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Lesson 10.1

Presented by Group 1, BSN-1F
What is Biological
Biological oxidation is the combination of oxidation-
reduction transformations of substances in living
organisms. There are those oxidation-reduction
reactions, that take place with a change in the
oxidation state of atoms through the redistribution of
electrons between them.
A biochemical reaction involving the transfer of a
negatively charged electron from one organic
compound to another organic compound or to
Process of Biological
Biological oxidation is the process of cellular
respiration in eukaryotic cells. One of the key stages
is glycolysis, where glucose is oxidized to produce
pyruvate. This process occurs in the cytoplasm and
involves a series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions,
leading to the net production of ATP and reduced
coenzymes. The subsequent stages, such as the
citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, take
place in the mitochondria.
Process of Biological
During these stages, pyruvate is further oxidized,
releasing carbon dioxide and transferring electrons
to the electron transport chain. This chain facilitates
the transfer of electrons through a series of protein
complexes, ultimately driving the synthesis of ATP.
In summary, the biological oxidation process
involves the stepwise breakdown of glucose,
releasing energy that is captured in the form of ATP
through the electron transport chain.
Stages of Biological Oxidation

1 Glycolysis 3 Electron Transport

Chain (ETC)

2 Citric Acid Cycle

(Krebs Cycle) 4 Oxygen as the Final
Electron Acceptor
Stages of Biological Oxidation
Citric Acid Cycle
Location: Occurs in the cytoplasm.
(Krebs Cycle)
Overview: Glycolysis is the first stage of biological Location: Takes place in the mitochondria. Overview:
oxidation and does not require oxygen. It involves The pyruvate molecules produced during glycolysis
the breakdown of one molecule of glucose (a six- enter the mitochondria and are further broken down
carbon compound) into two molecules of in the citric acid cycle. This stage generates carbon
pyruvate (a three-carbon compound). ATP dioxide and high-energy electron carriers, NADH and
Production: Glycolysis produces a small amount FADH2. ATP Production: The citric acid cycle
of ATP and NADH. generates a small amount of ATP and more NADH
and FADH2.
Stages of Biological Oxidation
Electron Transport Chain Oxygen as the Final
Location: Occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
Overview: The high-energy electron carriers (NADH
Electron Acceptor
and FADH2) produced in glycolysis and the citric acid
Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the
cycle transfer their electrons to the electron transport
electron transport chain. It combines electrons
chain. The electrons move through a series of protein
and protons to form water. This process ensures
complexes, releasing energy. ATP Production: The
that electrons keep flowing through the chain.
majority of ATP is generated in the ETC, as electrons
flow through the protein complexes, leading to the
pumping of protons (H+ ions) across the inner
mitochondrial membrane and, ultimately, the synthesis
of ATP in a process known as chemiosmosis.
Types of Biological Oxidation
1. Aerobic respiration 2. Anaerobic respiration
This is the most common type of oxidation In the absence of oxygen, some
in which organic molecules, such as organisms can still carry out oxidation
glucose, are broken down in the presence reactions to produce energy. This type of
of oxygen to produce energy in the form of respiration occurs in certain bacteria and
ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The process archaea and involves the use of
involves a series of oxidation-reduction alternative electron acceptors, such as
reactions that occur in the mitochondria. nitrate or sulfate, instead of oxygen.
3. Photosynthesis 4. Beta-oxidation
In plants, algae, and some bacteria, This is a process that occurs in
photosynthesis is responsible for mitochondria in which fatty acids are
converting light energy into chemical broken down to produce energy. The
energy in the form of glucose. This process fatty acids undergo a series of oxidation
involves the oxidation of water molecules reactions, resulting in the production of
and the reduction of carbon dioxide to acetyl-CoA, which enters the citric acid
produce glucose and oxygen. cycle to generate ATP.
5. Alcohol Fermentation
In certain microorganisms, such as yeast,
glucose is converted into ethanol and
carbon dioxide through a process called
fermentation. This involves the oxidation
of glucose to produce ATP and the
reduction of acetaldehyde to ethanol.
Functions of
Biological Oxidation
1. Energy Production
The primary function is to break down organic molecules in
order to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This
energy is necessary for all cellular functions.

2. Metabolic Pathway Regulation

It controls how carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are
broken down, which aids in the regulation of metabolic
pathways. The balance between energy production and
consumption is guaranteed by this regulation.
Functions of
Biological Oxidation
3. Redox Reactions
Biological oxidation involves redox reactions, where electrons
are transferred between molecules. This is essential to
maintaining the natural balance of redox potentials and
electron transport in cells.

4. Electron Transport Chain (ETC)

The ETC is a crucial part of biological oxidation in aerobic
organisms. By facilitating the passage of electrons
through protein complexes, it creates a proton gradient
that is necessary for the creation of ATP.
Functions of
Biological Oxidation
5. Oxygen Utilization
Oxygen serves as the final electron receptor in aerobic
respiration. This procedure guarantees efficient energy
extraction and keeps potentially harmful byproducts from

6. Cellular Homeostasis
Biological oxidation supplies energy for active transport,
biosynthesis, and other essential cell functions, which
helps to maintain cellular homeostasis.
Functions of
Biological Oxidation
7. Detoxification
The detoxification of toxic compounds involves certain
oxidation reactions. Some compounds become less harmful
or easier to excrete when they break down during oxidation

8. Heat Production
In certain circumstances, biological oxidation contributes
to heat production, particularly in specialized tissues like
brown adipose tissue, which plays a role in
For Example:
The reaction of magnesium metal with oxygen, involves the oxidation of

magnesium 2Mg(s)+O2(g) 2MgO(s)

Since the magnesium solid is oxidized, we expect to see a loss of

electrons. Similarly, since oxygen must therefore be reduced, we should
see a gain of electrons. As the magnesium is oxidized there is a loss of 2
electrons while simultaneously, oxygen gains those two electrons.

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