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Q1: On July, 20, 1969, it was announced "Houston, Tranquility Base here," this "has landed"?

The crrect Answer is: the Eagle

Q2: He appeared alone on Rolling Stone's first cover November 9, 1967 & nude with Yoko a
year later?

The crrect Answer is: John Lennon

Q3: In 1927, 4 years after starting a movie company with his brother, he decided to go all-

The crrect Answer is: Walt Disney

Q4: If these are "burning", someone is talking about you?

The crrect Answer is: ears

Q5: The Refugee Project, helping underprivileged children, is at the heart of this female
former Fugee?

The crrect Answer is: Lauryn Hill

Q6: Here's Seaman's Hut, used as an emergency shelter in this country's Kosciuszko
National Park?

The crrect Answer is: Australia

Q7: In 1960 Del Webb opened the first of these retirement towns just outside of Phoenix?

The crrect Answer is: Sun City

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