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Rolly Polly Hand Wash

Rolly Polly,Rolly Polly – Up, up, up Wash, wash, wash

Rolly Polly,Rolly Polly – Down, down,down Wash your hands,

Rolly Polly,Rolly Polly – Left, left, left
After work and play,
Rolly Polly,Rolly Polly – Right, right, right
Scrub and rinse,
Rolly Polly,Rolly Polly – Fast, Fast,Fast
Shake and dry,
Rolly Polly, Rolly Polly – Slow,Slow,Slow.
Wash those germs away
(continue with in, out; clap, clap)

Here we go round the mulberry

Here we go round the mulberry bush,
the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush,
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
So early in the morning.

This is the way we brush our teeth,

We brush our teeth, we brush our teeth,
This is the way we brush our teeth,
So early in the morning.

This is the way we wash our face,

We wash our face, we wash our face,
This is the way we wash our face,
So early in the morning.
I am a little penguin

I am a little penguin in the snow

I slide on my tummy to and fro

I eat the fish from the deep blue sea

I am black and white as you can see.

The Alphabet has 5 vowels Bow Wow says the dog

The alphabet has 5 vowels- “Bow -wow”, says the dog,

a,e,i,o,u “Mew-mew”, says the cat,
in every word there is a vowel
a,e,i,o,u “Grunt-grunt”, goes the hog,
with an a here, and anithere And “squeak”, goes the rat,
here an e,there an oand then an u
everywhere a, e, i, o, u “Tu- whoo, says the owl,
The alphabet has 5 vowels “Caw-caw”,-says the crow,
a,e,i,o,u .
The alphabet has 5 vowels “Quak-quak”,says the duck,
a,e,i,o,u. And what the sparrow say you know.

చిట్టి చిట్టి మిరియాలు

చిట్టి చిట్టి మిరియాలు

చెట్ి ట కింద పో సి
పుట్ి మన్ను తెచిి
బొ మమరిలు ు కట్టి
అలు ిం వారి ఇింట్టక
చలు కు పో తే
అలు ిం వారి కుకక భవ్ భవ్ అన్ుది
నా కాళ్ళ గజ్జెలు ఘల్ ఘల్ మన్ువి
చింకలో పాపా కజవ్ కజవ్ అనాుది.

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