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Global Community Service Vol. 01 (2022) No.

01 16-22

Global Community Service

Egg Hatching Training and Black Soldier Fly Producing Compost as

Alternative Feed for Village Chicken Livestock
Pujiati Utami1, Oetami D. Hajoeningtijas2*, Bambang Nugroho3, Regowo B. Pamungkas4, Gisella A.
Grafiyana5, Sulistyani Budiningsih6, Watemin7, Roudhoh K. Zuhro8
Department of Agribusiness, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Kembaran-Banyumas
53182, Indonesia
Department of Agrotechnology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Kembaran-Banyumas
53182, Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Kembaran-
Banyumas 53182, Indonesia
Department of Psychology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Kembaran-Banyumas 53182,

Article history: ABSTRACT

Received : 22 Nov 2022
Revised : 9 Dec 2022 Waste management is still an important problem. The Final Disposal Site is no longer sufficient
Accepted : 21 Dec 2022 to accommodate the waste produced by the community. The waste itself is processed, both
organic and inorganic waste. Inorganic waste can be reprocessed into reusable goods. In contrast,
Keywords: organic waste such as household food waste can be processed into fertiliser and animal feed which
Maggot, Maggot Egg can be an industrial business opportunity and save animal feed costs. To answer the problems of
Hatchery, Maggot waste management, animal feed nutrition, and the difficulty of finding work during a pandemic,
Compost the servant formulated the solution by designing sains for society (Sci. Soc.). The method used in
sains for society uses socialisation, counselling, and training approach. The time required to do
Sci. Soc. For eight months. The result of this service is an increase in partners' knowledge and
skills after participating in this Sci. Soc. Besides that, the maggot produced can be used as an
alternative to free-range chicken feed owned by the participants, and maggot compost can be used
in organic plant cultivation for its members.

facilities for waste handling such as

I. INTRODUCTION decentralisation in certain areas and can reduce
Waste management is still an important problem. transportation to a minimum to encourage waste
The Final Disposal Site (TPA) is no longer sorting and waste processing as much as possible
sufficient to accommodate the waste produced by [2].
the community. The waste itself is processed both To reduce as much as possible the need for
organic and inorganic waste. Inorganic waste can transportation and disposal of waste TPA PP
be reprocessed into reusable goods, while organic 81/2012 also develops provisions on producer
waste such as household food waste can be responsibility. It is stipulated that 10 years is a
processed into fertiliser and animal feed which can transition period for carrying out producer
be an industrial business opportunity and save responsibilities in waste reduction, and a national
animal feed costs [1]. The processing of inorganic roadmap towards responsibility-based waste
waste is reinforced by government regulation no. minimisation is needed producers [3].
81/2012 article 1 explains that there must be

16 UKIScholarsnetwork | ISSN: xxxx-xxxx

These insects can digest nutrients from food more efficient and efficient materials for livestock
wastes [4] such as vegetables and fruits, agro- growth.
industrial by-products [5], and chicken and dairy Based on the problems of waste management,
manure [6] and convert them into valuable proteins animal feed nutrition, and the difficulty of finding
and fats to be used in animal feed formulations [7, work during a pandemic, it is important to find
8], while the residue can be used as a fertiliser [9, solutions to these problems. For this reason, the
10]. service team formulated the solution by Sci. Soc.
Maggot is one of the effective strategies for
managing organic waste. Besides maintaining II. METHODS

environmental cleanliness, it is also economically The method carried out in Sci. Soc. uses a
valuable and can be an additional source of finance counselling approach, and training (hatching of
[11,12,13]. Pellet feed for fish so far needs to be maggot eggs, breeding of maggots).
varied with other nutrients because often this • Counselling
pelleted feed can cause a lack of nutrients and the This counselling aims to increase the
ammonia content of the secretions released can knowledge and understanding of partners
cause disease. Maggot and maggot pellets can meet about maggots and how to cultivate it as well
the nutritional needs of rainbow kurumoi fish [14]. as mental readiness to become independent
Another study by found that maggots had a positive entrepreneurs.
effect on the growth and survival rate of all • Training
ornamental fish tested in their research [15]. Training contains demonstrations and practices
In various feeding studies, the larval or prepupal after understanding the concept of cultivation
meal was found to be a suitable full, or partial, knowledge, materials, and mental readiness
replacement for fish meal, meat meal, and plant during the previous counselling process. At
protein meal in livestock [16], poultry [17], and pig this training stage, partners will be
[18; 19], and aquaculture feed [20, 21, 22]. demonstrated how to cultivate local maggots,
Maggot cultivation is an alternative solution to catfish, and chickens using maggot.
the waste problem and animal feed nutrition In each process, active partners are involved so
problems. This fact is reinforced by the community that the outputs will show an increase in partner
empowerment of BSF fly maggot cultivation as skills in preparation enough to establish a small
animal feed [13] received a response and provided business independently. The evaluation will
positive benefits from the community to cultivate measure the improvement seen from the increase in
independently. It cannot be separated from the understanding and skills related to maggot.
effectiveness of maggots in answering waste
management problems. Maggot can decompose
organic waste, and 100 grams of maggot (BSF) for III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
the decomposition process of each type of waste Pemuda Muhammadiyah is an autonomous
takes seven days [23]. Of the various insects that organisation of Muhammadiyah, an Islamic
can be developed as animal feed, especially broiler movement, amar makruf nahi mungkar. Pemuda
chickens, the protein content of the black soldier Muhammadiyah was established to gather, foster,
maggot fly is quite high, which is 40-50%, with a and mobilise Muslim youth and increase their role
fat content of 29-32% [24]. as cadres to achieve Muhammadiyah’s goals. The
The COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 caused vision of the autonomous organisation Pemuda
an economic impact that forced companies to lay Muhammadiyah is to prepare Indonesian cadres
off their employees due to financial difficulties. and young generations to face future challenges that
Maggot cultivation in addition to answering the are more diverse, full of dynamics, and various
waste problem is also an opportunity for the interests to achieve the goals and objectives of the
commercialisation of animal feed and the prospect Muhammadiyah Youth. While the mission is to
of animal husbandry entrepreneurs by providing make the da'wah movement amar ma’ruf nahi
mungkar, scientific movement, social-social

17 Utami et al./ Global Community Service Vol. 01 (2022) No. 01 16-22

movement, and entrepreneurial movement as the 2. Advocating in the field of environment and
foundation of activities by understanding every public health.
problem that arises and the needs of the 3. Synergise health assistance activities with
environment where Muhammadiyah Youth does da'wah.
charity work. 4. Encouraging awareness about the importance
In carrying out the organisation's vision, mission, of protecting the environment.
and principles, there are work programs in the fields 5. Increase cooperation with various parties to
of economic empowerment, cooperatives, and optimise participation in the fields of the
entrepreneurship. They are: environment, health, and physical fitness of the
1. The development of the people's economic wider community.
empowerment program includes the In connection with the work program, this
development of human resources for economic community service activity is appropriate and
actors, the development of entrepreneurship appropriate for the Muhammadiyah Youth
and small businesses, cooperatives, and if autonomous organisation, especially in Kembaran
possible there is a Muhammadiyah Youth- District, Banyumas Regency. This service activity
Owned Enterprise (BUM-PM) which is was carried out at the Faculty of Agriculture and
concrete and productive. Fisheries, inviting practitioners on waste
2. Establishing cooperation with various parties management and maggot cultivation as alternative
to develop economic and entrepreneurship feed by Prehatono.
programs within the Muhammadiyah Youth. He started cultivating Black Soldier Fly
3. Conduct training and pilot projects for small (BSF)/Black Army Flies in April 2015, by forming
and medium economic development a NutritionFarm Group at the showroom Jl. Gunung
independently and in collaboration with other Semeru No. 8 RT.07/RW.04 Bobosan Village,
institutions through economic and North Purwokerto District, Banyumas Regency,
entrepreneurship program planning. creating miniature captive breeding, laying, and
4. Dissemination of various discourses on hatching BSF maggots as a center for community
economic empowerment models based on empowerment activities and distributing BSF
one's strength as a manifestation of the maggot babies for free to the community for their
aspirations of the people's economic independent processing of organic waste.
independence. Together with the community, the Waste Bank
5. Guide economic efforts to build the power of manager, and the Recycling Centre manager
small (grassroots) communities through created plasmas for processing organic waste for
alternative economic activities. maggot enlargement. In addition, he also built a
6. Forming associations and strengthening the partnership duplication system for BSF Fly
network of Muhammadiyah Youth Cultivation Culture in the areas of Banyumas,
entrepreneurs. Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Tegal, and Kudus and
7. Encourage Muhammadiyah Youth cadres to be became a resource person for various seminars for
brave, and capable and become examples of the socialisation of BSF Fly Cultivation in various
independent youth who can create new jobs. cities in Central Java and Purwakarta, West Java
8. Make efforts to create a real Economic until now.
Business Entity at the regional, regional, and Some of the reasons behind being a devotee of
branch levels, as a means of raising funds and waste management with maggot cultivation are:
efforts to improve the economy of cadres. 1. Building a system for captive breeding, laying,
Work programs in the field of health and the and hatching of BSF maggots (Black Flies) as
environment include: a model of an inexpensive living machine for
1. Develop empowerment programs for people use by the community to save the
who care about the environment and health in environmental ecosystem and overcome the
the community. problem of organic waste means participating

18 Utami et al./ Global Community Service Vol. 01 (2022) No. 01 16-22

in helping and being the best solution for the Feeding the bran can be given at any time if the
state and government. previous food has run out. There are no special
2. Bio-organic cultivation of BSF/BSFL/Maggot rules for feeding. The more often BSF larvae eat,
larvae is needed to meet the needs of animal the faster they grow. But keep in mind that feeding
feed (poultry, birds, and fish) nationally. too much can cause food to accumulate and rot.
3. Utilising God's gift in the form of the country's In moderately wet conditions, BSF larvae may
natural wealth, in this case, the blessing of emerge from the tray. Therefore, the tray used must
cultivating cheap BSF Maggot. be dry at the edges. In addition, rice bran that
4. Here is a business-beneficial solution when absorbs water causes fruit and vegetables to be
organic waste is managed systematically, more durable and not easy to rot so in this
integrated and sustainably, producing animal cultivation there is no unpleasant odor caused. In
feed and compost products to improve addition, this effort does not make a noisy sound.
agricultural land and crops. Thus, no surrounding communities feel disturbed
Strategies that can be carried out in waste by this cultivation business's existence in their
management with maggot cultivation include: environment. Therefore, this business can be run in
1. Creating a BSF Breeding Cage Culture Area to the neighbourhood around the housing.
produce as many BSF eggs and baby maggot Trays containing BSF larvae were placed on a
seeds as supplies to be distributed free of shelf with a side made of wood and a bottom made
charge to the community to process their of plywood measuring 80 x 60 x 7 cm. The
organic waste independently. treatment aims to accommodate BSF larvae that are
2. Conducting socialisation and assistance to the felt to be prepupae because instinctively BSF larvae
community, waste banks, and KSM, and that will become prepupae tend to separate
cooperating with them as fostered plasma and themselves, avoid crowds, and try to get out of the
partners in organic waste processing. tray. After feeling quite lonely, BSF larvae tend to
3. Creating various BSF Maggot derivative be lazy to move and stay silent more often. The
products such as dry maggot, maggot flour, solitary BSF larvae are then placed in separate trays
probiotics, and quality liquid organic fertiliser. for adult flies.
4. Creating an inexpensive but superior quality The container used for cultivating prepupae and
animal feed formula so that livestock can adult flies consists of a box frame covered with
produce eggs, seeds, and meat with maximum gauze. The installation of gauze around the nursery
growth and production prevents adult flies from getting out because adult
flies can fly. The box frame is made of wood, nails,
Non-rotten household waste, such as wilted gauze, plywood, and oil. Oil is used to coat the
vegetables or fruits, is a medium for BSF wood to prevent insects such as ants from entering
cultivation. Another medium used in BSF because ants can eat prepupae, pupae, adult flies,
cultivation is rice bran. Rice bran has a dry texture. and eggs, so ants are pests in the BSF business.
Containers that can be used for rearing BSF larvae Nails are used to connecting wood, plywood, and
are trays measuring 37 x 30 x 13 cm. Rice bran is gauze. The box frame consists of 2 main parts. The
sprinkled on edge or around the tray containing first part is filled with maggots that will become
BSF larvae, which have been treated with vegetable pupae or prepupae, and the second is filled with
or fruit waste. The bran will absorb water and adult flies. The two parts are separated by plywood
reduce the water content contained in the fruit and but made a small door that can be opened and
vegetables. closed.
In feeding, BSF larvae only need rice bran and At night, the door is closed and the door is
vegetables or fruit according to taste, because the opened during the day. At the outer part of the
water content of vegetables and fruit is different. If second section or the section filled with adult flies,
the water content of vegetables and fruit is more, lights are installed to attract the attention of adult
then the rice bran must also be increased. And vice flies at night to attract the attention of adult flies and
versa, if the water content of vegetables and fruit is fly to the second section. Adult flies will generally
less, then the stock provision can be reduced.

19 Utami et al./ Global Community Service Vol. 01 (2022) No. 01 16-22

lay eggs where they change from pupae to adult media used are rice bran and vegetables or fruit.
flies. Suppose the adult fly lays eggs in a different The bran provided during the cultivation process in
place. In that case, the breeder will find it difficult 1 growth period from 1 gram of BSF seed (eggs) is
to separate the prepupa or pupa and eggs, so it is 2 kg. At the same time, for vegetables and fruit, it
necessary to have two separate containers so that is 8 kg, so conclusions can be drawn about the ratio
the adult fly does not return to where it changed of feed required in 1 growth period, which is 1:4.
from pupa to adult fly. However, this can change if in the growth process
The box frame can be designed according to the there are dead seeds.
breeder's wishes, but the ideal size is 3 x 2 x 1.5 m. The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in this
This box is then placed in the open to be exposed to BSF business are based on five main processes
direct sunlight. In addition, equipment is also which are the key to BSF processing, they are:
needed to support the nursery. Wood measuring 40 1. BSF mass breeding unit This unit is used to
x 7 x 1 cm that has been stacked into four, five, or maintain small larvae so that they are always
six is given a matchstick in between and tied with available in consistent quantities and can be
rubber at the end so that it leaves a small gap. BSF used to treat organic waste that comes in daily.
will use this small gap to lay its eggs. However, in this rearing unit, the number of
Breeding is one of the important activities on a hatching larvae is limited to a certain number
farm. The nursery process ensures the continuity of to ensure the stability of the breeding
the farm that is run. In BSF cultivation, there is no population.
special treatment for prospective brooders. A 2. Feed reception unit for pre-processing It is
farmer only needs to set aside 1 kg of larvae and essential to ensure that the organic waste from
then put them in a place that has been previously wilted fruit and vegetables received is suitable
covered with gauze. Then let the larvae turn into for feeding the larvae. For this reason, the first
prepupae, pupae, and adult flies. Then put it in a step is to control the feed to ensure that it does
small tray filled with fresh water. Freshwater not contain harmful and non-organic materials.
besides being consumed by adult flies also 3. Feed processing unit Small larvae from the
functions as a humidity regulator. breeding unit are fed organic waste. The larvae
Wood stacked in half with a rubber band at the that eat organic waste then grow into large
end must also be inserted so adult flies can lay their larvae so they can process and reduce waste
eggs safely. The wood is placed on a tray measuring
36 x 27 x 5 cm, and then filled with pellets that have
been given enough water, which serves as an BSF product harvesting unit Before turning into
attractant for adult flies to lay eggs around the a prepupa, larvae are taken from the tray. Garbage
pellets. This wood will be separated and the BSF residue left in the tray is also a high-value product
eggs attached to it will be taken every three days. as plant fertiliser.
This is done so that in one place or one box later the Using household waste or organic waste as an
age of the larvae will be the same. The eggs taken alternative feed ingredient also supports
and separated from the wood where the BSF larvae government programs in waste management
lay eggs are then placed on paper. The paper is because the amount of waste continues to increase
placed on a small piece of wood and then in a small daily. The existing waste if not processed will
tray. Around the small wood, put the pellets that accumulate and become a nest of various germs and
have been given enough water and sprinkle rice bacteria, so it can trigger the emergence of seeds of
bran on the edge of the tray or around it so that the disease that are very detrimental to humans.
newly hatched BSF larvae do not come out. Therefore, actions to treat waste are essential,
In the compiler's estimation, from 1 gram of seed both organic and inorganic waste processing,
(eggs) of BSF for one growth period (6 weeks or because the waste produced does not shrink but
1.5 months) or from eggs until they are ready for increases over time. That is the main reason why
sale, 5 kg of BSF larvae can be produced. The feed waste processing is urgently needed. By using
used to produce 5 kg of BSF larvae is 10 kg. The household waste as a medium for cultivating BSF,

20 Utami et al./ Global Community Service Vol. 01 (2022) No. 01 16-22

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