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Hàn Thảo Nhi – BABAIU22624


1. What is an IS?
Information System is known ass components collecting, procewssing, storing and
dissseminating data, and information. Besides, it provide feedback mechanisms to
meet specific objectives
2. Identify and briefly four organizational structures
1.1 Business Information System(IBS)
Definition: Information systems usually used in business, consist of electronic and
mobile commerce
Enterprise systems conclude transsaction process systems and enterprise resource
planning system, which is provide organization and integration process and helps
in planning resoucres.
1.2 Global challenges in Inforamtion systems (IS)
- actives popular in a global economy and a global enviroment.
1.3 Organizations and Information systems
- purpose: provide value to its stakeholders( customers, suppliers, partners,
shareholders and employees
- organizational structure based on the organizational goals management approach
- Organizations need to constantly evolve and change in order to survieve,
resulting in innovation, reeengineering and continous improvement
=> Organizational culture play an important role in how well the organization deals
with change
1.4 Achieving competitive advantage.
Want to gain or maintain the organizations need to devise and implement a
strategic plan
3. How is data different from information? How is information different from
- the different between data and information
+Data : raw facts that have not yet been processed
+ Information : data that has been processed and organized
- the different between knowledge and information.
+ the information is processed date, while knowledge is information that is useful.
+ Information is helpful to understand the meaning but knowledge is revelant anf
objective information in order to drawing conclusions.
+Information is the process to collect many data, but knowledge is the result from
processing that information.
1.identify six basic transaction processing activities that are performed by
transaction processing systems
Transaction processing activities.
-Data collection
-Data editing
-Data correction
-Data processing
-Data storage
-Document production
2. brief discuss the hosted software model for enterprise software
-The hosted software model’s implementation might be useful in reducing the
risk involved in system implementations.
-PROS: +Decrease TCO
+faster system startup
+lower implementation risk
+ management of systems outsourced.
- CONS+data security issues
+Has problem with potential
+ Has issues integrate products of different vendors
+save anticipate from outsources
3. List the four key business capabilities provided by the use of a CRM system
- Marketing
- Sale
- Quality control
-Product development
1. Identify and briefly discuss the three stages of decision making.
3.1Decision making and problem solving
-definition:is critical in organizations, with decision making largely influenced by
strategic planning and the overall organizational goals
- DSSS including programmed and nonprogrammed decisions, structured, semi-
structured or unstructured decisions
Positive :+ Problem complexity
+decision quality
negative: high cost
3.2 Management Information Systems (MIS)
-definition: Integrated collections of people, procedures, databases and devices,
providing managers and individuals responsible for decision making
The function of an MIS is to:
+Provide reports with fixed or standard formats
+Produce both hard and soft-copies of reports
+Use the internal data that is stored in the computer system
+Allow users to develop reports
+Require user requests for reports
- The data from both internal and external sources
2. What are the primary activities supported by a marketing MIS?
-Performing market research in order to determine the needs and wants of
the organization's customers
-Identifying media to be used in order to communicate product and service
information to customers
-Determining the handling, movement and storage of goods from the goods’
point of origin right through to consumption
3. What functions do DSSs support in business organizations?
-In order to be effective and competitive, organizations need to make quick,
smart and effective decisions

1. List the six major branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

- expert systems
-vision systems
-natural language processing
-learning systems
-neural networks.
2. What is a virtual reality system?
- Virtual reality (VR) systems are defined as human–computer environments in
which users are immersed in, and able to perceive, act and interact with a three-
dimensional world
-Virtual reality has proven useful in the fields of medicine, education and
training and business and commerce
3. Identify and briefly describe four components of an expert system
-Expert systems consist of
+a knowledge base : A knowledge base is a centralized database for spreading
information and data. It support collecting, organizing, retrieving, and sharing
+inference engine: an inference engine is a component of the system that applies
logical rules to the knowledge base to deduce new information. It can solve
problems and make prediction.
+explanation facility knowledge base acquisition facility: the one that
organizations receive from external sources.It involves the preparation of a
knowledge map and encoding them into a knowledge base
+user interface: is the space where interactions between humans and machines
occur. A user interface can be graphical, textual, or a combination of both. A good
user interface provides a user-friendly and intuitive experience

1.List the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional

-Efficient with regard to costs
-Efficacious in terms of time
-Enhances teamwork and coordination, defines suitable roles for employees and
increases workplace transparency.
-Minimal danger when the project is implemented
-The project may take longer and cost more
-Correcting problems in code can occasionally take a long time and cause
deadlines to be missed if there are many of them.

2. Identify the feasibility types that must be considered when deciding whether or
not to take on a system development project.
-A feasibility study is an assessment of the practicality of a proposed plan or
project. It analyzes the viability of a project to determine whether the project or
venture is likely to succeed
3. What is the purpose of system analysis?
-Development of a budget and schedule for systems analysis activities.
- Enable the system developer to understand the user's requirements.

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