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1. You'll need a permit to park in this area
2. They only permit entry if you have an ID

1. I didn't mean to insult your feelings.
2. She didn't care for his comment and considered it an insult to her body

1. The companys code of conduct highlightes the expected behavior for their employees
2. You'll need the right equipment and materials to conduct the experiment.

1. In our )me English has too strong influence on Norwegian.
English has a strong impact on Norwegian today. Some worry it's too much and harms
Norwegian culture, but others believe it can be beneficial. English is a global language
and its influence keeps Norwegians compeRRve internaRonally. It also brings new
words and ideas to Norwegian, which helps it be more adaptable. I think we should
promote bilingualism, while also trying to keep the Norwegian language. So while
English impact on Norwegian is strong, it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's about
leveraging the benefits while protecRng the idenRty of the Norwegian language at
the same Rme.

2. Some pets are bad for the environment.

Some pets are harmful to the environment. ExoRc pets, like snakes or iguanas, need
resources that can cause harm on the planet. When they escape, they can disrupt
the local ecosystems. But not all pets are bad for the environment. Cats and dogs, fo
rexample are popular and can be environmentally friendly when cared for. AdopRng
from shelters can help minimize the negaRve impact of pet ownership. So it's all
about responsible choices and caring about the environment while sRll enjoying the
company of pets.

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