika
shows appreciation for literacy and proficiency in the language while engaging
Intramurals activities such as physical sports builds their sportsmanship, leadership and
teamwork. It shows that school are just not providing academic knowledge that imparts
to the students but also with their physical, emotional and mental aspect as well

Performance Task 3
Design a learning program using the given template.
I. Title of the Learning Program
Students Yearly Art Program

II. Rationale
Schools primarily enhances the academic performance of the students thus, improvingthe
knowledge and skills when it comes to dealing real-life scenarios observing in the
sorroundings. It is important to improve and showcase their skills when it comes to an
artwork since they are still young they should know how important art is in our lives. It is
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education

not just about improving their skills and molding their ideas in creativity but also teaches
them in the paths to success not just academically but mentally as well and enhances the
confidence together with building the relationships with others towards success.

III. Specific Objectives

1. To develop new skills
2. Learning how to be creative
3. Learning how to organize end execute the thoughts and ideas
4. Learn how to appreciate small or big things in a way they put effort

IV. Conditions which prompted you to design the program

Fostering creativity skills, provide hands- on experience to the students.

V. Persons Responsible/Duties and Responsibilities

Persons Responsible Duties/Responsibilities

Teachers Facilitator

Parent/ Guradians Will be the one who will encourage and

guide the students

Students They will participate on the said


Writing My Reflection
How did I feel?
Before the activity… I feel nervous and excited seeing the students’ creativity, and engaging
with the school activity can generate excitement for me. It is also challenging because there are
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education

some instances of unforeseen issues that arises.

After the activity …It is challenging because there are some instances of unforeseen events or
issues that arises but the program went smooth and successful. The students are enjoying and
gaining practical knowledge as well as memorable experiences.

After the activity, I learned that:

Education is not only in classrooms but also outdoors such as experinces, where students can
learn important life skills.

Working on My Learning Artifacts

Paste pictures/screenshots of the school programs, celebrations, and activities where you
participated. Label them.
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education
Binalonan, Pangasinan
College of Teacher Education

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