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Name : Levia Salsabillah

NIM : 210210401074

Process Essay

How To Have Good Sleep Quality

Sleep is a necessity of everyone's life. For the human body, sleep is as important as
eating and drinking. Therefore, sleep is very important because if we don't sleep well and
enough then we will had any health problems. So, we need to sleep with enough, which is for
about 7 hours a day. But, Does sleeping for 7 hours mean it's good for us? The answer is no.
In addition of sleep enough we also need to pay attention to the quality of our sleep. Because
if we don't have good quality sleep, then when we wake up we won't feel refreshed and
healthy, but tired. The following are ways that we can do to have good sleep quality.
The first one is set your sleep schedule. Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep to have
good quality sleep. Setting a sleep schedule means that you already set time to sleep and
wake up. And we need to being consistent with our sleep schedule, so that our sleep will be in
a good quality.
The second one is pay attention to what you eat and drink before go to sleep. The food
and drink that in our body affects the quality of our sleep. Because if we go to bed stuffed or
hungry, it will cause discomfort while we sleep. Similarly, when we drink coffee, it will be
difficult for us to sleep because of the caffeine contained in the coffee.
And the last one is create a restful environment. Our environment when we sleep
greatly affects the quality of our sleep, because we will feel uncomfortable while we sleep.
To fix it, we need to keep our room clean, cool, dark and quiet.
Finally, Because sleep is very important for our health. So, we must pay attention to
the duration and quality of our sleep. There are some ways mentioned above that we can do
before we go to sleep to have good sleep quality.

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