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Internet of Things


Chapter Three

Design Principles for Web Connectivity

Design Principles for Web Connectivity

❑ Connectivity is a critical component of the IoT.

❑ IoT devices rely on networks to communicate with gateways, applications,
servers, routers, and other IoT devices.
❑ This communication (transmitting and receiving data) enables IoT devices
to perform the functions they were designed for.
❑ An IoT device network gateway needs connectivity to web servers.
❑ IoT protocols and methods enable web connectivity for connected devices.

Communication Protocol
❑ A communications protocol is a set of formal rules describing how to transmit or
exchange data across a network.
❑ It defines the rules and conventions for communication between networked devices and
between systems.
❑ The protocol includes mechanisms for devices or systems to identify and make
connections with each other.
❑ The protocol also includes formatting rules that specify how data is packaged into sent
and received messages.
❑ It is a set of rules for routing and addressing packets of data so that they can travel across
networks and arrive at the correct destination.
❑ Common Internet protocols include TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol), UDP/IP (User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol), HTTP (HyperText
Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
❑ Path denotes a navigation path between two ends when accessing a resource.
❑It identifies the specific resource in the host that the web client wants to
❑It refers to the exact location of a page, post, file, or other asset.
❑ Path specification can be of URI or URL type.
❑ The structure of URI is hierarchical.
❑ Entity after the sign ‘/’ is a child of the parent before the sign ‘/’.
❑ Example of path: /Register/index/20465/


Universal Resource Identifier (URI):

❑URI is a unique sequence of characters that identifies a logical or physical
resource used by web technologies.
❑ URI is generally used for saved resources, such as contacts or address book.
❑ Example: /Contacts/student/

Universal Resource Locator (URL):

❑ URL is generally used for retrieving a resource(s) by a client.
❑ The saved resources may be at a document or at a remote server accessed
using Internet protocols.
❑ An example of a URL is 6
Hyperlink and Hypertext

❑ Hyperlink refers to a specification of the URL for a resource path, so that
a link can be established between two objects.

❑ Hypertext means text embedded with hyperlinks.

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

❑ HTTP means an application layer protocol for use of hypertext as app data
transfer protocol.
❑ Clients and servers use the URLs http://… .

HyperText Markup Language (HTML):
❑ HTML is a language for creating a hypertext which refers to text that
embeds text, images, audio and video, image frames, forms, lists, tables,
navigation links (reference to resources).
❑ Java Script used for dynamic actions.

Extensible Markup Language (XML):

❑ XML is a language, which enables creation, sending and receiving
documents, messages, commands, query responses, queries, and creation
of forms.

Message Communication Protocols for Connected Devices
❑ A device/node/end-point/client/server sends and receives
❑ A communication module includes a protocol handler, message
queue and message cache.
❑ The protocol handler functions during transmission and reception
of messages according to the communication protocols for these
❑ Message queue forms to keep a message until it is transmitted
towards its destination.
❑ Message cache keeps an incoming message until it is saved into
the module.

Message Communication Protocols for Connected Devices
❑ IoT objects and applications use Request/Response and
Publish/Subscribe methods for transfer of messages, resources,
representations, objects and states.

➢ Request/Response (Client/Server):
➢ A request/response message exchange refers to an object
(client) requesting for resource(s) and an object (server)
sending the response(s).
➢ When sending a request, a protocol adds the header words.

Message Communication Protocols for Connected Devices
❑ Publish/Subscribe (pubsub):
➢ Publish/subscribe or PubSub message exchanges differ from
➢ A service publishes the messages (for example, a weather
information service publishes the messages of weather reports
for the potential receivers).
➢ A group controller publishes the messages (for example,
measured values of ambient light conditions, traffic density or
traffic presence).

Message Communication Protocols for Connected Devices

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport

❑ MQTT is an open-source protocol for IoT connectivity.

❑ Telemetry means measuring and sending values or messages to far
off places by radio or other mechanism.
❑ IBM first created it and then donated it to M2M.
❑ MQTT has been accepted as a standard protocol for connectivity in
M2M/IoT communication in 2014 by Organization for the
Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).
❑ MQTT is a protocol for the constrained environment PubSub

End of Chapter 3


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