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Communication is a fundamental principle in the learning process, being a student who advocates

learning better, I am in perpetual communication with my supervisors, whether to learn or make

academic decisions, my provisions and my decisions are only taken from their agreements, I have
always been in constant communication with my supervisors. Always the week for the reasons of
work and pedagogical in the context of university instructions, there is no more notice from my
university without having the confirmation of my supervisors. The majority of sites and books I own
are proposals made by my academic supervisor, my choice and my desire to learn a Chinese language
and Chinese culture are also values they told me. I even made Chinese friends from my department
with whom sometimes we do Chinese language exercises but also from English sometimes students
with who I am today regularly communicating in Chinese and since my arrival in Chang’an University I
have a very superior Chinese level, but I admit that with the encouragement and measures
implemented by my academic supervisor For simulation and rapid integration within Chang’an
Given my specific academic results in terms of learning the Chinese language and culture that I
validate the semester to go for Chinese culture, of which I am also passionate. Over time for research
and activities for this purpose of our university I have discovered through a school tour at the
Automobile Museum around which I have been able to admire the work of former students of our
university, I am also very interested in the work of some in the context of energy renewal in the
Context of car manufacturing. I also count with the help of a friend student in the postdoctoral
written an article on the subject, I am also a member of a group of students from my university in
which we discuss daily subject to an academic order that helps me a lot to improve my academic
performance because our academic performances. Exchanges are based on scientific, cultural, and
articles that can be verified by links that run on the Internet, so the article itself and this is of great use
for me.

"Participation in activities" "Participation in activities".

The University's confinement has done its best to organize activities in the same time when I came to
china so than I participated in some activities on campus activities such as the online meetings I
learned many thing like the process how to apply for a PHD in china and abroad and how I should
planning for my research career, as well as the activities that helped us to integrate, I participated in
an academic outing to museum organized by my teacher of the last year it was very helpful for us to
enlarge our acquaintances, and to learn more about Chinese culture and the history of the ancient
city xi’an, and it also gave mate the opportunity to wear the ancient Chinese dress , it was an
experience full of achievements and cultures.
Also I participated in the opening ceremony of sports, I wanted to run the 100th meters, I even came
in third place in the preselection so still waiting for the foreign competition, on the opening day I
participated in the organized team on the campus. It was a beautiful experience that trained us for
the honorary course and the show in the stadium before the start of the competitions. It allowed me
to know more about our campus and the school. All these activities helped me to make friends and
meet different people from different countries, all with their own unique crops. I learned a lot about
the culture of these events, and I also think that since I came to China to participate in these events, I
have a better understanding of the Chinese people and its culture. I had the opportunity to visit the
tourist squares and the beautiful restaurants of 西安 西安 (The Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors
and Horses · 2. Muslim Quarter · 3. Xi'an City Wall (Chengqiang)) Through a link that our main teacher
has shared in the group of students .. Finally, I want to thank the Chinese government and the
University of Chang'an for the desirability of studying in one of the best schools. At the same time, I
have the opportunity to learn more about Chinese multiculturalism, learn more about China's long
history and binding myself from friendship with friendly people in China. I hope to have the
opportunity to learn more and do better in my academic environment. I will continue to learn and do
my best to ensure my future.
Thank you

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