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Here are steps to teach English to people whose first language is not English using

an approach and methods

A. Approach-Based Teaching Steps:

1. Understand Cultural Backgrounds

- Research and familiarize yourself with the cultural backgrounds of the learners.

2. Create Contextualized Lessons

- Design scenarios that reflect real-life situations where English is used.

3. Emphasize Communicative Language Use:*

- Prioritize activities that encourage practical communication in English.

- Foster an environment where learners feel comfortable expressing

themselves in the language.

4. Promote Interactive Learning

- Facilitate group discussions and pair activities to promote interaction.

- Use role-playing and language games to make learning enjoyable and


5. Incorporate Multisensory Approaches

- Integrate visual aids, audio materials, and hands-on activities to engage

different senses.

- Appeal to various learning styles within the class.

6. Adapt Materials to Learners' Needs

- Modify teaching materials to align with learners' interests and proficiency


- Select authentic resources that resonate with the learners' cultural and
linguistic contexts.
7. Provide Cultural Insights

- Share insights into English language nuances, idioms, and cultural expressions.

- Foster an understanding of language within a broader cultural context.

8. Encourage Language Exposure Outside Class

- Recommend English-language media, books, or online platforms for additional


- Encourage learners to practice English in daily life beyond the classroom.

Certainly! Here are steps to teach English to people whose first language is not
English using a specific method:

B. Method-Based Teaching Steps:

1. Communicative Language Teaching

- Prioritize real-life communication over rote memorization.

- Engage learners in interactive activities like role-plays and simulations.

2. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

- Design lessons around practical tasks that mirror everyday language use.

- Foster collaboration through group projects to achieve language goals.

3. Audio-Lingual Method

- Focus on repetition and mimicry to develop oral proficiency.

- Use audio materials such as dialogues and pronunciation drills.

4. Total Physical Response (TPR)

- Incorporate physical movement and gestures to reinforce language learning.

- Connect vocabulary and phrases with corresponding actions for better

5. Direct Method

- Conduct lessons primarily in English to create an immersive environment.

- Emphasize learning through context and association rather than translation.

6. Grammar-Translation Method

- Introduce grammar rules through explicit instruction and translation.

- Use written exercises to reinforce understanding of grammatical structures.

7. Suggestopedia

- Create a relaxed and positive learning environment.

- Use music, art, and drama to enhance language learning in a stress-free


8. The Silent Way

- Encourage learners to discover language rules through problem-solving.

- Limit the teacher's verbal intervention, promoting student autonomy.

9. Community Language Learning (CLL)

- Foster a supportive learning community where learners feel comfortable

taking risks.

- Encourage collaborative language learning through group discussions.

10. Natural Approach

- Emphasize exposure to language in meaningful contexts.

- Allow learners to acquire language naturally through immersion and


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