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Professional Dispositions Personal Evaluation

Professional Dispositions
DISPOSITION: a tendency, inclination or attitude toward a professional behavior

Student Name ___Ryan Bergman_______

Not Observed


Professional Behaviors
Attendance as per course expectations *
Punctuality as per course expectations *
Dresses to convey professionalism appropriate to site *
Demonstrates critical thinking and reflective practice *
Understands and uses professional language in all public settings *
I missed two full days while I was subbing for Amy and one
morning class period because I waited to do something in the
morning before class instead of the night before. I probably
should have done it the night before, but it was not a desirable
task. It was something that would count against my professional
dress because it doesn’t look good to have a dead bird on the
front of your car. The only place I didn’t do well was with
punctuality. I would usually arrive between a few minutes and ten
minutes late. There were a few days where I made it on time,

Initiative and Dependability

Demonstrates creativity and resourcefulness *
Seeks opportunities to further own learning *
Works effectively with limited supervision *
Identifies problems and is able to prioritize, propose solutions, *
options and resources
Self Starter: advocates for self and is personally responsible and *
Completes responsibilities with quality and without excuses or *
I have come up with some creative lesson plans with the help of
my mentor. I meet with her every week because she tells me why
she does certain activities and helps me prepare lessons I want to
try. My methods class required me to observe high school
classes, so I sat in on two very different teaching styles for French
and German. I think it’s really important to observe other
teachers no matter their number of years teaching. Seeing a
teacher who has less control over a class is great for a new
teacher to witness because then they can identify exactly what
wasn’t working. It’s hard to do that for yourself, but you can notice
it while seeing someone else go through the same problems.

Being able to sub for my class and the rest of Amy’s classes gave
me some confidence that I can do okay in a classroom on my
own. I talked to Amy about where I went wrong for classroom
control during my worst day as a sub at a different school and she
gave me some ideas on how to stay in control.
The one area I too to work on here is starting on my
Not Observed


responsibilities earlier. We work on lessons the day before
sometimes and I could have been more prepared to work.

Tact and Judgment

Demonstrates sensitivity to others’ feelings and opinions while *
articulating own opinions, feelings and needs
Approaches situations with an open mind *
Appropriately uses verbal and non verbal language and cues to *
remain positive and respectful
Perceives what to do or say in order to maintain professional *
relations with others
I tried to make a comment about the lockdown when it happened
on my first day subbing to address what had just happened. I
remained calm and had the students help me shut down the
room. It was kind of scary to be the sole one in charge during a
lockdown, but we got through it. I’m glad the students could
support each other as well because comforting someone who is
crying is something I’ll have to work on. Being a male teacher I
think that part is a little harder.
Ethical Behavior and Integrity
Consistently honest and worthy of trust *
Honors confidentiality *
Assesses information critically – fact from opinion, right from *
wrong – and responds honestly and respectfully
Consistently models professional standards of conduct *
I was told about a new student in Amy’s class who has had some
problems with other teachers. I figured out who he was because I
hadn’t seen him the previous times I subbed. During class, I only
interacted with him once directly as I asked him how he was doing
with the questions and I didn’t treat him differently than anyone

Collegiality and Responsiveness

Is collaborative: willing to share resources, seek advice and work *
toward common goals
Demonstrates ability to compromise and negotiate *
Is respectful of all and works effectively in teams *
Is open to constructive criticism *
Keeps an open mind: is receptive and reflective concerning *
perceptions of others
Proactively addresses feedback through an adjustment in *
I love to ask people for advice. After my worst day subbing I
talked with the Spanish teacher to see what advice she could give
me. She was very encouraging and sent my information to other
Spanish teachers incase they wanted a sub who knows Spanish.

For the group project I put in as much effort as the rest and
contributed any ideas that I had.

Amy has told me I have improved in the way I explain and give
examples. Now I have to work on getting the classes full attention
for discussions more often. Not everyone is always paying
Not Observed



Effective Communicator
Professional oral expression: expressive, articulate, respectful, *
effective for purpose, appropriate to situation
Professional written expression: organized, clear, effective for *
purpose, appropriate to situation, free of grammatical errors and
Demonstrates an understanding of audience and purpose, body *
language and eye contact during communication situations
Actively listens and provides effective feedback *
Uses electronic media in a professional manner *
My written work can have errors that I don’t catch.
Looking at the whole class while reading and trying to ask
discussion questions is really challenging for me. In Spanish 2 I
feel like I can walk around the class, but in my Spanish 3 class I
want to stay close to the board so I can write stuff down.

Desire to improve own performance

Demonstrates a responsibility for own professional performance *
Actively pursues new and better ways of teaching *
Expresses sincere interest in personal and professional growth *
I think I’m doing really well in all of these areas. I have talked to
some of the other language teachers about teaching. One of them
told me people are happy to share their resources and that Toni
Thiesen would help me find a job and create lesson plans with me
once I have a job. I’m looking to read The First Days of School by
Harry Wong before teaching next semester. One of my professors
from community college recommended it to me and now I think
it’s time to read it.

Cultural Responsiveness
Demonstrates the belief that all students can learn and are *
welcome in the classroom
Demonstrates commitment to culturally responsive teaching *
Demonstrates the desire and ability to plan, assess, and *
implement instruction to address, engage and nurture the learning
of every student in his or her care
Demonstrates a commitment to the growth and development of *
each student by taking into account issues of class, gender, race,
ethnicity, sexual orientation, language and special needs
Demonstrates an understanding of how families and communities *
impact student learning
These are all areas that I need to work on. I’m still working on
classroom control and getting a feel for how time passes in a
When there is no control over students it’s hard to think that they
can learn because the environment doesn’t allow it. I want to get
the control aspect down because I know anyone can learn in my
classroom. I want to get to know my students and check in on
them every week like one of my professors did. That can help me
learn how to understand the needs of my students.

Commitment to Profession
Not Observed


Demonstrates a deep commitment to life-long learning *
Expresses passion and enthusiasm for teaching *
Models commitment to justice, equity and equality both personally *
and professionally
Models democratic ideals personally and professionally *
Demonstrates awareness of program policies and professional *
I am learning a third language so I can remember what it was like
to be at a beginning level.
Every time I talk with the other language teachers at Poudre I feel
more connected to my future. I find myself reflecting and coming
up with ideas for how my class will run.
I don’t consider democratic ideals unless I’m asked to in
assignments. I also do not really know the program policies.
Those are some things to work on.

Ryan Bergman 12-6-23

Teacher Candidate signature Date

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