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Madison Horner

Student Teaching Project: Music Class Driver’s License

Fall 2023
Lesson 3 Analysis
I started this lesson with introducing that the student’s would be taking their official
driving test today. The students were able to have a practice test the cycle prior for familiarity
and of course… practice! Though my phone wasn’t recording because of a malfunction, I did
review the objectives and the permits/licenses with the students before initiating the final driver’s
license test. In addition, I demonstrated examples of what a “permit driver” who needs more
practice looks like, as well as what a deserving licensed driver looks like. This was not only a
great idea to reinforce objectives but also to reinforce behavioral expectations to avoid silliness.
Before assessments, I instructed the class to stand behind a drum and take a step back.
These directions allowed students to avoid touching, leaning, or sitting on the tubano drums as
they waited their turn to take their driving test. I read five or six students names a time and
instructed them to come to the center of the room where they would be taking their test.
The creating portion of the lesson happened at this point in the activity where the students
would build their driving test. Students had already had experience creating their test during the
practice test and knew what to expect. I proceeded to ask the students, “How should we build our
test?” I called on quiet hands from students and we built our test of three scenarios/tempos. After
building our test route, I reviewed the order with them and began the assessment. Once again, I
began the assessment by initiating the imagination of students getting into their cars. The
students opened their car doors and got into their cars. They put on their seatbelt, started the
engine, and fixed the rearview mirror and grabbed their steering wheels to begin driving.
I began the test by singing the course that was built. Meanwhile, I was observing
student’s movement to the song. It was easier to tell who was not following directions and not
meeting objectives vs. those who were. I was able to conduct the formal assessments quickly and
efficiently with this third-grade class. Students were given a score of 3-9 according to the rubric
for their driving score. After all tests were administered, students were instructed to go back to
their dot on the floor. I had some time after the activity to write final scores on the back of
permits/licenses and pass them out at the end of class.

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