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S.Y. 2022-2023

A Qualitative Research
Presented to the faculty of Senior High School Department
Tanauan, Leyte

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Handayan, Jannila Bianca


Venus Marie O. Ellarez

Research Teacher

S.Y. 2022-2023
Chapter I

Background of the study

Absenteeism is a major problem in schools all over the world. It can have a

negative impact on students' academic achievement, social development, and

emotional well-being. There are many factors that can contribute to absenteeism,


Health problems: Students who are sick or injured are more likely to miss


Family problems: Students who come from families with high levels of stress

or conflict are more likely to miss school.

School-related problems: Students who are not engaged in school or who have

difficulty with their schoolwork are more likely to miss school.

Environmental problems: Students who live in areas with high crime rates or

who have to travel long distances to get to school are more likely to miss school.

Personal problems: Students who are struggling with personal issues, such as

depression or anxiety, are more likely to miss school.

It is important to note that absenteeism is not always a problem. Sometimes,

students miss school for legitimate reasons, such as illness or family emergencies.

However, when absenteeism becomes chronic, it can have a negative impact on

students' academic and social development.

The study of absenteeism dates back to the early 1900s. In 1916, the National

Education Association (NEA) published a report that found that absenteeism was a

major problem in American schools. The report found that the average student missed

10 days of school per year, and that absenteeism was highest among students from

low-income families.

In the 1960s, the federal government began to take a more active role in

addressing the problem of absenteeism. In 1965, the Elementary and Secondary

Education Act (ESEA) was passed, which provided federal funding to schools to help

them improve student achievement. The ESEA included a provision that required

schools to track student attendance and to develop strategies to reduce absenteeism.

In the 1980s, the problem of absenteeism began to receive more attention from

researchers. A number of studies were conducted that examined the causes of

absenteeism and the effectiveness of different interventions to reduce absenteeism.

Absenteeism can have a negative impact on students' academic achievement,

social development, and emotional well-being.

Academic achievement: Students who miss school are more likely to fall

behind in their schoolwork and to have lower academic achievement. A study by the

National Center for Education Statistics found that students who missed 10 or more

days of school in a year were two times more likely to drop out of high school than

students who did not miss any school days.

Social development: Students who miss school are more likely to experience

social problems, such as peer rejection and bullying. A study by the University of

California, Los Angeles found that students who missed 10 or more days of school in
a year were more likely to be involved in fights and to have lower self-esteem than

students who did not miss any school days.

Emotional well-being: Students who miss school are more likely to experience

emotional problems, such as depression and anxiety. A study by the University of

Texas at Austin found that students who missed 10 or more days of school in a year

were more likely to report feeling sad, lonely, and anxious than students who did not

miss any school days.

There are a number of things that can be done to reduce absenteeism,


Early intervention: Schools should identify students who are at risk for

absenteeism early on and provide them with support services.

Home-school communication: Schools should work with parents to keep them

informed about their child's attendance and to develop strategies to reduce


Positive reinforcement: Schools should reward students for good attendance.

Attendance policies: Schools should have clear and consistent attendance policies that

are enforced fairly.

By addressing the factors that contribute to absenteeism, schools can help to

ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed.

Statement of the problem

1. What is the common reason for absenteeism in school?

2. What is the leading cause of absenteeism?

3. How can the parents convince their children or the student to attend classes

every day?

Scope and delimitation

This study focuses on the causes, effects, and interventions among dropout

students of Tanauan National High School. So, the factors used to influence students

in dropping out were: Financial Problems, academic performance, Lack of Personal

Interest, Peer Pressure/Interest, and teacher Factor. The study sought to determine the

other factors that affect students in dropping out. The researcher is a Senior High

School Student; hence, their familiarity with the setting and subject may, in one way

or another, influence its outcome. However, this has been considered to eliminate bias

or hasty generalizations and conclusions.

Significance of the study

This study will be conducted to identify the factors affecting the students for

not attending class. It also provides information on what are the causes, effects,

prevention, and intervention of this problem. The researcher believes that the study is

significant for the following people.


They will be the beneficiaries of this study. They will know the effects of

absenteeism in their lives. Also, the intervention on how they overcome this problem.

Who can be the source of the study? They can give information about the

absenteeism rates and the factors affecting students not attending school.

School Administrators.

Who can take the immediate supervision of schools, may be given information

on the absenteeism rates among students. Such information would serve as a reference

in identifying the factors of absenteeism among students.


The result of the study will enhance their understanding of the importance of

education to their children.

Future Researcher.

They can provide a wider perspective on the causes, effects, prevention, and

intervention of Absenteeism among students.


Review of related literature

Absenteeism, or truancy, is a problem faced by schools across the Philippines.

The purpose of this literature review is to explore the effects of absenteeism among

students. The review will explore the causes of absenteeism, the effects of

absenteeism on students, and interventions that can be used to reduce absenteeism.

The causes of absenteeism can vary from student to student. Some students may be

absent because they are sick, while others may be absent because they do not have

access to transportation or they do not have a babysitter. Some students may also be

absent because they are not interested in the subject matter or they are not motivated

to learn.

Students who have frequent unexcused absences are subject to lower grades,

loss of credit/possibility of not being promoted to the next grade, school service, and

detention. Parents of students who have frequent unexcused absences are subject to

fines and criminal prosecution. (LEGACY, 2017).

Students who appeared in classes more often seem to be highly successful in

their studies than those who frequently absent. Also, students that appear classes

regularly are more likely to evoke well the information and eager to apply the medical

skills more professionally during their life than others. Contrarily, students who

missed their lectures will not have the chance to foster a positive learning

environment, and often poor-grades reward them. The motives for absenteeism are

similar, though the degree of each reason may differ from country to country. (Latif

khan, 2019).
Excessive school absenteeism is often linked to poor school academic

achievement so school attendance by both teachers and students plays an integral role

in the success and educational advancement levels of any academic institution and all

students enrolled. (Walters, 2022).

The data revealed that chronically absent students are at a greater academic

risk for missing early learning milestones, failing courses, and not graduating on time.

Chronically absent students are also at a greater risk for a number of negative long-

term consequences, such as being more likely to experience poverty, diminished

mental and physical health, and involvement in the criminal justice system as an

adult. (Edmentum, 2021).

A report from the US Department of Health and Human Services also links

chronic school absenteeism and selected developmental disabilities. Children aged

five to 17 with an intellectual disability had the highest prevalence of chronic school

absenteeism at 14 percent, followed by children with autism spectrum disorder at 9

percent, those with other developmental delays at 7.2 percent, and those with

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at 5.2 percent. (School of Education,


On average, students in K–12 are absent from school 7.4 days in a regular

school year. Absences vary by grade, however: elementary and middle school

students spend about 7 days away from school in a regular school year, whereas

middle school and high school students are absent 6 and 9 days on average every

school year, respectively. Absences are highest for Grades 10 through 12, with 12th

graders absent an average of 10.8 days. In a typical year, approximately 14 percent of

students are absent 0 days, 65 percent are absent 1 to 10 days, 13 percent are absent
11 to 18 days, and 8 percent are absent 18 days or more—the level at which

absenteeism is considered chronic. Chronic absence is more prevalent in Grades 9–12

than in the earlier grades. About 7 percent of students are absent from school 30 days

or more in any given year, indicating that most chronically absent students are absent

for periods much longer than 18 days. (Guarino, 2020).

While chronic absenteeism measures total absences, including excused and

unexcused, truancy measures only unexcused absences. The number of unexcused

absences it takes for a student to be considered a "truant" differs by state. Read your

school district policies and state codes on attendance. You need to stay well-informed

on how many absences are allowed, and what count as excused and unexcused

absences. (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2022).

Negative academic effects were also larger in middle school than in

elementary grades, and were more pronounced for certain subgroups of students—

those who qualify for subsidized meals, those with disabilities, and homeless students,

although not for English language learners. (Mcdougald, 2021).

The findings show that unexcused absenteeism, sickness absenteeism and

school exclusion all have a negative impact on student's academic achievement. In

addition, the findings suggested that unexcused absenteeism is more harmful at the

beginning of the school year and at the end of the school year. Sickness absenteeism

seems also more harmful at the end of the school year. In the discussion I elaborate on

the implications of these findings for policy and practice. (Keppens, 2023).

The study revealed that student absenteeism is rampant in the universities

under study due to reasons such as: lack of subject interest, poor teaching strategies

by lecturers, unfavorable learning environment, too much socialization, part-time jobs

to augment meagre bursaries granted by various sponsors and poor relations with the

lecturers. The study also found an inverse relationship between student absenteeism

and course performance. (Machingambi, 2017).

The result of the study revealed that factors such as personal, peer, family,

health and teacher-related factors cause absenteeism to the students. “Not interested in

school, influenced friends, unconcerned parents, fever, and didn’t like the teacher” are

common reasons why students are absent from their class. It is hard for students who

have chronic absences to focus on their studies and understand the lesson of their

teacher (Bas, 2019).



Population and Sampling

This study used a stratified sampling method which receive random selection

based on the characteristics present within a specific population group and the overall

study. The reason for using stratified sampling is for the better matching of the sample

to aim the objectives of the research, thus improving the rigor of the study and the

trustworthiness of the data and results.

The researchers will pick five students of each five section of grade 9 students

as the respondents for this study. As students who has a lot of absences, they can

relate while answering the questionnaire using stratified sampling.


The survey questionnaire made by the researchers that contains the

respondent's questions related to the respondent's behavior.

Procedure and Time Frame

In conducting the survey, the researchers will pick five students of each five

section of grade 9 students as the respondents for this study to be respondents of the

distributed questionnaire. The distribution and collection of respondents'

questionnaires will be conducted for two days.

Analysis Plan

In determining the behavior the respondents developed through absenteeism, a

Question that is open for different answers will be asked. Respondents will also be
questioned about how those behaviors affect their academic performance. Because of

the fact that students engaged more outside of the school.

The questions to be answered by respondents and the information to be

provided were made accordingly to the research problem. The survey questionnaire

have to dig deeper into the respondents' possible answers and experiences. The

questions used were related to the research problem and the study. It wasn't biased

and validated the respondents' point of view.

Validity and Reliability

The questions to be answered by respondents and the information to be

provided were made accordingly to the research problem. The survey questionnaire

have to dig deeper into the respondents' possible answers and experiences while using

social media. The questions used were related to the research problem and the study.

It wasn't biased and validated the respondents' point of view of using social media. It

also includes their social media platform and their opinion about it.


The study focused on the effects of the Absenteeism to the students of

Tanauan National Highschool. The following assumptions were made:

1. The researchers assumed that all of the respondents will answer the survey

questionnaire according to their experience and with honesty.

2. The researchers will be able to help the respondents know themselves more and

encourage themselves to go to school to avoid more absences.

3. The researchers would be able to deeply explain and give awareness to the

respondents regarding the effects of absenteeism to the respondents.


Presentation Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the findings

through surveys. The data that the researcher collect was interpreted and analyzed

in order to answer the problem that being presented.

The Interpretation and Analysis of Qualitative Data

1. Our house is quite far from the school



Base on the pie graph the sixteen (16) respondents who answered yes, means that

their house is quite far from the school, while the nine (9) respondents who answered

no, therefore their house is not quite far from the school.

2. Transportation in our location is really challenging.



Base on the pie graph the thirteen (13) respondents answered yes, means that

the transportation in their location is really challenging, while the twelve (12)
respondents answered no, therefore the transportation in their location is not really


3. My Parents helps me with my studies and that made me motivate to go to school.



Base on the pie graph eighteen (18) respondents answered yes, means their

parents helps them with their studies and motivate them to go to school, while seven

(7) respondents answered no, therefore their parents does not help them with their

studies and made them motivate to go to school.

4. My parents cannot afford to send me to school.



Base on the pie graph three (3) respondents answered yes, means their parents

cannot afford to send them to school, while twenty – two (22) respondents answered

no, therefore their parents can afford to send them to school.

5. I skip school because I suffer from severe anxiety at times.



YES 2nd Qtr

Base on the pie graph one (1) respondent answered yes, means they skip school

because they suffer from as severe anxiety, while twenty – four (24) respondents

answered no, therefore they don’t suffer from a severe anxiety.

6. My parents are constantly arguing, and I am unable to attend school.



Base on the pie graph eight (8) respondents answered yes, means their parents are

constantly arguing and they are unable to go to school, while seventeen (17)

respondents answered no, therefore their parents are not constantly arguing and they

are able to go to school.

7. I’m down with fever/flu.



Base on the pie graph ten (10) respondents answered yes, means they are down

with a fever/flu, while fifteen (15) respondents answered no, therefore they are not

down with a fever/flu.

8. My Grandmother need my assistance for her health check-up.




Base on the pie graph ten (10) respondents answered yes, means their

grandmother needed an assistance for her health check – up, while fifteen respondents

(15) answered no, therefore their grandmother don’t need their assistance for her

health check – up.


Summary and Conclusion, Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary and the conclusions based on the Cause of

Absenteeism to the Grade 9 Students of the Tanauan National High school.


Attendance is an important factor in school success among the children and

youth. Studies show that absenteeism is related to the lower performances and

academic achievement. The study deals primarily on the cause of the absenteeism

where all the causes are common in the students.


The reasons associated with lecture absenteeism among student groups could

shed significant light on student motivation levels and orientations in university

settings. Paying attention to the rationales for lecture absence provided by students

themselves could also help institutions to diagnose levels of student engagement and

respond in appropriate ways. This study demonstrates these assertions by engaging in

a critical analysis of the evidence linking lecture attendance and academic

performance, using a qualitative analysis of student accounts of their absenteeism. It

argues that innovative approaches to higher education would benefit from the

extension and development of this kind of inquiry.


The attendance policy is now in the second year of implementation as well in

Tanauan National High School. The limitations of the study, such as one school

community, stratified random sample of students, parents, and teachers, the number of
days students were required to attend school, reallocation of funds, and lack of

computer technology to effectively track individual class attendance, could possibly

prompt further investigation of the attendance policy and attendance program. The

researcher was aware of the external environmental variables that may have affected

the study. The effects of environmental variables alone may be an avenue for further


American Academy of Pediatrics. (2022, september 16). Retrieved from School
Attendance, Truancy & Chronic Absenteeism: What Parents Need to Know:
Bas, J. (2019, march 1). Ascendens Asia Singapore. Retrieved from Causes and
Effects of Absenteeism on the Academic Performance of Freshmen Students
in the College of Teacher:
Edmentum. (2021, november 11). Retrieved from How Chronic Absenteeism Affects
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Guarino, L. S. (2020, october). PACE. Retrieved from
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academic achievement: Does the timing of the absence matter?:
Latif khan, K. L. (2019, august 6). Dovepress. Retrieved from Does Absenteeism
Affect Academic Performance Among Undergraduate Medical Students?
Evidence From “Rashid Latif Medical College (RLMC).:
LEGACY. (2017). Retrieved from Consequences for Absenteeism:
Machingambi, N. W. (2017, october 9). Taylor Francis Online. Retrieved from The
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time jobs to au:
Mcdougald, V. (2021, february 4). Thomas D. Fhordam Institute. Retrieved from The
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School of Education. (2021, january 14). Retrieved from Why Is School Attendance
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Walters, M. (2022, september 8). the classroom. Retrieved from What is the Effect of
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