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Goal 14 Targets

14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in
particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient

14.2 By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to
avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and
take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans

14.3 Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through
enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels

14.4 By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal,

unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices
and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish
stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce
maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics

14.5 By 2020, conserve at least 10 percent of coastal and marine areas,

consistent with national and international law and based on the best available
scientific information

14.6 By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to

overcapacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal,
unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such
subsidies, recognizing that appropriate and effective special and differential
treatment for developing and least developed countries should be an integral part
of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation

14.7 By 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island developing States
and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources,
including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism

14.A Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer

marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in
order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine
biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island
developing States and least developed countries

14.B Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and

14.C Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their
resources by implementing international law as reflected in UNCLOS, which
provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans
and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of The Future We Want
Goal 14: Life Below Water

Adapting Goal 14 (Life Below Water) to a rural village context in Bangladesh,

where there is no direct access to the ocean or marine resources, requires a
localized approach that aligns with the spirit and principles of the original goal.
Here are steps to help you determine specific targets and indicators:

Target 1: Reduce Pollution in Local Water Bodies

● Indicator 1: Reduction in water pollution levels in the village water resources
over a year.
● Indicator 2: Number of households using eco-friendly sanitation practices
(e.g., composting toilets) to reduce water pollution.
● Indicator 3: Volume of solid waste collected and disposed of properly to
prevent contamination of water sources.

Target 2: Promote Sustainable Fishing Practices

● Indicator 1: Number of Households practicing sustainable fishing techniques
(e.g., selective fishing, catch-and-release).) in local water bodies.
● Indicator 2: Annual fish catch per unit effort (indicating the sustainability of
fishing practices), indicating the health of local fish populations.
● Indicator 3: Number of Households adopting the fish size and seasonal
restrictions to prevent overfishing.

Target 3: Protect and Restore Local Wetlands

● Indicator 1: Number of hectares of wetlands restored through community-led
● Indicator 2: Diversity and abundance of native species in restored wetlands
● Indicator 3: Reduction in flooding incidents due to restored wetlands acting as
natural buffers.

Target 4: Conservation of Local Aquatic Ecosystems

● Indicator 1: Number of hectares of local wetlands and marshes protected or
● Indicator 2: Population status of key aquatic species (e.g., fish, frogs) in the
village's water bodies.
● Indicator 3: Number of community-led initiatives to protect and monitor local
aquatic ecosystems.

Target 5: Reduction of Waterborne Pollution

● Indicator 1: Number of households using eco-friendly sanitation practices
(e.g., composting toilets) to reduce water pollution.
● Indicator 2: Volume of solid waste collected and disposed of properly to
prevent contamination of water sources.
● Indicator 3: Reduction in waterborne disease incidence due to improved water

Target 6: Sustainable Agriculture Near Water Bodies

● Indicator 1: Percentage of agricultural land using sustainable farming
practices that prevent runoff pollution. (Did they take any measure at all?
Were there any capacity building or awareness raising programs?)
● Indicator 2: Adoption of agroforestry techniques along riverbanks to protect
water quality.
● Indicator 3: Amount of pesticides and fertilizers used (And they are eventually
washed off towards the river, so the local water resources are getting

Target 7: Education and Community Awareness

● Indicator 1: Number of educational programs and workshops focused on the
importance of local aquatic ecosystems.
● Indicator 2: Increase in community knowledge about sustainable water and
aquatic resource management.
● Indicator 3: Number of community-led initiatives promoting responsible fishing
and aquatic ecosystem conservation.
Target 1: Reduce Pollution in Local Water Bodies

● Indicator 1: Percentage reduction in water pollution levels in the village water resources
over a year.
● Indicator 2: Number of households using eco-friendly sanitation practices (e.g.,
composting toilets) to reduce water pollution.
● Indicator 3: Volume of solid waste collected and disposed of properly to prevent
contamination of water sources.

Indicator 1: Indicator 1: Percentage reduction in water pollution levels in

the village water resources over a year.

1.1. Overall Water Quality:

How would you rate the overall water quality in the water resources of your village compared to
5 years ago (as per 2018)?

1.2. Clarity of Water:

How would you describe the clarity of the water in the water resources of your village compared
to 5 years ago (as per 2018)?

1.3. Color of Water:

How would you describe the color of the water in the water resources of your village compared
to 5 years ago (as per 2018)?

1.4. Odor of Water:

Has there been any noticeable change in the odor of the water in the water resources of your
village compared to 5 years ago (as per 2018)?

1.5. Floating Debris:

Have you observed an increase or decrease in floating debris (e.g., litter, algae) in the water
resources of your village compared to 5 years ago (as per 2018)?

1.6. Wildlife Observation:

Have you noticed any changes in the presence or behavior of aquatic wildlife (e.g., fish etc) in
the water resources of your village compared to 5 years ago (as per 2018)?
Indicator 2: Number of households using eco-friendly sanitation practices
(e.g., composting toilets) to reduce water pollution.

2.1. What type of sanitation practices are followed in your household? (Select all that apply)

2.2. Are there any other eco-friendly sanitation practices adopted in your household to reduce
water pollution? (e.g., graywater recycling, rainwater harvesting for toilet flushing)

2.3. If yes, please specify the eco-friendly sanitation practices:

Indicator 3: Volume of solid waste collected and disposed of properly to

prevent contamination of water sources.

3.1. How is solid waste typically disposed of in your village? (Select all that apply)

3.2. Are there community-led clean-up initiatives in your village to manage solid waste and
reduce its impact on local water bodies?

3.3. Does your village have specific regulations or guidelines for the proper disposal of
hazardous waste materials (e.g., batteries, chemicals)?

3.4. Are there waste collection and disposal facilities in your village that are compliant with
environmental standards?

3.5. Do you think that proper solid waste management practices in your village have improved in
the last 5 years?

Target 2: Promote Sustainable Fishing Practices

● Indicator 1: Number of Households practicing sustainable fishing techniques (e.g.,

selective fishing, catch-and-release).) in local water bodies.
● Indicator 2: Annual fish catch per unit effort (indicating the sustainability of fishing
practices), indicating the health of local fish populations.
● Indicator 3: Number of Households adopting the fish size and seasonal restrictions to
prevent overfishing.

Indicator 1: Number of Households practicing sustainable fishing

techniques in local water bodies.

1.1. Can you describe the fishing techniques commonly used by households in your village?

1.2. Are there any specific sustainable fishing techniques that you or others in your community
have adopted? If so, please describe them.

1.3. How do you decide which fish to catch, and which ones to release? Are there any
guidelines or practices in place for selective fishing or catch-and-release?

1.4. Have you observed any changes in fishing practices among households in your village in
the past few years? If so, what changes have you noticed, and why do you think they occurred?

Indicator 2: Annual fish catch per unit effort, indicating the sustainability of
fishing practices.

2.1. Could you provide an estimate of the annual fish catch in your local water bodies per unit of
fishing effort (e.g., per boat or per person) over the past few years? How does this compare to
historical data?

2.2. How do you perceive the health of local fish populations? Have you noticed any fluctuations
or trends in fish populations in recent years?

2.3. Are there any regulations or guidelines in place regarding fishing quotas or limits to ensure
sustainable fishing practices? How well are these regulations enforced, and do they have an
impact on local fish populations?

2.4. Are there any specific factors or environmental changes that you believe have influenced
the annual fish catch per unit effort in your village?
Indicator 3: Number of Households adopting fish size and seasonal
restrictions to prevent overfishing.

3.1. Are there restrictions on the size of fish that can be caught in your local water bodies? If so,
can you describe these restrictions and how they are enforced?

3.2. Do you follow any seasonal restrictions on fishing activities? How do these restrictions
impact your fishing practices and the availability of fish?

3.3. Have you observed any changes in the size of fish available in recent years? If so, how do
you think these changes relate to the adoption of size and seasonal restrictions?

3.4. Are there community efforts or awareness programs to educate households about the
importance of adopting these restrictions to prevent overfishing? If so, have you participated in
any of these initiatives?

Target 3: Protect and Restore Local Wetlands

● Indicator 1: Number of hectares of wetlands restored through community-led efforts.

● Indicator 2: Diversity and abundance of native species in restored wetlands
● Indicator 3: Reduction in flooding incidents due to restored wetlands acting as natural

Indicator 1: Number of hectares of wetlands restored through

community-led efforts.

1.1. Can you provide information about the wetlands in your village that have been restored
through community-led efforts? What were the primary reasons for their restoration?

1.2. How were these community-led wetland restoration projects initiated, and who actively
participated in them? Were there any specific challenges faced during the restoration process?

1.3. Could you describe the methods and techniques used for wetland restoration in your
village? What changes have you observed in these restored wetlands compared to their
previous state?
1.4. Have you noticed any benefits or positive impacts on the local environment, biodiversity, or
livelihoods resulting from the restoration of wetlands in your community?

Indicator 2: Diversity and abundance of native species in restored


2.1. What native species of plants and wildlife can you find in the restored wetlands in your
village? How does the current diversity and abundance compare to what was present before

2.2. Have there been any monitoring or research efforts to assess the impact of wetland
restoration on native species? If so, what findings or observations have been made regarding
the ecological health of these wetlands?

2.3. Are there specific measures or actions taken to protect and enhance the habitat for native
species within the restored wetlands? How do these measures contribute to the overall
biodiversity of the area?

2.4. Have local residents noticed any changes in the behavior or presence of native species in
and around the wetlands since their restoration? If so, how do they perceive these changes?

Indicator 3: Reduction in flooding incidents due to restored wetlands acting

as natural buffers.

3.1. Can you describe any instances of flooding incidents in your village before and after the
wetlands were restored as natural buffers? How have these incidents been impacted by the
restoration efforts?

3.2. Are there any data or measurements available that indicate the effectiveness of the
restored wetlands in mitigating flooding? If so, what do these data reveal about the reduction in
flooding incidents?

3.3. Have there been community-based flood management initiatives or early warning systems
developed in conjunction with the restored wetlands? How have these contributed to reducing
the vulnerability of local residents to flooding?
3.4. How do local residents perceive the role of restored wetlands as natural buffers in
protecting your village from flooding? Have there been any challenges or trade-offs associated
with these wetland restoration efforts?

Target 4: Conservation of Local Aquatic Ecosystems

● Indicator 1: Number of hectares of local wetlands and marshes protected or restored.

● Indicator 2: Population status of key aquatic species (e.g., fish, frogs) in the village's
water bodies.
● Indicator 3: Number of community-led initiatives to protect and monitor local aquatic

Indicator 1: Number of hectares of local wetlands and marshes protected or


1.1. Can you provide details about the wetlands and marshes in your village that have been
protected or restored in recent years? What were the main reasons or objectives behind these
conservation efforts?

1.2. How have local residents and community organizations been involved in the protection and
restoration of these aquatic ecosystems? Were there any challenges faced during these efforts?

1.3. Could you describe the specific methods and strategies used for the protection and
restoration of wetlands and marshes in your village? Have you noticed any positive changes in
these areas since the conservation work began?

1.4. What benefits, in terms of ecosystem services or community well-being, have been
observed as a result of protecting or restoring local wetlands and marshes?

Indicator 2: Population status of key aquatic species in the village's water

2.1. Are there key aquatic species (e.g., fish, frogs, turtles) that are important to your village's
water bodies and ecosystems? How would you describe the current population status of these

2.2. Have there been any studies or monitoring efforts to assess the health and abundance of
these key aquatic species? What are the findings, and how do they compare to data from
previous years?

2.3. Are there any specific conservation measures or habitat restoration projects aimed at
supporting the populations of these key aquatic species? If so, what have been the outcomes of
these efforts?

2.4. How do local residents perceive the importance of these key aquatic species to the overall
health and sustainability of your village's aquatic ecosystems?

Indicator 3: Number of community-led initiatives to protect and monitor

local aquatic ecosystems.

3.1. Can you describe any community-led initiatives in your village that are focused on the
protection and monitoring of local aquatic ecosystems? What motivated the community to
initiate these efforts?

3.2. Who participates in these initiatives, and what roles do community members play in
monitoring and conserving aquatic ecosystems?

3.3. Have these community-led initiatives resulted in any notable changes or improvements in
the state of your local aquatic ecosystems? How do you measure the success or impact of
these initiatives?

3.4. Are there any challenges or opportunities associated with community engagement in the
protection and monitoring of local aquatic ecosystems that you would like to highlight?

Target 5: Reduction of Waterborne Pollution

● Indicator 1: Number of households using eco-friendly sanitation practices (e.g.,
composting toilets) to reduce water pollution.
● Indicator 2: Volume of solid waste collected and disposed of properly to prevent
contamination of water sources.
● Indicator 3: Reduction in waterborne disease incidence due to improved water quality.

Indicator 1: Number of households using eco-friendly sanitation practices

to reduce water pollution.

1.1. What eco-friendly sanitation practices are households in your village currently using to
reduce water pollution? Could you describe these practices and their implementation?

1.2. Have there been community-wide initiatives or campaigns to promote eco-friendly

sanitation practices? If so, how have these initiatives influenced households' behaviors and

1.3. Are there any perceived benefits or challenges associated with adopting eco-friendly
sanitation practices, both for individual households and the community as a whole?

1.4. How do residents view the impact of these practices on local water quality and the
reduction of waterborne pollution in your village?

Indicator 2: Volume of solid waste collected and disposed of properly to

prevent contamination of water sources.

2.1. How is solid waste typically managed and disposed of in your village to prevent
contamination of water sources? Are there designated collection and disposal methods in

2.2. Can you describe any community-led efforts or waste management systems that have been
established to ensure proper disposal of solid waste? How effective have these initiatives been?

2.3. Have there been any changes in the volume of solid waste generated and the effectiveness
of disposal methods in recent years? If so, what factors do you think have contributed to these
2.4. What is the community's perception of the relationship between proper solid waste
management and the reduction of waterborne pollution and its impact on local water sources?

Indicator 3: Reduction in waterborne disease incidence due to improved

water quality.

3.1. Have there been documented cases of waterborne diseases in your village in recent years?
Can you describe the types of diseases and their prevalence?

3.2. How do you perceive the water quality in your village's water sources, especially in terms of
safety for drinking and domestic use? Have there been any improvements in water quality?

3.3. Are there specific interventions or water treatment methods that have been implemented to
improve water quality and reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases? How do residents feel
about the effectiveness of these measures?

3.4. Can you share any personal experiences or stories related to changes in health and
well-being within your community as a result of improved water quality and reduced waterborne
disease incidence?

Target 6: Sustainable Agriculture Near Water Bodies

● Indicator 1: Percentage of agricultural land using sustainable farming practices that

prevent runoff pollution. (Did they take any measure at all? Were there any capacity
building or awareness raising programs?)
● Indicator 2: Adoption of agroforestry techniques along riverbanks to protect water quality.
● Indicator 3: Amount of pesticides and fertilizers used (And they are eventually washed
off towards the river, so the local water resources are getting affected.)

Indicator 1: Percentage of agricultural land using sustainable farming

practices that prevent runoff pollution.

1.1. Are farmers in your village implementing sustainable farming practices to prevent runoff
pollution from agricultural lands? Could you describe some of these practices and their
1.2. Have there been any capacity building or awareness-raising programs or initiatives to
encourage the adoption of sustainable farming practices in your community? If so, how have
these programs influenced farmers' behaviors and practices?

1.3. What motivates farmers in your village to adopt sustainable farming practices, particularly
those aimed at preventing runoff pollution? Are there any perceived benefits or challenges
associated with these practices?

1.4. How does the community perceive the impact of sustainable farming practices on local
water quality, particularly in terms of reducing pollution in nearby water bodies?

Indicator 2: Adoption of agroforestry techniques along riverbanks to

protect water quality.

2.1. Are agroforestry techniques being used along riverbanks in your village to protect water
quality and prevent soil erosion? Can you provide examples of these techniques and their

2.2. Have there been any community-led efforts or initiatives to promote agroforestry practices
along riverbanks? How have these initiatives contributed to the adoption of such techniques?

2.3. What changes or improvements have been observed in terms of soil stability, water quality,
or ecosystem health as a result of adopting agroforestry techniques along riverbanks?

2.4. How do local farmers and residents perceive the role of agroforestry in protecting water
quality in nearby rivers or water bodies? Are there any challenges or opportunities associated
with implementing these practices?

Indicator 3: Amount of pesticides and fertilizers used, which eventually

affect local water resources.

3.1. Can you describe the types and quantities of pesticides and fertilizers commonly used by
farmers in your village for agricultural purposes? How are these chemicals typically applied?
3.2. Are there any practices or methods in place to minimize the runoff of pesticides and
fertilizers into local water bodies? How effective have these practices been in reducing
contamination of water resources?

3.3. Have there been any efforts to raise awareness about the potential environmental impacts
of pesticide and fertilizer use on local water quality? If so, what methods or campaigns have
been used?

3.4. How do farmers and community members view the relationship between pesticide and
fertilizer use and its impact on the quality of local water resources? Are there any changes in
practices or perceptions over time?

Target 7: Education and Community Awareness

● Indicator 1: Number of educational programs and workshops focused on the importance

of local aquatic ecosystems.
● Indicator 2: Increase in community knowledge about sustainable water and aquatic
resource management.
● Indicator 3: Number of community-led initiatives promoting responsible fishing and
aquatic ecosystem conservation.

Indicator 1: Number of educational programs and workshops focused on

the importance of local aquatic ecosystems.

1.1. Could you provide information about educational programs and workshops in your village
that focus on the importance of local aquatic ecosystems? What are the key topics covered, and
who organizes these initiatives?

1.2. How frequently are these educational programs and workshops conducted? Are they
specifically targeted at certain groups within the community, such as school children, farmers, or

1.3. Have there been any notable outcomes or changes in awareness and behaviors among
participants as a result of attending these programs? Can you share specific examples of such
1.4. Are there challenges or opportunities associated with organizing and sustaining educational
initiatives about local aquatic ecosystems in your village?

Indicator 2: Increase in community knowledge about sustainable water and

aquatic resource management.

2.1. How do community members in your village obtain information and knowledge about
sustainable water and aquatic resource management? Are there specific sources or channels
that are more effective in disseminating this information?

2.2. Have there been efforts to measure or assess the increase in community knowledge about
sustainable water and aquatic resource management over time? What findings or observations
can you share in this regard?

2.3. Can you describe any changes in behaviors or practices related to water and aquatic
resource management that have been influenced by increased community knowledge? Are
there specific success stories or challenges associated with these changes?

2.4. How do local residents perceive the importance of knowledge about sustainable water and
aquatic resource management for the well-being of the community and the conservation of local

Indicator 3: Number of community-led initiatives promoting responsible

fishing and aquatic ecosystem conservation.

3.1. Are there community-led initiatives in your village that focus on promoting responsible
fishing practices and the conservation of aquatic ecosystems? What are the primary objectives
and activities of these initiatives?

3.2. How active is the community's participation in these initiatives? Are there specific groups or
individuals who have taken a lead role in promoting responsible fishing and aquatic ecosystem
3.3. Can you describe any tangible outcomes or achievements of these community-led
initiatives, such as changes in fishing practices, conservation efforts, or policy advocacy related
to aquatic ecosystems?

3.4. Are there any challenges or opportunities that community-led initiatives face when it comes
to promoting responsible fishing and aquatic ecosystem conservation in your village?

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