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Question: How important these core values (Integrity, Compassion, Innovation, Resilience and
Patriotism) to your life as NU student? 1 page only. (35 points)

As a nationalian, the core values in our school National University are important because it holds great
significance, not only for personal growth but also for cultivating traits of behavior and enabling
individuals to make wise decisions independently, by effectively incorporating these values into their
journey towards success. There are five fundamental values in National University which are integrity,
compassion, innovation, resilience and patriotism.

Integrity, it involves honesty, moral principles, and the establishment of trust with teachers and peers.
Demonstrating integrity in actions such as taking an exam without cheating shows personal responsibility
and a commitment to academic honesty.

Compassion, it shows kindness and creates a supportive environment. Showing understanding and
empathy towards others, such as offering help or patiently explaining concepts to struggling classmates,
reflects genuine concern for their well-being and success.

Innovation, it encourages creativity and critical thinking. Introducing fresh ideas and solutions, like
developing new study methods or finding innovative ways to present projects, demonstrates the ability
to think creatively and leads to more effective learning and improved outcomes.

Resilience, it is the student's ability to overcome challenges and maintain motivation. Being resilient
means learning from mistakes, seeking guidance, and working diligently to improve, rather than giving
up or becoming discouraged, when faced with setbacks like lower-than-expected grades.

Patriotism, it promotes civic responsibility and active engagement. Engaging in community service
projects or participating in discussions about current events and social issues showcases patriotism,
reflecting a genuine concern for the well-being of the community and a willingness to contribute
positively to its progress.

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