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NREMT Practice Test Bank - Multiple Choice

heatstroke have dry skin. are overwhelmed. The core body tem-
• C:As core body temperature ris- perature then rises rapidly to the point
es, the patient becomes more ag- where tissues are destroyed. Heatstroke
itated. can develop in patients during prolonged
• D:Heatstroke is more likely to vigorous physical activity or when they
occur when the humidity is low. are in a closed, poorly ventilated, hot
and humid space. High humidity impairs
a person's ability to eliminate heat via
the sweating mechanism. Many patients
with heatstroke have hot, dry, flushed
skin; however, early in the course of
heatstroke, the skin may be moist due to
residual perspiration, as with exertional
heatstroke. As the core body temper-
ature rises, the patient's level of con-
sciousness decreases. Untreated heat-
stroke will result in death.

78. Law enforcement requests your You selected D; This is correct!

assistance to evaluate a young
female who they believe has Reason:The needle tracks on the pa-
overdosed. The patient is con- tient's arms indicate narcotic abuse,
scious, is displaying bizarre be- most likely heroin; however, her signs
havior, and is very restless. Her and symptoms are not consistent with
BP is 170/90 mm Hg and her those caused by a narcotic or any oth-
heart rate is 130 beats/min. You er central nervous system (CNS) de-
see needle tracks on both of her pressant (eg, benzodiazepine [a seda-
arms. She is MOST likely under tive-hypnotic]). Signs of CNS depression
the influence of a: include a decreased level of conscious-
• A:benzodiazepine. ness, hypoventilation, bradycardia, and
• B:sedative-hypnotic. hypotension. Her signs and symptoms
• C:powerful narcotic. are consistent with a sympathomimet-
• D:methamphetamine. ic (upper) overdose. Sympathomimet-
ic drugs mimic the effects of the sym-
pathetic (fight or flight) nervous sys-
tem; therefore, restlessness or hyper-
activity, hypertension, tachycardia, and
pupillary dilation are common findings
in patients who overdose. Amphetamine
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