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The last week I saw an interesting blog, the blog talk about how spoke of reduce your
fashion footprints, I think their propose is very important and help people which need it.
Although some people haven´t the same opinion, from my point of view it is an incredible

I don't know what to expect, but finally it was a perfect decision, because I had a wide range
of clothes that I never use, like trousers, shirts, t-shirts and coats. Additionally there were a
load of second-hand shops.

Furthermore the reason I enjoy the experience the most has been the gratitude of the
people, they were so grateful for our help. However There were clothes that they didn't
want in any shop.

As for if I should try another idea, for me it's a no brainer, I would choose to have a swap
party, because it seems to me a great chance for getting new clothes.

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