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MSE527-Introduction to Biomaterials



Released on Tuesday, April 28, 2020; due on Thursday, May 7, 2020, by 12:00 pm.

Read and type your initials next to each statement below to signify your understanding and
compliance with the instructions for this take-home examination.

______ I understand that I should type/insert my responses within this template as

indicated and submit as a PDF using the appropriate link on Blackboard.

______ I understand that I must submit this examination by the stated deadline whether
or not I have completed it. Otherwise, if the exam is not properly submitted, a
score of 0 pts. will be awarded. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

______ I understand that I cannot plagiarize my answers and I must cite my resources
where indicated. I cannot copy answers from other students. I understand that I
may not discuss this exam with other students (current or previous). Furthermore,
I cannot seek assistance, of any kind, from ANYONE.


The exam consists of three questions discussing the major topics covered in class. The questions
require an answer in essay format; clarity and organization are fundamental. Take your time,
read and answer each component of the exam questions.

To keep in mind:

 An essay should contain an introductory sentence, followed by a proper explanation,

contrast, and analysis.
 Use as many examples and facts as possible to support your argument.
 Avoid any duplication of analysis.
 Use and cite scholarly literature to support your arguments as needed.

TOTAL: ______ out of 100 pts

(Maximum content length: 3 pages (Times New Roman 12).

Question 1

(35 pts)

As part of a R&D team, you are asked to design a composite material that resemble natural bone
tissue. This material is expected to be implanted in a load bearing area.

a) Describe the typical composition of bone. What role does each of the components play?
b) What materials would you suggest being used for bone replacement? Clearly identify the
matrix and reinforcer materials. What are your design considerations?
c) What are the critical factors that will guarantee the successful performance of your
material? Contrast advantages and disadvantages of composite materials.
d) Now that your material is tested, your company plans to apply for FDA authorization;
what would be the most likely categorization of this device? Would it require pre-market
authorization? Explain.

Question 2
(35 pts)

A non-toxic superhydrophobic polymeric material is developed. It demonstrates to be a great

candidate for vascular vessel replacement (ONLY based on its viscoelastic properties). You are
asked to offer your opinion on the biocompatibility of such material.

a) Describe the typical composition of soft tissue. Elaborate on the effect of the proportion
of each component on viscoelastic response.
b) According to the nature of the material described, what type of interactions would you
expect to happen with the surrounding tissue after implantation? Is this positive for the
long-term success of the implant? Explain.
c) Would you incorporate any modification to the material surface? If so, would you treat
both, inner and outer surfaces?

Question 3

(30 pts)

You developed a highly stable new material with promising performance as a scaffold for bone
tissue regeneration. After implantation, a major inflammation is evident following with other
complications. After removing the implant, a thick capsule is observed surrounding the
material’s surface.

a) What is the major mechanism involved in this response? Describe all the steps that might
have led to the final rejection of the implant. Contrast the implant response vs. host

b) What would be your strategy to avoid this to happen?
c) Compare the main pathways for complement response (classical and alternative).


(5 pts)

From the reading materials. What is your opinion regarding the influence of disruptive
technologies such as AI, on regulation?

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