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"Connected But Alone"

The "Connected But Alone" by Sherry is about how it this technology interact the lives of the people
especially to her daughter. She discuss that we are allowing the smallest devices to control the people
from the point that changes who we are and how we do act. She also added that people at this time was
addicted to much at their devices such as cellphones for their classes, research and also for gamings.
Sherry was focusing on the world of social media Ang how it affects us, and she raise the meaning
where insight the effects of technology on people today as well as the next future generations. For me
people feel more secure and comfortable using devices instead of interacting with the other people face
to face. Sherry talks more, she argue that the most reason why we expect more from technology and less
from one another is because technology is there even in the vulnerable scene of our lives.
Technology is the one where distractions of our live. It is important to keep things in moderation and
go out of our comfort zone. But we cannot deny the fact that technology has helped our lives to use it to
extend our abilities. We let everyone around us know our true selves not only in the internet.

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