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The diagram shows part of the human digestive system.

(a) Name the parts of the digestive system labelled A, B, C and D.

A ________________________________________

B ________________________________________

C ________________________________________

D ________________________________________

(b) A student has eaten a steak for dinner. The steak contains protein and fat.

(i) Describe how the protein is digested.







(ii) Explain two ways in which bile helps the body to digest fat.



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(c) A group of students investigated the action of salivary amylase.

The students:

• collected a sample of salivary amylase

• put a different pH solution and 5 cm3 of a food substance in each of 6 test


• added 1 cm3 of salivary amylase to each of the 6 test tubes

• recorded the amylase activity after 10 minutes.

The results are shown in the table.

pH 7 6 5 4 3 2

Amylase activity in
12 10 3 0 0 0
arbitrary units

(i) Name the food substance that amylase breaks down.


(ii) Suggest what happens to the breakdown of this substance when food reaches
the stomach.

Use information from the table to help you to answer this question.






(Total 15 marks)

The diagram below shows the human digestive system.

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(a) (i) What is Organ A?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

gall bladder liver stomach


(ii) What is Organ B?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

large intestine pancreas small intestine


(b) Digestive enzymes are made by different organs in the digestive system.

Complete the table below putting a tick (✓) or cross (✕) in the boxes.

The first row has been done for you.

Organ producing enzyme

salivary small
stomach pancreas
glands intestine

amylase ✓ ✕ ✓ ✓

Enzyme lipase


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(c) The stomach also makes hydrochloric acid.

How does the acid help digestion?



(d) Draw one line from each digestive enzyme to the correct breakdown product.

Digestive enzyme Breakdown products

amino acids.

Amylase breaks
down starch into……


Lipase breaks down

fats into…

fatty acids and


Protease breaks
down proteins into…

(Total 8 marks)

Fresh milk is a mixture of compounds including fat, protein and about 5 % lactose sugar.
Lactose must be digested by the enzyme lactase, before the products can be absorbed.

Lactase can be added to fresh milk to pre-digest the lactose. This makes ‘lactose-free’
milk, which is suitable for people who do not produce enough lactase of their own.

A student investigated the effect of changing pH and temperature on the digestion of

lactose in milk.

The results are shown in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 Table 2
Effect of pH Effect of temperature

pH Time taken to Temperature Time taken to

digest lactose in in °C digest lactose in
minutes minutes

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4.0 20 30 20

5.0 18 35 14

6.0 13 40 11

7.0 7 45 6

8.0 5 50 12

9.0 6 55 23

(a) The label on a carton of lactose-free milk states:

‘Lactase is normally produced in the stomach of mammals.’

The results in Table 1 show that this statement is unlikely to be true.

Explain how.





(b) Explain as fully as you can the results shown in Table 2.








(c) Bile is produced in the liver and is released into the small intestine.

Explain how bile helps the digestion of milk.





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(Total 7 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a) A − saliva(ry) gland

B − liver

C − duodenum
ignore small intestine

D − pancreas
accept phonetic spellings

(b) (i) any three from:

• chewing / muscle contraction / mechanical digestion
allow churning
• protease enzymes
allow pepsin / trypsin
• in stomach / small intestine / duodenum / from pancreas
• (break down protein) into amino acids
allow (poly)peptides

(ii) neutralises acid pH / makes conditions alkaline


so lipase can work


emulsifies fat

to give large(r) surface area for lipase / enzyme action


(c) (i) starch

ignore carbohydrate

(ii) breakdown stops

allow slows down

because stomach produces / contains acid / has low pH


and amylase cannot work in acid / low pH

accept amylase is denatured / changes shape

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(a) (i) stomach

(ii) small intestine



salivary small
stomach pancreas
glands intestine

amylase ✓ ✕ ✓ ✓

lipase ✕ ✕ ✓ ✓

protease ✕ ✓ ✓ ✓

1 mark per correct row

if no correct row max 1 mark for any one correct column

(c) enzyme / protease / pepsin most effective in acid conditions / low pH

accept optimum / correct pH
do not accept ref to incorrectly named enzymes
ignore killing bacteria
ignore acid breaks down food

(d) Enzyme Breakdown products


(a) stomach is acidic / has low pH
allow any pH below 7
ignore stomach is not alkaline

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lactase works best / well in alkali / high pH / neutral / non-acidic conditions
allow any pH of 7 and above
accept works slowly in acid conditions
allow figures from table with a comparison
ignore reference to temperature

(b) any three from

• (below 45(°C)) increase in temperature increases rate / speed of reaction

• reference to molecules moving faster / colliding faster / harder / more collisions

• optimum / best at 45(°C)

allow value(s) in range 41 - 49

• high temps / above 45(°C) (rate slows due to) denaturation of enzyme /lactase
allow synonyms of denaturation but not killed
denaturation at high and low temperature does not gain this
ignore body temperature
ignore references to time / pH

(c) any two from

• acid neutralised or conditions made neutral / alkali

accept bile is alkaline

• (allow) emulsification / greater surface area of fat / lipid

allow description of emulsification eg fat is broken down /
broken up into droplets

• enzymes (in small intestine) work (more effectively / better)

allow better for enzymes

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