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Subject: General Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Represents an exponential function through its

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science: Studying the growth of bacteria in a petri dish can be related to exponential functions.
Students can explore how the number of bacteria increases over time and create a table of values,
graph, and equation to represent the exponential growth.

2) Economics: Analyzing the increase in population and its impact on the economy can be connected to
exponential functions. Students can study population growth rates and use data to create a table of
values, graph, and equation to represent the exponential growth.

3) Biology: Investigating the decay of radioactive substances can be linked to exponential functions.
Students can examine the rate of decay over time and create a table of values, graph, and equation to
represent the exponential decay.

Review Motivation:

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials:

1) PowerPoint presentation with interactive quiz questions

2) Whiteboard or blackboard

3) Markers

Activity 1: Exploring Exponential Growth

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning


- Worksheets with data sets

- Graphing paper

Significance: Students will work in groups to analyze real-life scenarios involving exponential growth.
They will create tables of values, graphs, and equations to represent the growth.


1) Divide the students into groups of 4.

2) Distribute the worksheets with different scenarios of exponential growth.

3) In their groups, students will analyze the data and create tables of values, graphs, and equations to
represent the growth.

4) Each group will present their findings to the class.


- Correct table of values: 10 pts

- Accurate graph: 15 pts

- Correct equation: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the key characteristics of an exponential growth function?

2) How can you identify exponential growth from a table of values?

3) Explain how to determine the domain and range of an exponential growth function.

Activity 2: Investigating Exponential Decay

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning


- Worksheets with data sets

- Graphing calculators or online graphing tools

Significance: Students will explore real-life scenarios involving exponential decay. They will create tables
of values, graphs, and equations to represent the decay.


1) Provide the students with worksheets containing different scenarios of exponential decay.

2) In pairs, students will analyze the data and create tables of values, graphs, and equations to represent
the decay.

3) Students will use graphing calculators or online graphing tools to verify their findings.

4) Each pair will present their findings and explain the patterns they observed.


- Correct table of values: 10 pts

- Accurate graph: 15 pts

- Correct equation: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the key characteristics of an exponential decay function?

2) How can you identify exponential decay from a table of values?

3) Explain how to determine the domain and range of an exponential decay function.

Activity 3: Modeling Exponential Functions

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning


- Mathematical modeling scenarios

- Graphing paper

Significance: Students will apply their knowledge of exponential functions to real-world problems. They
will create tables of values, graphs, and equations to model the given scenarios.


1) Provide the students with mathematical modeling scenarios involving exponential functions.

2) Individually, students will analyze the scenarios and create tables of values, graphs, and equations to
model the situations.

3) Students will present their models and explain their reasoning behind the chosen equations.


- Correct table of values: 10 pts

- Accurate graph: 15 pts

- Correct equation: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How can exponential functions be used to model real-life situations?

2) Explain the process of creating a table of values for an exponential function.

3) How can you determine the rate of change in an exponential function from its equation?

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Activity 1 - Students successfully represented exponential growth through tables of values, graphs, and
equations. They demonstrated an understanding of the characteristics of exponential growth functions.

Activity 2 - Students accurately represented exponential decay through tables of values, graphs, and
equations. They showed proficiency in identifying exponential decay patterns.

Activity 3 - Students effectively modeled real-world scenarios using exponential functions. They
demonstrated the ability to create tables of values, graphs, and equations to represent the situations.


The objective of representing an exponential function through its table of values, graph, and equation
allows students to understand the patterns and rules that govern exponential growth and decay. By
analyzing real-life scenarios and applying mathematical concepts, students can deepen their
understanding of exponential functions and their applications.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Students will research and analyze the growth of a specific species of plant over time. They will
collect data, create tables of values, graphs, and equations to represent the plant's growth, and present
their findings to the class.

Task 2: Students will investigate the depreciation of a specific model of car over time. They will gather
data, create tables of values, graphs, and equations to represent the car's depreciation, and write a
report explaining their analysis.


Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction

Instructional Materials:

- Assessment question sheets

Question 1: Identify the key characteristics of an exponential function.

Question 2: Given a table of values, determine if it represents exponential growth or decay.

Question 3: Write the equation of an exponential function given its graph.


1) Assignment Overview: Students will create a poster showcasing real-life examples of exponential
functions. They will provide a description, table of values, graph, and equation for each example.

Assignment Question: Choose one real-life scenario that exhibits exponential growth or decay. Create a
table of values, graph, and equation to represent the scenario.

2) Assignment Overview: Students will research and write a short essay on the applications of
exponential functions in various fields such as finance, biology, and physics.

Assignment Question: Explore one field of study and describe how exponential functions are used to
model and solve problems in that field.

Note: The teaching strategies, engagement strategies, and materials used may vary depending on the
resources available and the specific needs of the students.

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