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Copyright 1997 by Substantial increases in the relative and absolute number of older persons in our society
The Cerontological Society of America
pose a challenge for biology, social and behavioral science, and medicine. Successful aging
The Cerontologist is multidimensional, encompassing the avoidance of disease and disability, the
Vol. 37, No. 4, 433-440
maintenance of high physical and cognitive function, and sustained engagement in social
and productive activities. Research has identified factors predictive of success in these
critical domains. The stage is set for intervention studies to enhance the proportion of our
population aging successfully.
Key Words: Aging, Cognition, Physical function, Engagement, MacArthur Foundation

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Successful Aging1
John W. Rowe, MD2 and Robert L Kahn, PhD3

In an earlier article (Rowe & Kahn, 1987), we pro- Research Network on Successful Aging. In this article
posed the distinction between usual and successful we summarize the central findings of that work, pro-
aging as nonpathologic states. Our purpose in pose a conceptual framework for successful aging,
doing so was to counteract the longstanding ten- and consider some pathways or mechanisms that
dency of gerontology to emphasize only the distinc- make for successful old age.
tion between the pathologic and nonpathologic,
that is, between older people with diseases or dis- Defining Successful Aging
abilities and those suffering from neither. The im- We define successful aging as including three
plicit assumption of that earlier gerontology was main components: low probability of disease and
that, in the absence of disease and disability, other disease-related disability, high cognitive and physi-
age-related alterations in physical function (such as cal functional capacity, and active engagement with
increases in blood pressure and blood glucose) and life. All three terms are relative and the relationship
Cognitive function (such as modest memory impair- among them (as seen in Figure 1) is to some extent
ment) were "normal," determined by intrinsic aging hierarchical. As the figure indicates, successful
processes, primarily genetic, and not associated aging is more than absence of disease, important
with risk. though that is, and more than the maintenance of
We hoped that the distinction between two functional capacities, important as it is. Both are im-
groups of nondiseased older persons — usual (non- portant components of successful aging, but it is
pathologic but high risk) and successful (low risk and their combination with active engagement with life
high function) — would help to correct those ten- that represents the concept of successful aging
dencies, stimulate research on the criteria and deter- most fully.
minants of successful aging, and identify proper tar- Each of the three components of successful aging
gets for interventions with "normal" elderly. In includes subparts. Low probability of disease refers
recent years, "successful aging" has. become a famil-
not only to absence or presence of disease itself,
iar term among gerontologists (Abeles, Gift, & Ory,
1994; Baltes & Baltes, 1990; Garfein & Herzog, 1995; but also to absence, presence, or severity of risk
Hazzard, 1995) and a considerable body of research factors for disease. High functional level includes
has accumulated on its characteristics. Much of this both physical and cognitive components. Physical
work was supported by the MacArthur Foundation and cognitive capacities are potentials for activity;
they tell us what a person can do, not what he or
she does do. Successful aging goes beyond poten-
'Supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, tial; it involves activity. While active engagement
Chicago, IL with life takes many forms, we are most concerned
'Address correspondence to John W. Rowe, MD, President, Mount Sinai with two — interpersonal relations and productive
School of Medicine and The Mount Sinai Hospital, Mount Sinai Medical
Center, One Custave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029.
activity. Interpersonal relations involve contacts and
'University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor, Ml. transactions with others, exchange of information,

Vol. 37, No. 4,1997 433


UJ Disability



25 50 75 100
AGING AGE (years)

Figure 2. Relation of risk of disease to presence of disease,

disability, and death in an aging population.

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affected, to reflect the fact that many individuals
begin at risk, either because of genetic factors or the
psychosocial environment in which they are born.

Heritability, Lifestyle, and Age-related Risk

Figure 1. A model of successful aging.
The previously held view that increased risk of
diseases and disability with advancing age results
from inevitable, intrinsic aging processes, for the
emotional support, and direct assistance. An activity most part genetically determined, is inconsistent
is productive if it creates societal value, whether or with a rapidly developing body of information that
not it is reimbursed. Thus, a person who cares for a many usual aging characteristics are due to lifestyle
disabled family member or works as a volunteer in a and other factors that may be age-related (i.e., they
local church or hospital is being productive, al- increase with age) but are not age-dependent (not
though unpaid (Herzog & Morgan, 1992). caused by aging itself).
A major source of such information is the Swed-
ish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging (SATSA), a subset
Staying Healthy: Reducing Risk Factors for Disease of the Swedish National Twin Registry that includes
and Disability in Late Life over 300 pairs of aging Swedish twins, mean age 66
The concept of usual aging as a large subset of years old, half of whom were reared together and
those elderly previously considered to be "normal" half who were reared apart. About one third are
is depicted in Figure 2 (Rowe, 1990). The curve monozygotic, while two thirds are dizygotic. Com-
farthest to the right, labeled "Death," displays the parison of usual aging characteristics in twins of dif-
1980 age-specific mortality experience of the United fering zygosity and rearing status enables estima-
States. The area to the left of the curve labeled tion of the relative contributions of heritable and
"Disability" estimates that portion of the population environmental influences.
without disability, and the envelope between the SATSA-based studies have determined the heri-
Death and Disability curves denotes the disabled tability coefficients (the proportion of total variance
population. The area to the left of the curve labeled attributable to genetic factors) for major risk factors
"Disease" represents the nondiseased, nondisabled for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in
population. The final curve, labeled "Risk," esti- older persons. These are .66-.70 for body mass
mates the portion of the nondiseased population at index, .28-.78 for individual lipids (total cholesterol,
significant risk for developing disease. The increas- low- and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol,
ing dominance of this population with advancing apolipoproteins A-1 and B, and triglycerides), .44 for
age reflects emergence of the "usual aging syn- systolic and .34 for diastolic blood pressure (Heller,
drome" associated with risk of chronic disease. The deFaire, Pedersen, Dahlen, & McClearn, 1993; Hong,
area at the extreme left and bottom of the figure in- deFaire, Heller, McClearn, & Pedersen, 1994;
cludes the nondiseased population at lowest risk, Stunkard, Harris, Pedersen, & McClearn, 1990).
i.e., those who are aging "successfully" with respect Heritability trends across decades of advanced
to risk of emergence of disease. While the death, age revealed a reduction in the heritability coeffi-
disability, and disease curves traditionally originate cients for apolipoprotein B and triglycerides (see
at 100%, i.e., with none of the population affected at Figure 3) and for systolic blood pressure (.62 for
birth, the risk curve arbitrarily originates at 80% not people under 65 years old and .12 for those over 65).

434 The Gerontologist

100 100
0.4 • • Evans County blacks (RR = 1.08)

0.3 •• ^ ***... Evans County whites {RR= 1.83)

Tecumseh (RR = 3.87)

« 0.2 ••
" Gothenburg {RR = 4.00)

0.1 • •

50-62 54-66 58-72 62-76 6640 70-84

AGE INTERVAL Eastern Finland (RR = 2.63)
Low High
Level of Social Integration
Figure 3. Relative contributions of heredity and environment
with advancing age to serum triglycerides in Swedish twins, Note: RR Indicates the relative risk ratio of mortality at the
lowest versus highest level of social integration

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adapted from Heller, D. et al., 1993.
Figure 4. Relation of level of social integration to age-adjusted
mortality in five prospective studies, adapted from House, J. et
Consistent with these age-related reductions in her- al., 1988.
itability are mortality data from a 26-year follow-up
of the entire Swedish Twin Registry, 21,004 twins
born between 1886 and 1925 (Marenberg, Risch,
Berkman, Floderus, & deFaire, 1994). Among male emergence of diseases in older populations, such as
identical twins, the risk of death from coronary cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, can be
heart disease (CHD) was eightfold greater for those substantially modified (Hazzard & Bierman, 1990;
whose twin died before age 55 than for those Sticht & Hazzard, 1995). In a study demonstrating
whose twin did not die before age 55, and among the modifiability of "usual aging," Katzel and col-
male nonidentical twins the corresponding risk was leagues (Katzel, Bleecker, Colman, Rogus, & Sorkin,
nearly four times greater. When one female identi- 1995) conducted a randomized, controlled, pro-
cal twin died before the age of 65, the risk of death spective trial comparing the effects of a 9-month
for the other twin was 15 times greater than if one's diet-induced weight loss (approximately 10% of
twin did not die before the age of 65, and 2.6 times body weight) to the effects of a constant-weight aer-
greater in the case of female nonidentical twins. obic exercise program and a control program on a
Overall, the magnitude of the risk associated with well characterized group of middle-aged and older
one's twin dying of CHD decreased as the age at men at risk for cardiovascular disease. The study
which the twin died increased, independent of gen- participants were nondiabetic and were obese
der and zygosity. (body mass index 30 kg/m2), with increased waist-
Beyond twin studies, other evidence indicates the hip ratios and modest increases in blood pressure,
importance of lifestyle factors in the emergence of blood glucose, insulin, and an atherogenic lipid
risk in old age. For instance, advancing age is associ- profile. Compared to controls, the reduced-energy
ated with progressive impairment in carbohydrate intake diet resulted in statistically significant reduc-
tolerance, insufficient to meet diagnostic criteria for tions in weight, waist-hip ratio, fasting and post-
diabetes mellitus but characterized by increases in prandial glucose and insulin levels, blood pressure
basal and post-glucose challenge levels of blood and plasma levels of triglycerides, low-density
sugar and insulin. The hyperglycemia of aging carries lipoprotein/cholesterol, and increases in high-den-
increased risk for coronary heart disease (Donahue, sity lipoprotein/cholesterol. While the older weight
Abbott, Reed, & Yano, 1987) and stroke (Abbott, loss subjects (over 60 years old) lost less weight
1987), with progressive increases in the usual aging than the middle-aged subjects and had more mod-
range associated with increasing risk. Similarly, the est improvements in carbohydrate tolerance, they
hyperinsulinemia associated with aging is an inde- participated fully in the reductions in other risk fac-
pendent risk factor for coronary heart disease (Fty- tors. In general, the weight loss intervention had
orala, 1979; Foster, 1989). Several studies have now greater effects than the constant-weight aerobic ex-
demonstrated that the dominant determinants of this ercise intervention.
risk are age-related but potentially avoidable factors, Taken together, these reports reveal three consis-
such as the amount and distribution of body fat tent findings. First, intrinsic factors alone, while
(Elahi, Muller, Tzankoff, Andres, & Tobin, 1982; Kohrt, highly significant, do not dominate the determina-
Staten, Kirwan, Wojta, & Holloszy, 1990) and reduced tion of risk in advancing age. Extrinsic environmen-
physical activity and dietary factors (Zavaroni et al., tal factors, including elements of lifestyle, play a
1986). very important role in determining risk for disease.
Substantial and growing evidence supports the Second, with advancing age the relative contribu-
contention that established risk factors for the tion of genetic factors decreases and the force of

Vol. 37, No. 4,1997 435

nongenetic factors increases. Third, usual aging who have previously suffered a myocardial infarc-
characteristics are modifiable. These findings un- tion. While in the physiological measurement used
derline the importance of environmental and be- in this study, an increase in variability was associated
havioral factors in determining the risk of disease with increased risk; in other highly regulated sys-
late in life. tems, a decrease in variability may be detrimental
and represent decreased reserve and increased risk.
Intra-lndividual Variability: A Newly Identified Maximizing Cognitive and Physical Function
Risk Factor in Older Persons
in Late Life
The traditional repertoire of risk factors identified A second essential component of successful
in studies of young and middle-aged populations aging is maximization of functional status. One
may not include some additional risk factors unique common concern of older people relates to cogni-
to, or more easily identified in, elderly populations. tive function, especially learning and short-term
In this regard, the MacArthur Foundation's Studies memory. Another functional area of major interest
of Successful Aging point to a previously unrecog- is physical performance. Modest reductions in the
nized risk factor — altered within-individual vari- capacity to easily perform common physical func-
ability in physiologic functions — which may be im- tions may prevent full participation in productive
portant in determining the usual aging syndrome. and recreational activities of daily life.

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Most gerontological research, and indeed re- The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on
search in all age groups, is not geared to the mea- Successful Aging conducted a longitudinal study of
surement of short-term variations and changes. older persons to identify those physical, psycholog-
Study designs generally focus on the absolute level ical, social, and biomedical characteristics predic-
of a variable, perhaps comparing levels at two or tive of the maintenance of high function in late life.
more time points that may be separated by months The 1,189 subjects in this three-site longitudinal
or years. Nesselroade and colleagues (Kim, Nessel- study were 70-79 years old at initial evaluation and
roade, & Featherman, 1996), reasoned that short- were functionally in the upper one third of the gen-
term variability in a number of physiological or per- eral aging population. Smaller age- and sex-
haps psychological characteristics might reflect a matched samples (80 subjects in the medium func-
loss of underlying physiological reserve and repre- tioning group and 82 subjects in the low functioning
sent a risk factor for emergence of disease or dis- group) were selected to represent the middle and
ability. To study the impact of short-term variability, lowest tertiles. Initial data included detailed assess-
they examined between-person differences in simi- ments of physical and cognitive performance,
larly aged residents of a retirement community. health status, and social and psychological charac-
They assessed various aspects of biomedical, cogni- teristics (the MacArthur battery), as well as the col-
tive, and physical functioning every week for 25 lection of blood and urine samples. After a 2.0-2.5
weeks in a group of 31 individuals and a matched year interval, 1,115 subjects were re-evaluated, pro-
group of 30 assessed only at the outset and the end viding a 91% follow-up rate for the study.
of the 25-week period, and they followed the sub-
jects for several years to ascertain the relationship
between within-person variability and its risk. Predictors of Cognitive Function
Within-person variability of a joint index of physi- Cognitive ability was assessed with neuropsycho-
cal performance and physiological measures (gait, logical tests of language, nonverbal memory, verbal
balance, and blood pressure) was an excellent pre- memory, conceptualization, and visual spatial abil-
dictor of mortality five years later (R = 0.70, R2 = ity. In the initially high functioning group, four
0.49). Variability of the composite measure was a variables — education, strenuous activity in and
better predictor of mortality than mean level, which around the home, peak pulmonary flow rate, and
did not represent a statistically significant risk factor self-efficacy — were found to be direct predictors
(Nesselroade, Featherman, Agen, & Rowe, 1996). A of change or maintenance of cognitive function, to-
similar pattern of findings held for the psychologi- gether explaining 40% of the variance in cognitive
cal attributes of perceived control and efficacy, for test performance. Education was the strongest pre-
which average level was not a significant predictor dictor, with greater years of schooling increasing
of mortality but intra-individual variability scores the likelihood of maintaining high cognitive func-
predicted 30% of the variance in mortality (Eizen- tion (Albert et al., 1995). This finding is consistent
man, Nesselroade, Featherman, & Rowe, in press). with several cross-sectional studies, which identify
It should be emphasized that some functions are education as a major protective factor against re-
highly variable under normal conditions and others ductions in cognitive function. Since all the subjects
much less so. The significant aspect of intra-individ- had high cognitive function at first evaluation, it is
ual variability as a potential measure of decreased unlikely that the observed effect merely reflected
capacity and increased risk must be a change from ability to perform well on cognitive tests or was the
the normal variability, regardless of whether the result of individuals with greater innate intelligence
change is an increase or decrease. For example, a having received more education. Instead, the re-
decline in beat-to-beat variability in heart rate has sults suggest either or both of two explanatory
been shown to be a predictor of mortality in patients mechanisms: a direct beneficial effect of education

436 The Gerontologist

early in life on brain circuitry and function, and the in old age; appropriate interventions can often bring
possibility that education is a proxy for life-long in- older people back to (or above) some earlier level of
tellectual activities (reading, crossword puzzles, function. Second, the same interventions may be still
etc.) which might serve to maintain cognitive func- more effective with younger subjects, which sug-
tion late in life. gests an age-related reduction in reserve functional
Pulmonary peak expiratory flow rate was the sec- capacity. These demonstrations of plasticity in old
ond strongest predictor of maintenance of cogni- age are encouraging in their own right and tell us
tive function. In previous studies, this function was that positive change is possible.
a predictor of total and cardiovascular mortality and
a correlate of cognitive and physical function in el- Predictors of Physical Function
derly populations (Cook et al., 1989). In the MacArthur studies, maintenance of high
A surprising finding of this study was that the physical performance, including hand, trunk, and
amount of strenuous physical activity at and around lower extremity movements and integrated move-
the home was an important predictor of maintain- ments of balance and gait, was predicted by both
ing cognitive function. In a follow-up study to eval- socio-demographic and health status characteristics.
uate a possible mechanism of this effect, Neeper, Being older and having an income of less than
Gomez-Pinilla, Choi, and Cotman (1995) measured $10,000 a year increased the likelihood of a decline

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the effect of exercise on central nervous system lev- in physical performance, as did higher body mass
els of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in index (greater fat), high blood pressure, and lower
adult rats. These investigators found that increasing initial cognitive performance. Behavioral predictors
exercise was associated with very substantial "dose- of maintenance of physical function included mod-
related" increases in BDNF in the hippocampus and erate and/or strenuous leisure activity and emo-
neocortex, brain areas known to be highly respon- tional support from family and friends. Moderate
sive to environmental stimuli. These data provide a levels of exercise activity (e.g., walking leisurely) ap-
potential mechanism whereby exercise might en- peared in these studies to convey similar advantages
hance central nervous system function, particularly to more strenuous exercise (e.g., brisk walking).
memory function.
A personality measure, perceived self-efficacy, was Continuing Engagement with Life
also predictive of maintaining cognitive function in
old age. The concept of self-efficacy developed by The third component of successful aging, engage-
Bandura is defined as "people's beliefs in their capa- ment with life, has two major elements: mainte-
bilities to organize and execute the courses of action nance of interpersonal relations and of productive
required to deal with prospective situations" (Ban- activities.
dura, 1995). In students and young adults, self-effi-
Social Relations
cacy influences persistence in solving cognitive
problems (Brown & Inouye, 1978), heart rate during At least since Durkheim's classic study of suicide
performance of cognitive tasks (Bandura, Cioffi, Tay- (Durkheim, 1951), isolation and lack of connected-
lor, & Brouillard, 1988), mathematical performance ness to others have been recognized as predictors
(Collins, 1982), and mastery of computer software of morbidity and mortality. Five prospective studies
procedures (Cist, Schwoerer, & Rosen, 1989). Lach- of substantial populations have now demonstrated
man and colleagues have proposed a role for self-ef- causality throughout the life course in such associa-
ficacy beliefs in maintenance of cognitive function tions: being part of a social network is a significant
among older people (Lachman, & Leff, 1989; Lach- determinant of longevity, especially for men (see
man, Weaver, Bandura, Elliott, & Lewkowicz, 1992). Figure 4; House, Landis, & Umberson, 1988).
In addition to these findings of predictors of main- Research on the health protective aspect of net-
tenance of cognitive function, evidence is accumulat- work membership has emphasized two kinds of
ing to indicate that it can be enhanced in old age. For supportive transactions: socio-emotional (expres-
example, older people who showed a clear age- sions of affection, respect and the like) and instru-
related pattern of decline in fluid intelligence (induc- mental (direct assistance, such as giving physical
tive reasoning and spatial orientation) showed sub- help, doing chores, providing transportation, or giv-
stantial improvement after five training sessions that ing money (Cassel, 1976; Cobb, 1976; House, Kahn,
stressed ways of approaching such problems and McLeod, & Williams, 1985; Kahn, & Antonucci, 1981;
provided practice in solving them (Schaie & Willis, Kahn & Byosiere, 1992).
1986). Moreover, repeated measurement indicated The three-community MacArthur study tested
that the improvements were maintained. Studies both instrumental and emotional support as predic-
from the Max Planck Institute in Berlin confirm the tors of neuroendocrine function and physical per-
finding that cognitive losses among healthy older formance. Neuroendocrine measures were also
people are reversible by means of training, although studied as possible mediators of the effects of sup-
they also show a substantial age-related training ef- port. Over a three-year period, marital status (being
fect in favor of younger subjects (Kliegl, Smith, & married), presumably a source of emotional sup-
Baltes, 1989). There is a double message in these port, protected against reduction in productive ac-
findings: first, and most important, the capacity for tivity (Glass, Seeman, Herzog, Kahn, & Berkman,
positive change, sometimes called plasticity, persists 1995). Men with higher emotional support had sig-

Vol. 37, No. 4,1997 437

nificantly lower urine excretion of norepinephrine, tivity are combined, the amount of work done by
epinephrine, and cortisol, and for both men and older men and women is substantial. Among those
women, emotional support was a positive predictor aged 60 or more, 39% reported at least 1500 hours
of physical performance. Instrumental support, on of productive activity during the preceding year;
the other hand, had few significant neuroendocrine 41% reported 500-1499 hours, and 18% reported
relations for men, none for women, and was associ- 1-499 hours. The relationship between age and pro-
ated with lower physical performance, probably as ductive activity depends on the activity. While
an effect rather than a cause (Seeman, Berkman, hours of paid work drop sharply after age 55, hours
Blazer, & Rowe, 1994; Seeman, Berkman, Charpen- of volunteer work in organizations peak in the mid-
tier, Blazer, Albert, & Tinetti, 1995). dle years (ages 35-55), and informal help to friends
These varying effects of social support are consis- and relatives peaks still later (ages 55-64) and re-
tent with research relating the effect of support to mains significant to age 75 and beyond.
the specific situation in which it is offered. For ex- Both the ACL and MacArthur studies address the
ample, instrumental support rather than emotional question of what factors enable sustained produc-
support influenced the promptness with which tivity in old age. Both include longitudinal as well as
older people who experienced cancer-suspicious cross-sectional data, and in some respects the stud-
symptoms actually saw a physician (Antonucci, ies are complementary — national representative-
Kahn, & Akiyama, 1989). Opposite results came from ness over the full adult age range in the ACL survey,

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a nursing home experiment, however: socio-emo- biomedical and performance measures as well as
tional support (verbal encouragement) had positive self-report in the MacArthur research. Three factors
performance effects, whereas instrumental support emerge as predictors of productive activity: func-
(direct assistance) had negative effects on perfor- tional capacity, education, and self-efficacy.
mance (Avorn & Langer, 1982).
Several conclusions seem warranted regarding Functional Capacity. — Men and women high in
the properties of social relations and their effects: cognitive and physical function are three times as
likely to be doing some paid work and more than
a. Isolation (lack of social ties), is a risk factor for twice as likely to be doing volunteer work. More-
health. over, for all forms of productive work except child
b. Social support, both emotional and instrumen- care, functional status also predicts the amount of
tal, can have positive health-relevant effects. such work. Indicators of functional decrement, such
c. No single type of support is uniformly effective; as limitations with vision and number of bed days
effectiveness depends on the appropriateness during the three months preceding the data collec-
of the supportive acts to the requirements of tion, predict lesser productive activity.
the situation and the person.
Education. — Educational level is a well established
Productive Activities predictor of sustained productive behavior, paid and
Older people are not considered "old" by their unpaid (Chambre, 1987; Cutler & Hendricks, 1990;
families and friends, nor do they think of themselves Harris & Associates, 1981; Herzog, Franks, Markus, &
as "old," so long as they remain active and produc- Holm berg, 1996; Herzog & Morgan, 1993; Lawton,
tive in some meaningful sense (Kaufman, 1986). In 1983; Morgan, 1986). The possible mechanisms of this
legislative policy, Congressional discussion as to effect include the role of education as a major deter-
whether the nation can "afford" its older people is as minant of occupation and income, both of which are
much a debate about their productivity as their re- major influences on the life course, the selective pro-
quirements for service, especially medical care. cess in education that probably includes genetic
Part of the confusion stems from lack of clarity elements and certainly includes parental socioeco-
about what constitutes a productive activity. Our nomic status, and the tendency of education to incul-
national statistics define Gross Domestic Product cate values and establish habits that express them-
(GDP) in terms of activities that are paid for, and ex- selves in later life as higher functional status and
clude all unpaid activities, however valuable. Sev- engagement in productive behavior.
eral current studies (ACL, MacArthur, HRS) utilize a
broader definition that includes all activities, paid or Self-Efficacy. — Self-efficacy and the related con-
unpaid, that create goods or services of economic cepts of mastery and control are consistent predic-
value (Kahn, 1986), and these studies have gener- tors of sustained activity in old age. The ACL study,
ated age-related patterns very different from those in addition to identifying a positive relationship be-
for paid employment alone (Herzog, Antonucci, tween self-efficacy and productive activity, found
Jackson, Kahn, & Morgan, 1987; Herzog, Kahn, Mor- that two other variables, labeled vulnerability and
gan, Jackson, & Antonucci, 1989). fatalism, essentially inversions of self-efficacy, were
The nationwide Americans Changing Lives (ACL) negatively related to productivity. Consistent with
study found that, contrary to the stereotype of un- these findings, in the MacArthur sample only one
productive old age, most older people make pro- factor — mastery — emerged as relevant for both
ductive contributions of some kind, more as infor- increases and decreases in productivity; increases
mal help-giving and unpaid volunteer work than in mastery led to increased productivity; decreases
paid employment. When all forms of productive ac- in mastery had the opposite effect.

438 The Gerontologist

Response to Stress appear to be potentially modifiable, either by individ-
If we had continuous rather than occasional mea- uals or by changes in their immediate environments.
surement of successful aging, we would expect to The stage is thus set for intervention studies to iden-
find that even older people who are aging success- tify effective strategies that enhance the proportion
fully have not met the criteria at every moment in of our older population that ages successfully.
the past. They have moved "in and out of success/'
just as healthy people can be said to move in and References
out of illness. Under the most fortunate circum-
Abbott, R. D. (1987). Diabetes and the risk of stroke. The Honolulu Heart
stances, aging brings with it some repetitive experi- Program. Journal of the American Medical Association, 257, 949-952.
ence of chronic or recurrent stresses, the "daily Abeles, R. P., Gift, H. C , & Ory, M. C. (Eds.). (1994). Aging and quality of
life. New York: Springer.
hassles" of life (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984) and their Albert, M. S., Savage, C. R., Jones, K., Berkman, L, Seeman, T., Blazer, D., &
cumulative effects. Most older people have also ex- Rowe, J. W. (1995). Predictors of cognitive change in older persons:
perienced more acute episodes, the "stressful life MacArthur Studies of Successful Aging. Psychology and Aging, 70,578-589.
Antonucci, T. C, Kahn, R. L, & Akiyama, H. (1989). Psychosocial factors and
events" that have been much-studied (Dohrenwend the response to cancer symptoms. In R. Yancik & J. W. Yates (Eds.),
& Dohrenwend, 1974; Holmes & Rahe, 1967). For ex- Cancer in the elderly: Approaches to early detection and treatment (pp.
ample, older men and women may have been seri- 40-52). New York: Springer.
Avorn, J., & Langer, E. J. (1982). Induced disability in nursing home patients:
ously ill, temporarily disabled by accident or injury, A controlled trial. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 30,397-400.

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disoriented after a stroke, or depressed by the Baltes, P. B., & Baltes, M. M. (1990). Successful aging: Perspectives from the
death of a spouse. Apart from such crises of illness behavioral sciences. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Bandura, A. (1995). Self-efficacy in changing societies. New York: Cam-
and bereavement, but similarly stressful, are the ex- bridge University.
periences of forced retirement, sudden reduction Bandura, A., Cioffi, D., Taylor, C. B., & Brouillard, M. E. (1988). Perceived
in income, mugging, and burglary. self-efficacy in coping with cognitive stress.ors and opioid activities.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55,479-488.
We propose the concept of resilience to describe Brown, Jr., I., & Inouye, D. K. (1978). Learned helplessness through model-
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