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TeamLCE, Delhi

Report Submitted to Dept Of FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati

University Ajmer in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the degree of


2021-2023 BATCH

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Prof. Shiv Prashad MINTU

Faculty of Management Studies MBA PART-II, SEM 3RD

I hereby declare that this internship report entitled “REPORT ON INTERNSHIP

PROGRAM AT TeamLCE, Delhi” has been prepared by me duringthe year 2023, under
the guidance of Prof. Shiv Prashad sir (HOD), Department of FMS MBA, MDS University

I also declare that this internship report has not been submitted to any other University or
Institute for the award of any fellowship or degree or diploma.

MBA Part 2nd Sem 3rd

Place: AJMER


With immense gratitude in my heart, I want to offer my sincere thanks to the Almighty for His
unseen guidance and blessings, without which the successful completion of this internship would
have remained a distant aspiration. I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to our
esteemed Head of Department, Prof. Shiv Prashad sir, at FMS-MBA, MDS University, Ajmer, for
his support and encouragement throughout this journey. A special debt of gratitude goes to Mr.
Vipul Chawla, the Project Manager of TeamLCE, for providing me with the opportunity to
undertake this internship. I am also deeply thankful to all my project team members and the entire
office staff for their invaluable support and assistance, which played a vital role in making my
internship experience a fruitful one. Furthermore, I extend my utmost thanks to my friends, family
members, and other faculty members of the college, who constantly cheered me on and provided
unwavering encouragement throughout this endeavor. Their support was truly instrumental in my
growth and success during the internship.

The project report about the topic “project coordination” is based on my summer training
at TeamLCE. For 45 Days.

Training is an essential part of the professional life of MBA students. It is the first step
to proving herself as a more competent goal oriented and hard worker. It helps in the
overall professional intellectual as well as the ethical growth of the student.

For this project, stepwise strategies have been adopted to analyze and get started on the
project “RTMP Streaming”.

- Overview
- Origin of the report
- Objective
- Methodology
- Scope
- Limitations
- Conclusion


- Introduction
- Background of the company
- Mission and vision
- Divisions and departments
- Products
- Rules & regulation
- Conclusion


- Overview
- Internship experience
- TeamLCE
- Recruitment
- Facilities given to interns
- Evaluation process
- Personal expectations
- Software/ system development life cycle
- Project management
- Project life cycle- software development
- My project task during the internship period

 Chapter 5: Recommendation & Conclusion



The internship is a transformative program designed to enrich the skills and

practical experience of graduates by offering them the opportunity to work in an
organization relevant to their field of study. As described in the Oxford Dictionary,
interns, also known as students or trainees, engage in work experiences,
sometimes unpaid, to gain valuable skills and meet the requirements for their
qualifications. Considering the intense competition in the post-graduation job
market, participating in an internship can provide students with a significant
advantage and a head start in their careers.

At the Faculty of Management Studies, an esteemed institute under Maharishi

Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer, a postgraduate program in "Masters in
Business Administration" is offered. As a student pursuing this program, I am
required to complete an internship period with a reputable company, providing
me with hands-on training in real-world work practices and industry exposure. For
my internship, I had the opportunity to work with the software firm Team LCE,
where I am completing a 45-day internship.

Within this report, I will detail my enriching experiences during the internship at
Team LCE, including an overview of the company and its operations. Working for
such a reputable organization has allowed me to learn and grow significantly,
gaining insights into the practical aspects of business and ensuring customer
satisfaction through innovative products and services.

In this report, I will share my experiences during the 45-day internship period at
TeamLCE. The focus will be on providing an overview of TeamLCE, highlighting my
contributions to the organization, the skills I have developed, and how this
internship has prepared me for project management roles in software


The report's main objective is to analyze the software development cycle and
implementation of project management roles in the software development life


All information used in the report is collected from both internal and external
sources. The primary and secondary data sources for this report are as follows:


 Through personal experience and observation

 Through conversations with other employees

 Company website

 Related office

 documents Internet

1.5. SCOPE

In this document, I've outlined various aspects of the company, including its
products, services, office environment, culture, and policies. The second section
of the document delves into Software Development, focusing on the
implementation of project management tasks within the Software Development
Life Cycle. Lastly, the third part details my internship journey, describing how I
commenced the internship and the nature of the tasks I undertook throughout
the internship period.


Firstly, due to the nature of the contract and the confidential agreement I had to
sign when joining TEAMLCE, I cannot disclose various financial information that is
sensitive to the company. Moreover, various constraints such as time and
resources have limited my output. But I have still tried to present all the
information that I could in the best way possible.


The internship period helps in developing skills and knowledge, but it also gets us
in touch with industry experts and big names. In this report, I have given an
overview of my company, my experiences working there, my involvement and
contributions and finally, I have made a self-assessment of my performance
during the internship period.


TeamLCE is an IT company dedicated to becoming a trusted technology

provider in India. They specialize in offering comprehensive technology
solutions and managing IT services. TeamLCE caters to a diverse range of
industries, including Banks, Non-Banking Financial Institutions,
Educational Institutes, Micro-Finance, NGOs, FMCG, and more. With a
team of highly skilled and professional individuals, TeamLCE is devoted to
delivering enhanced productivity, efficiency, and innovation.

TeamLCE stands as one of the prominent software firms in the country,

housing a large office building with a workforce of highly qualified,
efficient, and creative employees.

The company is committed to adhering to Quality Management practices

by ISO/IEC 9000:2015 QMS guidelines, making it an ongoing process.

TeamLCE offers a wide array of IT solutions, boasting its range of

products while providing services to major multinational corporation s.
They extend comprehensive IT support to their clients, striving to deliver
world-class solutions that elevate the productivity of enterprises of all
sizes, be they large, medium, or small.

Initially, TeamLCE emerged as a Web Hosting Company. Gradually, they

expanded their horizons by undertaking overseas software development
projects, which proved to be highly successful and garnered significant
customer satisfaction. With the steady growth of their workforce and
overall prosperity, TeamLCE has evolved beyond being solely a Web
Hosting Company and now serves numerous clients, offering a wide
range of IT services.

TeamLCE's journey reflects a remarkable transformation from its initial

focus on web hosting to becoming a prominent player in the software
development and IT services domain. This evolution is a testament to the
company's dedication to providing exceptional soluti ons and services to
its clientele.

As TeamLCE continues to forge ahead in the IT industry, its commitment

to excellence, customer satisfaction, and innovative solutions remains
unwavering. With its growing portfolio of services and an ever-expanding
team of skilled professionals, TeamLCE is positioned to continue making a
significant impact in the IT sector.

The missions of TeamLCE are:

• To create flexible, easy, secure, and affordable solutions locally and


• To be known for understandings its customers’ business

• To remain the dream destination for IT professionals

The vision is:

We exist to make our customers perform their business so efficiently and

effectively by providing innovative technology -based solutions.


TeamLCE is one of the most secure IT companies in the country. To

maintain its various activities, there are 4 divisions in the company. Each
of the divisions has different departments and each of the departments
has different teams. These divisions are:

• Business ISAM PMO (Indexed Sequential Access Method)

• IT governance and Compliance with Human Resource

• Software Testing

• Software Development and Integration of Finance and Accounting


Occasionally, employees may unintentionally violate the company's

policies. Such actions, even if well-intentioned, can disrupt the smooth
functioning of the workplace. To achieve the company's objectives more
effectively, the team must work together toward a common goal while
adhering to the established regulations. At TeamLCE, a comprehensive
set of rules and regulations govern the workplace. Some key principles
concerning these rules and regulations at TeamLCE are:

At TeamLCE, a semi-rigid structure of rules and regulations is in place. In
general, minor violations of these rules do not have a significant impact
on employees. The company emphasizes maintaining a flexible approach
to rules and regulations, fostering a more relaxed and expressive
work environment.

At TeamLCE, formalities are not strictly upheld in behavior and approach.
Employees enjoy a sense of freedom and openness with one another.

At TeamLCE, the dress code is generally semi-formal. Employees are
encouraged to be comfortable while adhering to a professional
appearance, and overly casual attire is not permitted.
At TeamLCE, the office hours offer flexibility for employees. They are
required to arrive between 9:00 am to 10:00 am and stay in the office for
a minimum of 8 hours from their time of arrival. This arrangement allows
for a balanced approach to work hours while accommodating
individual needs.

2.7 conclusion

TeamLCE stands as one of the leading software firms in the country,

boasting a diverse range of products and services. Despite its size and
prominence, TeamLCE fosters a warm and welcoming working
environment, where employees share a friendly camaraderie, creating a
wonderful experience at the workplace. It also serves as an excellent
learning institute, as supervisors and seniors are always approachable
and eager to assist. My time working at TeamLCE was truly enjoyable,
thanks to the supportive and friendly atmosphere.


In our academic curriculum at TeamLCE, each course is thoughtfully

designed with a specific purpose to prepare students comprehensively
for their future careers. Similarly, the internship program also serv es its
purpose. One of the most evident advantages of the internship program
is providing students with real-life, hands-on training in the industry, an
experience that cannot be replicated in a classroom setting. Another
notable benefit is learning how to conduct oneself professionally in a
work environment. This encompasses understanding best practices,
popular technologies, and various processes (the former category), as
well as cultivating traits like responsibility, timeliness, cordiality, and
respect (the latter category).

This chapter outlines my internship experiences, my engagement with

TeamLCE during the one month, the contributions I made to the
company, and the valuable lessons I learned throughout the
internship journey.


TeamLCE is a moderately large software company in India with a wide

range of operational products and services. My experience working at
TeamLCE has provided valuable insights into the functioning of a
software company and the industry practices that are followed.
3.1.1 TeamLCE

I was thrilled to be offered the chance to pursue my internship at

TeamLCE. It provided me with a tremendous opportunity to learn and
work alongside some of the most experienced software test engineers in
the country. My time at TeamLCE allowed me to gain valuable insights
into the inner workings of a company and gain practical
experience in the field.


TeamLCE invited me for an interview, during which the Head of

Operations and Project Manager ( Vipul Chawla) asked me casual
questions about myself. The interview was conducted in a friendly
manner, and I felt warmly welcomed. A few days later, I received the
offer to join and commence my work at TeamLCE.


During my internship at TeamLCE, I was assigned a dedicated desk along

with a computer and an internet connection. The company also provided
other essential office supplies, including stationery. Additionally,
TeamLCE offered snacks and tea/coffee for everyone in the office.
Moreover, the office was well-equipped with first aid and other medical
supplies to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment.

At TeamLCE, I had a dedicated team leader or mentor who closely

monitored my progress during my internship. I was assigned specific
tasks and given a deadline to meet. Throughout the internship, I received
valuable feedback from my mentor, which proved to be highly beneficial
for my professional growth and future career endeavors.
CHAPTER 4: Software Development Life Cycle & Project
Management Overview

4.1 Software / System Development Life Cycle

SDLC stands for (software development lifecycle). A software development

lifecycle is essentially a series of steps, or phases, that provide a model for the
development and lifecycle management of an application or piece of software.
The methodology within the SDLC process can vary across industries and
organizations, but standards such as ISO/IEC 12207 represent processes that
establish a lifecycle for software, and provide a mode for the development,
acquisition, and configuration of software systems.

A systems/software development life cycle is composed of several clearly defined

and distinct work phases which are used by systems engineers and systems
developers to plan for, design, build, test, and deliver information systems. Like
anything that is manufactured on an assembly line, an SDLC aims to produce
high-quality systems that meet or exceed customer expectations, based on
customer requirements, by delivering systems that move through each clearly
defined phase, within scheduled time frames and cost estimates.

Two different types of SDLC can be used: waterfall and agile. The major
difference between the two is that the waterfall process is more traditional and
begins with a well-thought-out plan and defined set of requirements, whereas
agile SDLC begins with less stringent guidelines and then makes adjustments as
needed throughout the process. Agile development is known for its ability to
quickly translate an application that is in development to a full release at nearly
any stage, making it well-suited for applications that are updated frequently.

Generally, there are six phases in the Software development life cycle model.
They are stated below.

Requirement gathering and analysis Design implementation or coding Testing

Deployment Maintenance Requirement gathering and analysis: Business
requirements are gathered in this phase. This phase is the main focus of the
project managers and stakeholders. Meetings with managers, stakeholders, and
users are held to determine the requirements like; Who is going to use the
system? How will they use the system? What data should be input into the
system? What data should be output by the system? These are general
questions that get answered during the requirements-gathering phase. After
requirement gathering these requirements are analyzed for their validity and
the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the system to be developed
is also studied. Finally, a Requirement Specification document is created which
serves the purpose of guideline for the next phase of the model.

1) Design: In this phase, the system and software design is prepared from the
requirement specifications which were studied in the first phase. System Design
helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and also helps in defining
overall system architecture. The system design specifications serve as input for
the next phase of the model. In this phase, the testers come up with the Test
strategy, where they mention what to test, and how to test.

2) Implementation / Coding: On receiving system design documents, the work

is divided into modules/units and actual coding is started. Since, in this phase, the
code is produced so it is the main focus for the developer. This is the longest
phase of the software development life cycle.

3) Testing: After the code is developed it is tested against the requirements to

make sure that the product is solving the needs addressed and gathered during
the requirements phase. During this phase, all types of functional testing like unit
testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing are done as
well as non-functional testing are also done.

4) Deployment: After successful testing the product is delivered/deployed to

the customer for their use. As soon as the product is given to the customers they
will first do the beta testing. If any changes are required or if any bugs are caught,
then they will report it to the engineering team. Once those changes are made or
the bugs are fixed then the final deployment will happen.
5) Maintenance: Once when the customers start using the developed system
then the actual problems come up and need to be solved from time to time. This
process where the care is taken for the developed product is known as

4.2 Project Management

Project Management is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing,

controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet
specific success criteria. A project is a temporary endeavor designed to produce a
unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end (usually time-
constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables) undertaken to
meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or
added value.
The core components of project management are:

o Defining the reason why a project is necessary

o capturing project requirements,
o specifying the quality of the deliverables, estimating resources and
o preparing a business case to justify the
investment securing corporate agreement and
o developing and implementing a management plan for the
project leading and motivating the project delivery team
o managing the risks, issues, and changes on the project
monitoring progress against the plan
o managing the project budget maintaining communications with
stakeholders and the project organization
o provider management closing the project in a controlled fashion when
4.3 Project Life Cycle – Software Development

Process Group Steps Description Deliverables


Initiation 1. Project Start - a project has a 1. BRS/SCOPE

delivery goal, a beginning, and an OF WORK
end. The signing of the contract 2. Questionnai
marks the beginning of the formal rere
project. In the following, we will 3. Feasibility
describe a typical project model, analysis
where “Project start-up” is the very 4. Project
first step of the project. proposal
2. Project Questionnaire – 5. Agreement
questionnaires are written sets of
questions designed to quickly
accumulate information from a
wide number of respondents.
3. BRS/ Business Case - a
justification for a proposed project
or undertaking based on its
expected commercial benefit.
4. Cost-benefit analysis - Cost-
benefit analysis (CBA), sometimes
called benefit–cost analysis
(BCA), is a systematic approach
to estimating the strengths and
weaknesses of alternatives that
satisfy transactions, activities, or
functional requirements for a
5. Define Technical Solution - the
Solutions Architect outlines
solution architecture descriptions
across domains, functions, and
industries, then monitors and
governs their implementation.
6. Brief Project Plan-
Identification/Estimation [Cost,
time, procurement,
Stakeholder Identification,
Quality, Risk Response,
Stakeholder reporting]
7. Project Proposal - project
proposals are documents
designed to present a plan of
action, outline the reasons why
the action is necessary, and
convince the reader to agree
with and approve the
implementation of the actions
recommended in the body of the
8. Agreement sign-off
Planning/Desig 1. Project kick-off meeting - The 1. Functional
n kickoff meeting for a new project
n is the best opportunity to SRS
energize the group and establish 2. Project
a common purpose for Team
completing the work. 3. Detail Project
2. Detail Functional SRS - The Plan
Functional Requirements 4. Test case
Specification documents the
operations and activities that a
system must be able to perform.
3. Team formation/resource plan - A
team is generally established to
work on a particular project or
task. When the task is complete,
the team then generally disbands.
4. Detail Project plan- Finalization
[Cost, Time, stakeholder
Communication, Quality,
procurement, risk response,
stakeholder reporting]
5. Test case finalization - a test
case, in software engineering, is a
set of conditions or variables
under which a tester will
determine whether an application,
software, system, or one of its
features is working as it was
originally established for it to do.
Development/E 1. Application development/Project 1. Software
execution Execution - executing consists of developmen
the processes used to complete t
the work defined in the project 2. Detail technical
plan to accomplish the project's SRS
requirements. The execution 3. Project update
process involves coordinating monitoring &
and controlling, risk

resources, as well as response,

integrating and performing etc.
the activities of the project 4. Project
by the project management reporting
2. Unit/system test (internal) -
system testing is a more limited
type of testing; it seeks to detect
defects both within the "inter-
assemblages" and also within the
system as a whole.
3. Detail Technical SRS
4. Level 3,4 support/bug fix up - a
bug fix is a change to a system or
product designed to handle a
programming bug/glitch.
Monitoring & 1. Unit/system test (internal) 1. Unit/system
Controlling/Quality 2. Conduct UAT - User acceptance m test
Control/Testing testing (UAT) is the last phase of 2. User technical
the software testing process. manual
During UAT, actual software users 3. UAT
test the software to make sure it 4. Release
can handle required tasks in real- note
world scenarios, according to
3. Agreed with deliverables
4. Release Note - release notes are
documents that are distributed
with software products, often
when the product is still in the
development or test state (e.g., a
beta release).
5. User/technical manual - It is
usually written by a technical
writer, although user guides are
written by programmers, product
or project managers, or other
technical staff, particularly in
smaller companies.
Implementation/ 1. Pilot runs/roll-out plan - The 1. Details of pilot
close-out process of planning for the run/roll-out plan
physical distribution and 2. Go-Live – Issue
deployment of a release into the log
live environment. 3. Lessons
2. Implementation - the process of learned
putting a decision or plan into 4. Hand-over
effect; execution. 5. Project
3. Administrative training closeout
4. User training

6. Project close-out
Training, 1. Support Training – equipment, 1. Support – Issue
support, devices, and aids used to facilitate log
maintenance operational efficiency and
maintenance of the system or
2. Issue log – issue log is a
documentation element of
software project management.
3. Level 1,2 support
4. Project hand-over
5. Support levels 1,2 &

Figure: Project Life Cycle – Software

Development Project Management Role in
Software Development Life Cycle
A project manager and project coordinator play different kinds of roles in the
Software Development Life Cycle which is similar to my task in TeamLCE as
project coordinator.

In the first project, the coordinator sends the scope of work with a questionnaire
to the client organization for review. If the client accepts the SCOPE OF WORK.
The client or customer sends the BRS (business requirement specification). The
project Manager reviews the BRS and asks the client if any clarification is
required. After that, a cost-benefit analysis is done. Then Agreement is signed
between both parties. Total project value and Support & maintenance fee is
settled with the agreement.

In this stage, a project coordinator arranges a meeting with stakeholders to set
the milestone of this project and discuss software requirement specification
(SRS) and any type of technical clarification. A project manager forms the project
team with expert resources. The detailed project plan is prepared and shared
with stakeholders. The scope is finalized by the

development team. The test case is finalized with the testing team.

After approving the project plan stakeholders, a project coordinator instructs the
application development team to start the development. The development team
design and develop the system by programming. They do code reviews and unit
testing after completing the development. After completing the development,
they prepare a testing handover checklist to test the release by the testing team.

A project coordinator monitors the development process and checks whether the
scope of BRS has been implemented in the development cycle or not.

After receiving the testing handover checklist, the testing team sits with the
development team for knowledge sharing about the development release.

After the knowledge-sharing session, testing resources start testing the features
of the new system. They do full system testing and regression testing and if any
bug/error is found in the system during testing then they send it to the
development team again and notify the project coordinator.

Then the developer solves the issue and sends the release again to the testing
team for the bug issue. Then testing resources again test it. After completing
testing, the tester shares the final release with the project coordinator and
requests to send it to the user for User Acceptance Testing (UAT). The project
coordinator sent it for UAT to the stakeholders. End users or stakeholders
conduct the UAT and if they have any feedback, they inform the project
coordinator. The project coordinator checks it and instructs the developer to
incorporate it. Then UAT has to do it again with the end user. After successful
UAT, the user sends the acknowledgment by UAT signoff document. In the
meantime, the tester prepares a user manual to operate the system after live

After receiving the signoff document, the project coordinator collects the
necessary approval to deploy the final release in a live environment. In the case
of a test basis, the release is deployed on a pilot basis and observed for a few
days whether it is properly working or not. If it works properly then it is deployed
permanently. After the deployment, the project coordinator/project manager
arrange to provide end-user training by the project team so that the User can
smoothly operate the system as well as user manual is shared with the end user.
The project close-out document is prepared and both parties (project manager &
Stakeholder) sign it by this the project is closed and the project management task
is completed in SDLC.

Training, support & maintenance are not project management tasks. It is

provided by the support team as per the agreement of the project. It is provided
to the clients after the successful completion of the project.

4.4 My project task during the Internship period:

During my internship at TeamLCE, I had the opportunity to coordinate the

in-house project "RTMP Streaming" and assist Mr. Vipul Chawla, the
project manager at TeamLCE. The project involved sending RTMP Stream
information through the Streaming server.

The project initiation process started with a request sent by the Desi
Flamingos Private Limited project manager via email, which was
confirmed by the stakeholders through email as well. Our project
manager then calculated the project value in terms of man -days and
assembled a project team. As the project coordinator, my responsibility
was to follow up with the project team to ensure the completion of
various tasks.

Under the guidance of our project manager, I prepared the project plan
using MS Project, and we conducted a kick-off meeting. During the
development and testing phases, I provided support to the developers
and testers, respectively, to ensure smooth progress.

After completing the testing, we organized a User Acceptance Testing

(UAT) session with the project team and stake holders at TeamLCE. The
UAT was successful, and the end users expressed satisfaction with the
new streaming system. Subsequently, necessary approvals were obtained
for quality control and load testing.
Once all approvals were obtained, we arranged a live deployment session
with the technical team to deploy the project. After the live deployment,
we requested the end users to check the functionality of the system from
their end for a week. Upon receiving confirmation that everything was
working correctly, we permanently deployed the system and declared it
live through email circulation.

To conclude the project, I prepared a project closure document, and our

project manager officially closed the project. It was a valuable learning
experience to be part of the entire project lifecycle and work on a real -
world project during my internship at TeamLCE

5.1 Recommendation

I completed a 45-day internship at TeamLCE. Throughout this internship

period, I received excellent cooperation from my colleagues, and I must
say that TeamLCE provides a pleasant working environment for its
employees. During my internship, I was involved in a project called
"RTMP Streaming." Along the way, I made some valuable findings, and I
have a few recommendations to share, which are stated below:

• Project Reporting: The project managers prepare reports every

week for all in-house projects and send them to the Head of
project management. HoPMO reviews the reports and sends them
to TeamLCE and Desi Flamingos Private Limited Team Leads. Then
TeamLCE project managers sit with TeamLCE and Desi Flamingos
Private Limited regarding this fortnightly report to settle all
dispute issues. But I think if TeamLCE can decide to conduct this
meeting twice every week, then the dispute issues may be
addressed and solved more quickly.

• Communication: In the case of project work during my internship, I

have noticed that sometimes stakeholders would try to
communicate with technical resources directly i.e., network
engineer, and development engineer.

But normally in general cases in terms of project work

stakeholders or clients are supposed to communicate with the
project manager or project coordinator.
For this reason, both parties have faced understanding gaps and
confusion in different tasks. Therefore, it is not possible to deliver
the project on time. If communication would be held between the
project team & stakeholders in every matter then the project
delivery could be on time according to the project plan .

• Technical Challenge: To deploy the project, the development team

as well as we all faced a technical difficulty in the live database. A
unique id section was getting invalid/reset in the live database
after midnight every night which would interrupt SRT (Secure
Reliable Transport) Streaming.

We have created a scheduler to stop the unique id become invalid.

It was a configuration issue of the Server. If the configurati on
issue would address first in Server and solved the configuration
issue then this problem in the database could not occur.

• Training: The project managers of TeamLCE work on different kinds

of projects. Therefore, TeamLCE management can arrange to give
training facilities to its project managers & project coordinators. It
may make the project managers and coordinators more efficient in
terms of managing the projects.
The internship program is a great opportunity for us because it enables
us to learn about the industry and various practices. It also teaches us
about the various skills needed to work in an office with other
employees. It offers something we can never learn inside a classroom

I enjoyed my time at TeamLCE and learned a lot of things that will help
me build my career and also enhance my academic learning. I managed to
put a lot of theories I learned in class into practical applications.
Moreover, I have made valuable contacts in the industry and enriched my
network greatly.

I came to know about different tasks and processes of project

management learned a variety of new technologies and along with many
skills that are essential for building a career and provide a competitive
advantage to me over others to do work in project management in the

I am grateful to my institute, FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Master

of Business Administration, MDS University, AJMER for providing me with
quality education and knowledge throughout these years.

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