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Garbage cleaning system

About the beaches

There are more than 150 beaches in India.

Average tourists….

Year Arrivals (millions)

2017 10.04

2018 10.56

2019 10.93

2020 2.74

What is the percentage of tourism in India?

In 2021, the travel and tourism sector in India
contributed around 5.8 percent to the total
GDP of the country.
Contribution of the travel and tourism sector
to the GDP of India from 2019 to 2021.

Characteristic Contribution to

2020 4.3%

2019 7%

What is India's rank in world tourism?

India ranked 54th in the travel and tourism
development index in 2021

What are the problems in beaches?

Pollution, human alteration, and impacts
from climate change can harm the sensitive
beach environment that supports a variety of
plants and animals. Beaches can be altered or
destroyed if we don't properly protect our
beaches and learn to enjoy them without
harming them. On this page: Pollution.

How are beach cleanups sustainable?

Beach cleanup projects remove litter from the
shoreline and ensure its proper disposal.
Microplastics and recyclable materials are
often found during beach cleanups. Through
proper disposal, these materials transform
into recycled products. Waste facilities collect
the rest of the debris found through beach

What is the main purpose in cleaning the

The goal of beach cleanups is to raise
awareness in the population about marine
pollution and contribute with it the reduction
of garbage and plastic in the ocean.

Thousands of marine animals worldwide have

been affected by plastic pollution, including
sea turtles, seabirds, and marine mammals.
Therefore, Beach clean-ups are vital to
mitigate the problem caused by ocean debris
and the danger that plastic pollution poses to
marine life.

What causes beaches to become polluted?

Accidental or intentional discharges from all
kinds of vessels are a source of pollution that
can affect our beaches. Such discharges
include trash, fishing gear, ballast water,
bilgewater, and water from sinks and showers.

A sand cleaning machine, beach cleaner, or

(colloquially) sandboni is a vehicle that drags a
raking or sifting device over beach sand to
remove rubbish and other foreign matter.
They are manually self-pulled vehicles on
tracks or wheels or pulled by quad-bike or
tractor. Seaside cities use beach
cleaning machines to combat the problems
of litter left by beach patrons and
other pollution washed up on their shores.

A chief task in beach cleaning strategies is

finding the best way to handle waste matter
on the beaches, taking into
consideration beach erosion and changing

Common technologies
Raking technology
This can be used on dry or wet sand. When
using this method, a rotating conveyor belt
containing hundreds of offset tines combs
through the sand and removes surface and
buried debris while leaving the sand on the
beach. Raking machines can remove materials
ranging in size from small pebbles, shards of
glass, and cigarette butts to larger debris, like
seaweed and driftwood. By keeping the sand
on the beach and only lifting the debris, raking
machines can travel at high speeds.

Sifting technology
This is practiced on dry sand and soft surfaces.
The sand and waste are collected via the pick-
up blade of the vehicle onto a vibrating
screening belt, which leaves the sand behind.
The waste is gathered in a collecting tray
which is often situated at the back of the
vehicle. Because sand and waste are lifted
onto the screening belt, sifters must allow
time for the sand to sift through the screen
and back onto the beach. The size of the
materials removed is governed by the size of
the holes in the installed screen.
Combined raking and sifting technology
This differs from pure sifting in that it uses
rotating tines to scoop sand and debris onto a
vibrating screen instead of relying simply on
the pick-up blade. The tines' position can be
adjusted to more effectively guide different-
sized materials onto the screen. Once on the
screen, combined raking and sifting machines
use the same technology as normal sifters to
remove unwanted debris from the sand.
Sand sifting by hand
This is used for smaller areas or sensitive
habitat. Sand and debris is collected into a
windrow or pile and manually shoveled onto
screened sifting trays to separate the debris
from the sand. While effective, it requires the
movement of sand to the site of the tray, and
then redistribution of the sand after sifting. A
more efficient method is the use of a screened
fork at the place where the debris is located.
The effort to manually agitate the sand can
become tiresome; however, a recent
development of a battery-powered sand rake
combines the spot cleaning effectiveness of
manual screening with the ease of an auto-
sifting hand tool.

How much garbage is collected every day in India?

About 0.1 million tonnes of municipal solid waste is generated in India every day.
That is approximately 36.5 million tonnes annually.
Beaches are economic as well as natural
resources. As natural resources they add
beauty to the costal region and also provides
habitats for aquatic creatures and also birds
and sea turtles. As economic resources they
provide services to people and property that
has an economical value.
Calangute Beach:
Known as “Queen of Beaches”, Calangute
beach is a popular tourist destination in North
Goa. It is located at 15 kilometers north of the
Panaji, the capital city of Goa. This beach is an
example of true Goan beach culture.

This robot is useful in collecting garbage in
We kept dragon chain wheels to run smoothly
on the irregular surfaces.
A detachable slab is kept in slanting manner to
collect sand which collects garbage.
As the robot moves front it will collect sand
which has garbage in it with the help of this
detachable slab.
We placed filter paper to eliminate sand then
the garbage will go into the temporary bin.
As the temporary bin gets filled then the robot
dumps the garbage in trash area.

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